Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, as you can tell I have not been to current on this blog. Thanksgiving is over and now begins the time crunch towards Christmas! At the library we are still processing new and donated books. We will have our reading challenge party.

Friday, October 30, 2009


It is the day before Halloween. We have a parade and pumpkin painters prizes announced . School will be a zoo today . Good thing it is only half a day for students. We have staff development the rest of the day.
So far I am doing good on my files- Two drawers completed. Another almost part way done. I have been doing just a little every day- 15 minutes is allotted time, but on some days I do even spend that much time.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yes, I am still working slowly but surely on my file cabinets. It 's not how quickly I get done , it is how efficiently it is organized. The purpose is to be able to find what I need and have at the tip of my fingers. I have one file drawer almost complete. When it is finished I will probably label the file: Class Work sheets, author studies. This way I can quickly know what is in there. Then I will proceed to another drawer.
Happy Organizing!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hanging out

We are hanging out at Borders. Just another way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon. This was a three meeting week so I didn't spend to much time on straightening my files But there is always next week. My total time was about maybe an hour so I did get some of my files straightened out. And lots thown away!!! (I found so many duplicate papers and then I got rid of all the duplicates! Talk to you on Monday!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday- File cabinets

I"s another week at school! Working on organizing files this year at my circulation desk( which is also on only desk). Do you have duplicate files? I found that in one draw alone I had several files in several places with the same name. Obviously I will take each one and see what is in each one , consolidate and and then eliminate.
Why am I doing this? Well for one reason , it makes things easier to find. Second
reason, I like orderly files. When I need something I don't want to spend extra minutes tracking down two files. So I will take just maybe 10 minutes today and I will work on one drawer,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Get Back to work!

Well, School is now well underway and I need to get back to writing. Let me remind all the school librarians: if you are required to keep lesson plans and write out formal plans, don't do what I did.
Start them right when you need them and add to them as you go. Right Now I am currently playing catch up because I did not start with at the beginning of school. I will get caught up but it is taking all my focus to work on it and get it done.
Started a new reading incentive program today- Fall into Books! Students will read and fill out apples and pumpkins to decorate outside the library. Then we will have a reading party right before Thanksgiving!

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1st

Yes we are on to the count down! Start your engines and get that inventory done! I'm still reading and reading and reading. But by the 15th, I hope to have most of that done and that is when I start scanning!! Inventory, paper work, and keeping the kids amused is a little bit much. But some how June is here and will be gone before we know it. Keep breathing and believing that yes you will get it all done. Write down exactly what it is you need to accomplish and work toward those goals.