Monday, March 16, 2009

Last week went by in a blur and I realized on Saturday- Wow- Didn't blog past Monday! How did that happen? How is your circulation area? Did you straighten / organize. I realized that I didn't need to keep the students "saved " books on prime counter space , so I moved them to the check in cart with a sign. This way I now have more room on the desk itself. Just by doing that one thing I have more room on the desk. And it looks better, also seems more organized. I am continuing on this short week to think of ways that I can move/ organize my circulation. Remember , It all doesnt have to happen over night. Slow and steady wins the race.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Your Desk

This week we will start at the library one place where everyone spends a lot of time, the circulation desk! Take 15 minutes the first day you can , and see where you can be better organized and more efficient. Do you have pencils/ pens handy both for your use and your assistant if you have one and for your students/patrons? Get some sharpened and ready. Make a can that people can grab if they need too. Look at your calendar. Do you have one? Is it up to date? Clean it off so you can see and write or pencil important dates/ tasks for you to remember. The calendar is one of the most important things for you to use in your quest in being organized and efficient!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Are you working on your bookshelves? I have been at a workshop at SC BOCES on history, which is very interesting. Makes me want to write an historical piece, which I have to simmer in my mind awhile. ( I know that is totally unrelated to being organized but I am being consumed by this and it is taking up all my thoughts.)
Keep working on your book shelves. My are pretty up to date. My husband is another one of those organizing people , so together we make a good team. If you are still at home and working on your book shelves, think about next week. What spot should you organize??

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!! Good day to organize at home! What really needs to be organized?Your book shelf? Take out the books and dust the shelves. How should you place them back? It's totally up to you. Many home libraries are organized by types of books- fiction can be organized by genres or by author. Non-fiction can be done by subject areas- like putting all your cookbooks together or by the type of cooking- baking, stir frying, roasting, . Basically, its what you want- but make it easy on your self so you can find a book quickly! In the library, we always try to organize so the item can be found.

Friday, February 27, 2009

It's Friday !! Soon to be raining, I think. I'm off to work in a few minutes. Start your day today thinking about where you really need to be organized. What is your worst spot? How can you fix it?
Don't do anything about organizing today. Just think about which area would be most helpful to you to be organized and straighten. Next week, we're off to our first organizing project! Have a great Weekend!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cold out today, but wait for the rain/sleet!! Begin to think about how you would like to be more organized. What areas are you interested in being more organized in?? Next week, I will start you on your first organizing "project" so stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Well, the snow is coming again this afternoon. It's time to scurry out to get your bread and milk!! This site will help librarians be organized and get tasks done on a regular basis. Having been a school librarian for 31 years ( throw in there a children's librarian at a public library for 2 years,) I know what is like to try to get things done along with having classes and book check out's and holding special programs. So what I will be doing is giving tips and recommendations for getting things organized. After you are organized then you can start to really get tasks done.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This is the site where you will see tips on how to be organized in your library!