Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Author Visits -part 2

1. Get the students ready! Go on the internet and look at the authors website / or other resources and get information about the author. Talk to the students about the authors life and read them some of the authors books or chapters from the book if is a longer book. Put up posters around the school announcing the arrival , time and date of the author visit. Maybe you could have some of the older students make posters and place them around for you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Author visits - Part I

1. Host an Author visit to your school. Contact your PTO / PTA and see if they can help with funding your author visit. Students love when authors visit! You might also contact your local library to see if you could collaborate with their program director to see if they have funding that might be helpful. We had Lindsay Barrett George. Visit her at
The first steps are: funding and contacting the author. What funds do you have for payment? Parent group- Assembly funds- other funding perhaps from the community?
Make sure you have resources for payment. You may also need to provide accommodations/ transportation so get that in line also.
Contact the author, and make the arrangements. When will he come? You will want to speak with administration before hand to determine what day and time will be appropriate for you author day. You don't want to be in conflict with another program or a testing

Then we start the promotion: What can you do to promote the program. Firstly, the students. Hopefully you will have ( or can borrow) some of the authors works! Then begin to tell and read to the students ( or have them read) some of the authors works. Put up posters or do a bulletin board about your authors visit. If you are allowed outside visitors - contact your local news media and see if you can send a press release or short article for them to publish/ present.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Snow day

We are officially out of snow days at our school - so now we are working on conference days and extra days we had at memorial day. So much for getting back into the swing of school days.
Yesterday was spent finishing up my monthly report where I update the administration about what we have done in the library.
Good News! I will have an article published in Library Sparks in October 2011!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The Collaboration Handbook by Toni Buzzeo

Toni Buzzeo has done it! . This slim volume is the definitive book that provides LMS’s with the tools to develop steps to collaboration in our schools. Every LMS to wants to begin to collaborate should read this book. Her book is also geared to administrators to show them how they can work with their LMS and teachers to promote collaboration.
The different levels of collaboration of LMS and teachers are first defined. Each level is described and expanded upon in the beginning chapters of the book. Each chapter outlays the level, and provides many find examples of the level of collaboration from schools across the US. The examples will give you ideas of how you can apply collaboration in your school. This is a work book, and there are places that you can write in your ideas, and places where you can evaluate your own levels of collaboration.
I was wishing the copy I read was my own. There were places I wanted to underline, and I wanted to fill in the action plans, the putting it to work charts, the discussion charts, and the tool charts for librarian s and administrators. This book (and some action on your part)will get you into the role of collaborator with your staff.

Check out this website!

Check this out!

Another snow - ice day

I finished reading The collaboration Handbook ( Buzzeo) . Will be posting a review here ( and at Amazon) Watch for it soon!
Looks like our Easter vacation will be gone if this weather continues!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Follow me - you can reach me at theorganizedlibrarian or at twitter at libraryorgtanize.

Snow is Falling

Another snow day !The snow is really coming down! I hope to finish my book and post a review here! I am reading Toni Buzzeo's The Collaboration Handbook. It is extremely interesting .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Day

HI All,
I hope you are enjoying your snow day! What do you like to do? I like to read ( that's a big surprise , right?) . Today I also made some applesauce . Tell me if you like to do a little reading on a snow day and what you like to read!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Marching on to new year

The middle of December! My data projector is fixed and I can show the students some of our Data bases!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


October is rolling along and I am still organizing and filing and throwing away at my new digs, in my new library, Trying to figure out a good bulletin board for November. I am getting ready to introduce to the students the Battle of the books. I have been doing the challenge for years and it is a blast! The kids love it to,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Third week of school. Still getting organized and into my new routine. I tried I new trick that seems to work. On 3by 5 cards, I jotted down some tasks that I need to do on a regular basis. I have one for daily, one for weekly, and monthly. This I placed up on my board with a card file.I can glance at that and see what tasks I need to complete. It seems to work for me. Try it you might like it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New school!- new organizing tasks!

We are in a new school year and I am at a"new" school. So I have been busy getting acclimated and checking out filing cabinets and seeing what files are there. I am making a list of what files I have, and then I will organize them accordingly.