Showing posts with label reading incentive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading incentive. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Accelerated Reading at the Middle School

  My Assistant Principal at the middle school ia former ELA Teacher . He is a proponent of The Accelerated Reading program and has gotten a plan for each student!  So now we are working on a program on how we will carry out and promote  it to the students and teachers.

   I surveyed the ELA teachers  to see  how they would like it used. I was surprised by the answers. The seventh  grade team wanted to use it as a reading motivation and did  not want it tied to grades.  ( like a reading reward program similar to my fall into reading challenge that I am currently doing)  The  8th grade team thought they might like it tied to the grades  but then changed their mind.

 So I think we are going to go with the reading motivation theme and it will be run though then library which  is logical and also helpful because then I will not have to do anymore challenges , just help keep track of the students who are doing the most AR!

  What do you do at your school ( especially Middle School) for accelerated Reading? Leave your ideas and comments below please!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Motivaltional reading programs-Primary

   School   motivational reading programs are an important[ortant  part of ns role in te school today.  Motivational programs for the youngest readers and listeners can be run (PK-2) should be run for a short time span- amonth  to month iand a half would be the most .

    Specify that the student scan read or be read to. Give them ( students and parents)  an easy way to keep track  of books read. Have them write titles and fill in a 'reading ' sheet/ Have parents / older sibling/ guardian/ teacher sign or initial each title or spot. ( This keeps parents more involved and know what the child is doing.,
  Think of an easy way to recognize and celebrate your yonng readers. try to include as many students as you can.

  1.  Beary Fun Reading: Students read and keep track of books . Have a large Bear Paw Print with a spot for students  and parents signature. Students can write in title in each 'pad' of the bears  paw. Then they can color and you can display them around the library.  At the end of the celebration have a parade with students carrying their favorite stuffed bear or animals.  Have hot cocoa and cookies or ice cream and cookies for all who did at least  two or four bear paws.

2. Caldecott Challenge : for students for grades 2 and 3.  Students have about a month and a half to read/ listen to as many Caldecott's as they wish.  They write the titles of the Caldecott's and rate  them with a happy or sad face ( or stars).  If everyone in the class reads at least 12 , then the class gets a popcorn party. Top readers in each class get a decorated bag with small prizes ( books , pencils, stickers, bookmarks and erasers) If you are feeling rich, provide bigger prizes- books, gift certificates,  a cd player .

Friday, April 27, 2012

On to the Caldecott Challenge rewards

              The Caldecott reading challenge is at the end. Now we begin the quest to prepare for the rewards and the parties.  The first step is checking what the kids have read and how many they have read. That to me is the hardest part- next year I am going to devise a way to make the checking easier! I am not sure how- but there has to be a better way
               Then we will set the date for the popcorn and pizza parties  for the classes who  earned them by reading. I also have to figure out  who gets the prizes and what exactly they will. I will be looking in my goodie bags of prizes to see what else I need.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Battle of the books- Bulletin Board

The bulletin board is full of photos and the blank wall next to it is also full. Still I do not have all the groups up yet. In tomorrow's announcement I will have them deliver this message. Last time I convinced two students who are on a team to read the message, " Check out the Library Bulletin board to see if your team is up there! If not ,please see Mrs. Couture so she can take your team photo!!"

All of the students are looking at the board = even the ones who are not yet on teams. Maybe I will get more teams!!
Does any one else have a good idea for a Battle of the books bulletin board?
Please tell us your idea!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Battle of the books- Bulletin Board

I am getting ready for my December bulletin board. This year I am not going to have a holiday theme, I am going to promote my book reading challenge( Battle of the books) . I have begun taking team pictures and asking for team names. This has garnered some more teams signing up so that is a good thing!
What I will have is a blue or black background , with colorful book cutouts scattered around and them have team photos. I am still thinking of a good slogan.of. I will post it when I think of it.
I will also do a press release with a couple of groups together and send to our school newsletter and maybe the local papers.
We are still hoping to get a teacher and parent team but so far none have come forward. Hopefully we will have at least one.

Monday, May 9, 2011

May- Caldecott Challenge Awards

We began our parties for the Caldecott reading challenge. What fun! Last week we held the popcorn party for the class that participated . That means that each student read at least 12 Caldecott books during the challenge period . We had fun ! Does any one else do a Caldecott Reading incentive? What do you do? Can you share ?I will share in another blog!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Get Back to work!

Well, School is now well underway and I need to get back to writing. Let me remind all the school librarians: if you are required to keep lesson plans and write out formal plans, don't do what I did.
Start them right when you need them and add to them as you go. Right Now I am currently playing catch up because I did not start with at the beginning of school. I will get caught up but it is taking all my focus to work on it and get it done.
Started a new reading incentive program today- Fall into Books! Students will read and fill out apples and pumpkins to decorate outside the library. Then we will have a reading party right before Thanksgiving!