Showing posts with label reading challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Banned Books Week 2015

    The Banned Books Week National Committee has announced that  September 27- Oct 3, 2016  will be Banned Books Week.  This year the focus is on  YA literature. They have released the  ten most challenged books of 2014 and most of them were for teens.
    You can read more and check out the list at the School Library Journal Website!

Friday, April 27, 2012

On to the Caldecott Challenge rewards

              The Caldecott reading challenge is at the end. Now we begin the quest to prepare for the rewards and the parties.  The first step is checking what the kids have read and how many they have read. That to me is the hardest part- next year I am going to devise a way to make the checking easier! I am not sure how- but there has to be a better way
               Then we will set the date for the popcorn and pizza parties  for the classes who  earned them by reading. I also have to figure out  who gets the prizes and what exactly they will. I will be looking in my goodie bags of prizes to see what else I need.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Battle of the books- Bulletin Board

The bulletin board is full of photos and the blank wall next to it is also full. Still I do not have all the groups up yet. In tomorrow's announcement I will have them deliver this message. Last time I convinced two students who are on a team to read the message, " Check out the Library Bulletin board to see if your team is up there! If not ,please see Mrs. Couture so she can take your team photo!!"

All of the students are looking at the board = even the ones who are not yet on teams. Maybe I will get more teams!!
Does any one else have a good idea for a Battle of the books bulletin board?
Please tell us your idea!!