Showing posts with label Battle of the Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle of the Books. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

December Bulletin Boards

Some ideas for you!

  December Bulletin Boards

 Seasons Readings - Put a wreath in the middle with students favorites all around. I use scanned covers.

 LOL- Place large letters in the center, Place names or covers of books jokes and riddles.

 Mittens-  make large mittens out of construction paper, Have students write their favorite books on the mitten. Slogan: Keep Warm With Great Books

 Battle of the Books: Place  photos of teams on the board with Team names and date of competition.

Books Are Gifts You Give Yourselves.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

May Bulletin Boards!

May bulletin Board for Libraries

  It  is  getting towards the end of April , so I am thinking of what to do about those bulletin boards.
Here are some ideas of what I have used in the past.

Sneaking around with a good book- copies of sneakers , students will write  on a blank sneaker their favorite spring books.  They can color them and then we will put   them on the board.

"When we read we Grow.'May flowers-  Blue Back ground.
  Battle of the Books - groups. scores , announcements.

"We're wild about Books!"- Jungle theme ( animals , trees) around slogan, maybe even titles on tree leaves, or book jackets if you have more room.

"Read, Return, Repeat"  Make slogan like the Recycle, Reduce, Reuse  Make  green arrows- put book jackets around that.

"Don't be angry -Read a Good Book"   Angry birds and book jackets or titles

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Motivational Reading Programs- Middle and Secondary

   There is still the need at both the middle and secondary level to host reading motivation programs. They will probably look completely different than the ones you see at the elementary level . Promoting reading  for  students  is still a priority for any librarian  at the school and public level.

    One of the best ways for middle school promotions is the Battle of the Books. Students can choose groups to work with. After reading the required books students are tested / quizzed about details from the books. This can be done in several rounds in a Jeopardy style  program or can also be done on a monthly basis with written questions.  Scores are posted . A final round provides winners.

     This also provides the opportunity for teams to compete with other school winners . This really highlights reading as a collaborative and competitive "sport."

     Another   reading motivation challenge is a promotion by YA author Kay Cassidy:"The Great Scavenger Hunt"  Every month  she chooses  a lucky winner  to get a Barnes and Noble card . If the student wins then their library also wins a bundle of books .
    There is a list of books and the trivia challenge questions on the her site:


Monday, November 19, 2012

December Library Bulletin Boards

   December is almost around the corner so it is time to start thinking of new bulletin boards. I like to plan ahead so I start now to figure out what I will put up.  I usually keep my bulletin boards from year to year, So many times I can just pull on out  and put it up. I do not put the same one up each year- I alternate.

  December Bulletin Boards Slogans

 Seasons Readings - Put a wreath in the middle with students favorites all around. I use scanned covers.

 LOL- Place large letters in the center, Place names or covers of books jokes and riddles.

 Mittens-  make large mittens out of construction paper, Have students write their favorite books on the mitten. Slogan: Keep Warm With Great Books

 Battle of the Books: Place  photos of teams on the board with Team names and date of competition.

Books Are Gifts You Give Yourselves.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Battle of the Books-2012-2013

        The students have started reading for this years Battle of the Books. If you have never done one , this might be the year you decide to do one. They are fun and they students love them!  You can find the book list for this year at the Americans Battle of the Books ( see link below) . 
        Depending on the number of students and number of teams will determine how many copies of each title you will need.  We have about 300 4-6 graders ( not all participate) and we usually have about 4-5 copies of each title. 
         You can order books at the site , but I usually just get copies from Follett  (Titlewave) or Perma Bound.    I hope you try a Battle - let me know if you are doing it  this year!

Battle of the Books

Title Wave
 Perma Bound

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Beginning Inventory

 I am getting ready to begin inventory tomorrow, so today I am printing over dues. ( Yes , there are students who still have books out even though the due date was May 31st.)  Then there are the pre- inventory printouts that must be done before we even start scanning. Of course books are still coming in and classes are in here researching and typing!
 Also this week we are doing the Caldecott Pizza party- which is given to the class that reads the most Caldecott's. And we have the second round of the Battle of the Books! Busy Week~

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Battle of the Books- on to round two

  Our first round of the Battle of the Books was held in the beginning of April. Now I am planning the second round.  I have to check with my Administration to see what would be appropriate date and time. Usually we have an assembly with grades 3-6 attending.   My vice principal and I have to discuss if we want to do that again this year.  Then it finalizing the prizes- One of my teams wanted to know if the first place team could pick their prize- something to think about!  The kids are still reading and re- reading the list of books.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Battle of the Books- Team Posters!

Tomorrow we announce the first round of the Battle of the books. We will be holding it on March 28, 2012. We will be setting up in a large room where the students can sit on the floor in their teams. Last year we held the first round in the library and it was a little packed. So I wanted more room to spread out. The students will be working on their team posters. Each poster can be done on an 11 by 18 poster board or construction paper. The team name is to be in the center and can then be decorated with team players names and other drawings or clip art around the team name. The signs are helpful when we are keeping track of points at both the first and second round of the challenge.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Battle of the Books & Power Point

Tomorrow I will begin the power point for the first round of this year's battle.
What I do is look at the questions and select the ones I want from the first two rounds. Each question is typed on a slide. The next slide the answer is typed- both title and author.
For the second round I go to the questions on the third and fourth pages.This year we are tentatively going to 'Battle" against a neighboring school who is also doing a school battle.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Battle of the books- January project

Tomorrow - back to school after the Christmas break! I will be concentrating on asking for Battle of the book prizes/ I usually send out letters to various business that have given prizes before:Our local movie theater , a game of miniature golf, a $50 savings bond from the local bank, a day of tubing on the river.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Battle of the books- Bulletin Board

The bulletin board is full of photos and the blank wall next to it is also full. Still I do not have all the groups up yet. In tomorrow's announcement I will have them deliver this message. Last time I convinced two students who are on a team to read the message, " Check out the Library Bulletin board to see if your team is up there! If not ,please see Mrs. Couture so she can take your team photo!!"

All of the students are looking at the board = even the ones who are not yet on teams. Maybe I will get more teams!!
Does any one else have a good idea for a Battle of the books bulletin board?
Please tell us your idea!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Battle of the books- Bulletin Board

Well , my board is up and almost complete. The reason it is not complete is because I still need to take several team photos. I have a lot of teams so I did a really simple slogan: Battle of The Books Teams Then I have photos all around and I will probably have to spill over onto the wall . The students and staff are really excited to see the photos up. I will leave it up until mid January .
I even got a few more teams to sign up when they saw the bulletin board. The students are so funny when they say "Is is to late to sign up?'

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Battle of the books- Bulletin Board

I am getting ready for my December bulletin board. This year I am not going to have a holiday theme, I am going to promote my book reading challenge( Battle of the books) . I have begun taking team pictures and asking for team names. This has garnered some more teams signing up so that is a good thing!
What I will have is a blue or black background , with colorful book cutouts scattered around and them have team photos. I am still thinking of a good slogan.of. I will post it when I think of it.
I will also do a press release with a couple of groups together and send to our school newsletter and maybe the local papers.
We are still hoping to get a teacher and parent team but so far none have come forward. Hopefully we will have at least one.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Battle of books part 2

When I received the questions from the company, I first look them over and see what the questions look like. Sometimes the questions are very easy and sometimes they are harder. the questions normally really pick out information that the students will have to have read the books in order to answer.
Then I prepare my power point. For each question I use one slide. On the next slide with the same number I type in the title and the author.
Each round I put in 30 questions. It takes about one hour to complete each round.
Students get a 30 second time period to answer the question. Then they write the title and author . In my present school district, students are awarded 5 points for the correct title and 3 points for the correct author. I do not required exact correct spelling for the title and author.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


October is rolling along and I am still organizing and filing and throwing away at my new digs, in my new library, Trying to figure out a good bulletin board for November. I am getting ready to introduce to the students the Battle of the books. I have been doing the challenge for years and it is a blast! The kids love it to,