Showing posts with label electronic resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electronic resources. Show all posts

Friday, April 6, 2018 site for education!

     Newseumed. org is a partner site of the Newseum Museum in Washington, DC. They offer to teachers and student s free educational programs, primary sources, and resources based on history, information literacy (media literacy) and social studies topics. Also there is online access to front pages, videos, and artifacts in their museum collection. 
   They are committed to offering educational tools that helps develop skills that learners can be knowledge about our countries past and present. 
    The sites provide online resources, and tools that include primary resources and online classes and training. Also they have specially curated collections with primary sources on many educational topics.
   This site can be useful to social studies, ELA, Librarians, and tech teachers.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Librarian as a school leader

    Librarians act as leaders in their schools. Most of the time we call this 'Leading from the Middle'. Librarians lead by modeling best practices, and acting as a person who works with teachers to help bring lessons that are Technology tested and engaging.
    By developing one unit or lesson at a time with one teacher, word of mouth inspires other staff to want the same services.    Changes in lessons and units takes place, as the librarians builds relationships with staff. This in turn , effects students and their learning by having more engaging learning and more information skills to help them with technology. 
   Leadership by librarians can be done in several ways.Professional development, reading promotions, and programs , integrating two curricular areas, sharing tech tools new strategies and websites are just a few  ideas.  By demonstrating energy and enthusiasm for our job we can make a difference in our students lives.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Blogging for School Students- First Steps

  Before your class (or group) starts blogging, it would be a good idea to send a letter hoe to parents and guardians  discussing how the group will work.

   Include in this also a permission letter with terms and condition that both student and parent will sign and return.  This will lay out students behavior  on the blog,  and what is expected of the student. This can also include consequences for students who do not follow the guidelines. 

  We want students  to become users of blogs by sharing ideas, analyzing the work/ book given  and participating/ collaborating with their classmagtes. This may lead to more global interaction thru the internet.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Shift Happens-2014

I showed this brief youtube video today and we had some really good discussions about technology and how we should us it. I was surprised that some students thought that too much technology was  not good for health and some even said that it was bad.  All in all most classes were good and  took notes on how technology is changing our lives!

  I gave them a list of topics to look for and they were to take  notes.Some found it hard(these are 7th graders)   I also had them thinking about  what careers would require them to know the latest technology.

Look up Do you Know-shift happens 2014- that is the one I used!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Literacy Calendar

     The New York State Library has a website DayByDayNY for families with young children.  It is part of an early literacy program initiative called Read to Read at New York Libraries.
       The site was designed for use by families across NY State. It has am interactive calendar to help young children develop a love of books and learning that will last a life time.
       Multi media is used to enhance books , songs, and health issues resources. Even just a few minutes a day spent together using this calendar  can  give families quality time that  is both educational and enjoyable!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Library Lib Guide

   Our library system, ( we have 3 branches)  has a great tool for  staff education  and communication which is our LibGuide. It is a password protected site that staff can use  and was developed for us by our Library Director.

  The lib Guide is our source for our staff to at so we all keep up to date on what is going on in all  our branches, and also helps us keep up with policies, procedures,  for both our internal and external needs.

  We can check on the community calendar to see what programs are being offered at each our branches. We can read policies and procedures  the moment they are updated. We can print out forms that are needed, ( community room use, volunteer applications) and we can print out monthly calendars, and flyers for programs.

  Also on our lib guide is equipment and computer use policies and procedures, The Tab under  Forms has many forms that  are used on a monthly basis. This is a convenient place to have them, because they can be easily  brought up and printed out if needed.

  One of the best tabs is our system and regional tabs,  Under our own system we have our staff calendar, ( this includes staff vacation days, & where our Director will be on a monthly basis ( meetings, branch visits, ect) , There are also staff meeting notes, manager meeting notes,  job descriptions,  payroll information , and an organization chart  that shows where everyone is at each branch and days they are at work.

  All in All, this libguide is very very helpful  tool in all our branches!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Librarians under pressure to connect

   Libraries are under pressure to connect with patrons.  Technology may just be the key  we need to help up do that.

  When staff and funding are tight, then  is the time to start doing things differently.  Because of technology , libraries can use the latest tools to connect with patrons.  After all we are in the 21 st century.  Why not pull out all the stops  we can to get patrons using our resources and programs.

   But wait- why do we have to connect?  We want to match patrons to the books and information they want and need .  We want to free up routine tasks that staff spend time on so they can interact with patrons  and help them achieve their goals.

  As library staff we need to determine how we can use our website, face book page , or a twitter to excite and draw interest  with our comments, questions, and interests. So let's get thinking,  What other social media  can we use? Instragram, Pinterest? Q Codes?  What can we do with them?
  I would love to hear what your library does to help connect and pull in patrons  Comment below and share how you use social media to create  patron interest and participation,

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Digital Literacy: What is it?

    Digital literacy is getting to be more important as we achieve more technology use in learning. Digital literacy is the ability to use and understand information that is found  in multiple media forms ( blogs, podcasts, databases, videos, ect).  from a wide range of sources when presented.

   The key to literacy goes beyond reading to understanding, evaluating, and interpreting the information.    The person then needs to construct and create the information gained to communicate what have been learned and understood.

   Digital literacy encompasses both computer hardware and soft wear, by computer or any other hand held device.  

" The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot  learn , unlearn, and relearn."   Alvin Toffler

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 has about 6000 ebboks for free reading.  It is very useful for educational and informational purposes.  The following categories are listed: Fiction, Nonfiction, poems, short stories, classics of both American  and English literature.  The titles are in alphabetical order by author name  so it is easy to locate what you are looking for . Additionally , there are several other links that lead to other lists.

  Students and others can use this site to do recommended readings for classes and also find interesting books to read online.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Library Reads

  Library Reads is a site that wants to  help Librarians connect readers with the best books.  Their goal is to give library staff the knowledge about new books  to share with their patrons.

  Each monthly Library Reads showcases a review of the 10 most popular books.  The aims is to help  many discover great books.  The reviews help staff know what the best books and be able to discuss them with patrons.

 Librarian who want to participate can help nominate the best books  they have read. You can check on the site for information how to join,

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Benefits of Technology in the Library

   About 40% of American households lack home Internet access.  A study revealed that people using public libraries as their primary source of access to the Internet and a computer.

  With more technology in libraries , patrons have better and faster access.  They can stay connected to families and friends.  Access also provides the ability to explore the vast information of the Internet .

  Local business persons can use the library , and its  resources ( computer access & otherwise ) to develop plans, net work, conduct market research and explore more opportunities.

  Patrons can take online classes to earn certificates and advanced degrees. Students can use test preparation materials  to prepare and study for SAT or GRE tests. Patrons can search the web to provide information  on purchases ( cars, appliances, data on how to do and how to fix and other areas items of interest.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Libraries are Technology Hubs

  Public Libraries are the technology hubs form most communities, large and small.  Libraries offer public computers for use by patrons and visitors.  Nearly all public libraries offer  Internet access. Some also offer wireless access.  There are still many who do not have these services at work or home.

  Of course, many public libraries have computer training classes and  computer assistance on a range of topics ( general computer skills, searching  skills and resources, software instruction, data base instruction and career  building classes)

  Using technology, libraries provide access to almost unlimited information to patrons seeking answers.  Because the information is online, the  resources can be accessed anytime of day or night.

  Many libraries provide one on one training. Patrons can find information , download audio books , and reserve / renew books on line, or maybe even take a class.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014  is another powerful and personal search engine. One of their advantages is that they do not collect or share your personal information.   Their search results claim is that  they have more comprehensive and more accurate search results than the other major  search engines. This also includes an advanced search  tool.  There is also an international phone directory and for fun a video search.

  When you use Ixquick, you are using  many popular search engines combined. These cover more of the internet than any one search engine combined.    On a search you will see stars *- If you see 5 stars that indicates that 5 search engines agreed on the results of the search.  You can be assured of the most accurate information and results.

  Ixqucikc sends your search topic only to search engines that can handle that specific search,
You can search Izquick in 18 languages. The seraph can include local and international results. You can include local and international results.   You can also find national and international business. n There is also a reverse look for phone numbers. Another plus using Ixquick, that on the tool bar you can us the magnify button to enlarge or reduce any web page.

 So check it out and see if you like using Ixquick!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

  I just discovered  this site and it looks like it will be a great source for all public libraries What exactly is .ibiblio  ?  Home to one of the largest free information databases online, has something for everyone.
   users can browse through the catalog of many unique collections. There are free databases  that provide information to almost any question.
  On ibiblio there have  freely software and information, for topics such as music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies.  it is a resource used frequently by audiences of all interests and backgrounds
   The free software is way beyond me  but many more techie would probably be amazed.  What I like is the search on the categories.  The most things that I have used gives a description and a direct link to the information,  Use it to search history and you can be lead to some fascinating sites with  great detailed information. 

   I will have to continue to search on this tool to really see all it has- Check it out , It looks like it will be helpful!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More Information needs of the Community

Communities libraries also provide local business with needed information: statistic, addresses, legal information, and computer assistance classes.

   Individuals also can be provided with career counseling, resume update, and interview skills,.  Students also have their "work" and need help with assignments,research, and computer tasks. They also may require data bases, and guidance in locating  homework sites, information,, and  other required  tasks.

  Finally , Readers Advisory (direct & indirect)  : Patrons may just want a good Book to read!! Librarians and clerks who are readers can provide assistance and recommendation in this area.

 So Public libraries are very much an important part of the community. We must keep up with community wants and needs. We must seek to provide what the community and our patrons want and need . In doing  so we become a vital and important part of the community and will be seen as a community hub.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Community Information needs- Public library resources & programs

    Libraries provide information for people who live and work in the community.  So we need a variety of resources , and an understanding of the kinds of questions and resources that our patrons may need. A lot of people expect to find their answers at the library or the library 's website!
   Patrons may be seeking many different facets of information.  For example , product information, : before making a major purchase, many want to find out the quality and features of a product. This can be done at the library through journals or different website searches.,

   Health information is also a big need by  many.  Patrons want information on how to stay healthy, diet and exercise books and magazines, information on medical conditions and lifestyle choices,

 Patrons also need to learn about their communities, and their county's government and their representatives. They may need to contact then for help or to become part of the decision making process.

  How to do it- Patrons like to attain knowledge to do it themselves.  They can learn car repair, baking and cooking, fixing household items and building use items.   How to books and sources are one of the most attractive items to patrons using the library.

  Patrons also use the library for personal enrichment.  They want to read for pleasure , play online games, check favorite websites, enjoy special library programs and gather with like minded  groups of people.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Library is a virtual library resource center for librarians, educators and students , or just about anyone looking for accurate information.  Library Spot was created to help librarians and educators and  students  figure out  how to obtain information  more easily . They bring the best sources together so that those who need the information do not have to spend a lot of time searching through  many places to find the right information

  In the left hand column on the main page you will find helpful links. The most helpful is then section called reference desk. There you will see many topics with links . For example under Encyclopedias, Biography, and Almanacs, they give you links to the most accurate and useful sites with that type of information.

  On the right hand side there are grade level links that show both math and English links that will help each grade level.

  Sites featured are hand selected and reviewed  by their editorial teams  for quality, content, and utility. Library spot is committed to help the searcher find  the best information on the internet  in a quick easy  search.

   Check out this site  and see how very helpful it is!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What should libraries look like today?

    Visualize your up to date library. What should it look like?   You are probably part way there already.   There should be a lot of activity  virtually .  Most , but not all, library activity is online with resources and activities on websites and databases.   In schools and public library, there is a lot of focus on extending physical offerings to being online.

   So here is what I am thinking-  you see patrons and students using the computers or lap tops or Ipads to search the web , use databases, read eBooks, work together on projects,  use the library website to search for books use social media to connect with other, look at online lessons and tutorials.

  Of course you know that I have been blogging about so many websites, blog, and web 2.0 tools  that you can show students , and encourage them also  use all the library has to offer.

  As a librarian , it is your job to make sure the student and patron have the resources that they need and want to use.  Fight for the students and the patrons so they can have the most  up to date

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Choosing the Right Resouces - Part 3

    Electronic resources are found on the computer and are categorized by subject areas. Most are usually accessible on the web both  on site ( school or public library) and most times at home. Many districts provide log in and passwords for in home use.
   The most common electronic resources are data bases, directories, and  catalogs. Use of theses resources help students obtain skills using topics/ subtopics, keywords/ phrases local arrangements ,, indexes and maps.
  The information in electronic resource's is instant . The formats of the data bases are both easy to use and provide challenging complexity. Information of course is provided by experts in their field.

  Most high schools and public libraries provide electronic resources on their website. Even many elementary schools are instructing  students to use these databases as a quick way to access needed information.  Student use of these  resources provides quick information  that is accurate .