Showing posts with label - Library resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - Library resources. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2022

 The Toe Snatchers is a delightful book! If I wasn't retired I would read it to all my students! This is a book about the Frools that can be read over and over again! The story is told in rhyme,and is so much fun to read out loud ! Children ages K and up will love listening to and reading this book.

The Frools favorite food is fresh picked human toes. At night they go out looking for toes. In one house, they have quite the adventure in tying to figure out how many toes they each will get. Frool #5 comes up with a plan , and they set about counting the toes. And then they have to figure out how many toes they each will get. But Frools don't go to school, so they have trouble figuring it out.

The illustrations are outstanding and very detailed. The Frools and their surroundings are done in comic style. As you read it over and over , you will find interesting details on each page.

This is a book that parents and children can read over and over and come up smiling every time

This is a book Marileta Robinson wrote and Ron Zalme illustrated. Marileta , prior to retirement was an Editor at Highlights magazine. Ron did the illustrations for "The Timbertoes "(Highlights) and "the Adventures of Spot" ( HighFive)

Friday, March 3, 2017

Get ready for tomorrow @ your Library

   No matter if you are in a school or public library , here is an easy  way to prepare  for getting more done   the next work day. At the end of each day, I  stop what ever I am doing  before my quitting time.

   If I am working on a specific project, and it is not completed I put the materials needed in  a file marked with the project name.  I place this file in my to do basket or my file sorter although I am trying to figure out which is the best thing for that.  

  If I have more than one project , then I will have two folders. I really try  not to have more than two things going on at once. The exception is if I have a monthly /yearly project  which then I will already have a file going,

  The other thing that also helps me if cleaning/ organizing my desk and whatever tools I have used that day.So I will leave with a clean desk and my projects for tomorrow.  

  Finally I will  put in my plan book or my planner, the items  that I need to work on the following day. So when I come in the next day , I know just what to do. I usually ask myself- "What is the most  important thing I must accomplish tomorrow. ( For more information  on  making each day effective see  my ebook- The Organized Librarian- tab is at the top for details)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Middle School Blogs! Middle School Book Club!

   I am  hoping to promote  that student in our 7&8  grades  will be blogging next year.  I am hoping to work with the ElA teachers  or maybe start a lunch time book club for students.  Each group - a 7th and an 8th would have a blog attached to our library website.  Then they will read the book and then discuss . The students will be volunteers!  
    I will write an intro to the book( or maybe have the students do a book review.)Then students can present their ideas about the book in the blog during the month- So I am thinking that  maybe a monthly meeting would work.   I will think about it over the summer. 
    But if you have any ideas , please comment below!  I am looking for some input

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Banned Books Week 2015

    The Banned Books Week National Committee has announced that  September 27- Oct 3, 2016  will be Banned Books Week.  This year the focus is on  YA literature. They have released the  ten most challenged books of 2014 and most of them were for teens.
    You can read more and check out the list at the School Library Journal Website!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy Holiday's

 I'm taking a little break ,  enjoying the family dinners and activity's .  I hope everyone is having great holidays.  I want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.    My work schedule is varied last week and this week, so I am doing the home thing many days and am enjoying  down time. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Library 2.0

  The library of today is all about library users.  We want to keep the patrons we have  that use our service. But an important goal is to actually seek out those who do not use libraries and it services and attract to show all we can do.

  So we , as librarians, and staff, need to embrace new ideas and technologies that will help us deliver services and involve more users.  What are these new technology's? Many we have discussed here in this blog in the past. They are also found on other blogs and websites.

  Just a few we have yet to explore here : tagging, library catalog 2.0, My space, virtual worlds , and library 2.0.

As I do more research, I will try to  give a review/  summary and let you in on what I am learning. similarly  if you find something great , post a comment here to share!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

  I just discovered  this site and it looks like it will be a great source for all public libraries What exactly is .ibiblio  ?  Home to one of the largest free information databases online, has something for everyone.
   users can browse through the catalog of many unique collections. There are free databases  that provide information to almost any question.
  On ibiblio there have  freely software and information, for topics such as music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies.  it is a resource used frequently by audiences of all interests and backgrounds
   The free software is way beyond me  but many more techie would probably be amazed.  What I like is the search on the categories.  The most things that I have used gives a description and a direct link to the information,  Use it to search history and you can be lead to some fascinating sites with  great detailed information. 

   I will have to continue to search on this tool to really see all it has- Check it out , It looks like it will be helpful!