Showing posts with label libraries & customer service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label libraries & customer service. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Update your library web page!

  How often do you update your library page? What exactly should you update?

  1.If you do a lot of collaboration with teachers and student then you need to do quite a bit. Whenever you work with students, try to add/ edit a livebinder or a curated list of sites for them to use.

 2, Update links/ websites for students to use in projects - check links to be sure they are working and up to date.( eliminate old ones and look for new ones)

 3. Additional resources- add links for staff to use for their information , or teaching resources

 4. Add your newsletter if you do one.

 5. Add Book recommendations ( what the librarian is reading - or have kids do this with reviews

 6. Information about what is happening at the library

 7. Publicize new resources

 8. Add links for student recommendations   to books if you have a section on that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Elementary Librarian- lesson plan resource

  Even though I teach 7th grade Inofrmation Literacy skills, I find that /  is very useful in many cases and also adaptable. Although I am not a subscriber to the entire service, I most likely would be if I were at the elementary level where I had to  plan weekly lessons for   5 or 6 grades.  I did sign  up for their monthly emails , and they come with links to  lessons and the resources needed to go with them.  

  I have used some of the lessons without adapting and some I have changed  just slightly.  The extra resources are printables and also some have power points.     Having just discovered this  I find it very helpful when doing my planning of lessons and it gives me great ideas for things I could include in my lesson rotation.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

   Every Library is the first national  & political actions committee for libraries   has a new online presence called Vote Libraries.  On this site  is an online gallery  free to use for all public libraries.  There is artwork  and tools for voter outreach ,new high quality Art and design   that is free for all pubic libraries across the country.   Check and see all that they have and how you can use this tool to help you spread the word  to tell the community what your library is all about.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Value of Public libraries in their Communities

   Do most communities value their public library?  Yes they do- most especially the patrons who use the library on a regular basis.
  Community members agree that the materials, resources, and  the technology  available at the library play an important  roll in giving everyone a chance to  grow and succeed. 

  The value of the library  are those unemployed  and retired   members use the library in finding information  regarding  jobs, career workshops , and other career  building services ( resume, interviewing , ect)   Patrons can receive assistance  and the technology need for applying for government services.
Manny members still value their library because  of the  accessibly of the use of computers and the Internet.

  Special programs of the library are also valued to many members of the community. There are children's, teens, and adult programs that patrons enjoy for entertainment and fellowship.  Use of the library for information, books, media, and research assistance continues to show that the library does have an effect of the members of the community.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Customer Service Skills

  There are 7 important customer service skills that our library staff need to learn , that will improve  the library's image and standing.
1. Listen to patrons
2. Smile at Patrons
3. Watch for patron confusion ad then try to help
4. Approach the patron  & be engaged  with patron
5. Use positive body language - be inviting and make eye contact
6. Use the patrons name in conversation when providing library services
7. Smile!

    While theses are mostly self explanatory, as a Director or Manager, you may want to discuss and explain them to your staff.  If they have questions, make sure you call address them and straighten any confusion out.
You may also want to do some role playing at a staff meeting so that staff can experience how each item should be played out.  These are items that can be worked on as a staff team and developed over time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Superior Customer Service

  All of our patrons are considered customers. And our customers /patrons are very important to help us maintain funding for our resources and programs.  So we should take time to consider our forms of customer service and the way we treat patrons.

  We could also consider our Customer Service  Policy( if we have one) . If not , we may want to develop  policy on how we want to treat our customers . We should want the library to be a friendly, welcoming place where people will want to come!

  One way we can have superior customer service is to hire exceptional employees . These employees are able to set a good example , interact easily with patrons, have a great phone voice and can communicate well via email.

  Also having the proper positive leadership  helps the change of the positive culture of our team ( staff) . In essence , Customer Service is putting the customer first by focusing on creating a positive experience.

  So here is the question: Does anyone have a customer service policy? What is in it?
If you don't have one, what do you think you should have in it? I would love to hear from you regarding  your thoughts on Customer Service,

Check out the Books For Sale Page! My ebook on sale now!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Managing Interruptions

  How do you manage interruptions?  Do you get interrupted  and then lose your focus to the job at hand?  Does your day seem like a feeble attempt  of getting your to do list and mostly a series of one interruption after another?

  Here are a few strategies  that may help you

Phone interruptions- the worst

  1. Ask your clerk or secretary to hold all calls. ( while you are working on a specific project during a specific time period.  ) If there is an emergency then of course  they would interrupt you.

2. If you take phone solicitations- again ask your clerk/ secretary  to get details . In my building, it is easy as we do not take phone soliciations as part of our policy- so the clerk / secretary can simply tell the telemarketer.

3) Let  your answering machine  work for you. Even easier if you have phone number id.

Work Interruptions

1) When you have a block of time for a special project ( and you have an office or cubic) shut the door and put up a sign DO NOT DISTURB !

2) When interrupted by a patron , student , or co- worker ask: How Can I help you?  Have them get right to the point. Help them with whatever- then get back to work!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Benefits of Technology in the Library

   About 40% of American households lack home Internet access.  A study revealed that people using public libraries as their primary source of access to the Internet and a computer.

  With more technology in libraries , patrons have better and faster access.  They can stay connected to families and friends.  Access also provides the ability to explore the vast information of the Internet .

  Local business persons can use the library , and its  resources ( computer access & otherwise ) to develop plans, net work, conduct market research and explore more opportunities.

  Patrons can take online classes to earn certificates and advanced degrees. Students can use test preparation materials  to prepare and study for SAT or GRE tests. Patrons can search the web to provide information  on purchases ( cars, appliances, data on how to do and how to fix and other areas items of interest.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Public Libraries and Customer Service

     School librarians are on a quest to educate students how to use all of the resources in the library, including the newest technology and the latest  materials. While a public library has the same goal, public librarians must also think about customer service. Many patrons do not have the desire or time  for education, they need the information to help them in whatever they are looking for. So we must focus on Customer Service to draw them in and keep them returning.

   How can we help our patrons?   By providing services and showing them the value of our services to them and to the community.
   In the spirit of customer service I am thinking of ways to improve service to my patrons.So this is what I came up with.

   1. What is more important- a perfect library or helping people? - you know the answer to that.

   2.  Should I point a finger to a book or hand a paper with a call number?

   3. Can I walk to the stacks to help find an item?

   4. Can I look up online for a request?

   5. Do I greet each patron with a smile, eye contact or small chit chat?-- Remember we are a part of the community !

  6. Do I return phone calls and answer the phone  courteously and in a timely manor?

  7. Is the activity urgent or important and more important that helping patrons.

  8.  Can I help patrons with copies, computers, book suggestions,  or scanning?

  9. Is the library inviting and does the signage  show where the different sections of the library are located?

  10. Are my volunteers friendly, helpful and love to be at the library?