Showing posts with label library promotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library promotion. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Building Better Libraries- Public Career Centers

 At the Public library level ,building better libraries means  building career centers for patrons. Yes , there may  be books on different careers. But  more importantly at the public level are databases on careers  and staff to assist instruct on its use Adults may not have the background on how to use these. 

  Also at the public level, development in career programs such as college information and application, government agency assistance, resume writing workshops,business/ entrepreneurship  resources and career counselor are just a few programs that could be provided .

   Patrons could use these resources to assist themselves in better positions and better careers,

Monday, July 12, 2021

Building better libraries- career resources

 Libraries both school and public provide valuable resources for career research and job services, At the school level, many middle and high school have career resources, both print and digital, 

There are also countless websites to assist students in determining what career they might  be interesting in There are also book resources oh specific resources ,  Several teachers did  career research  with students . One year when the goal was thinking about careers, our administrator promoted the career resources  in the morning announcements. 

 On our website we had a career section that had career surveys ( to help students figure out what they would like to do and what they would be good at doing) We also had databases and websites  that highlighted careers and what was necessary to enter in the career.

 Career Resources: -

 Occupational  outlook


Friday, July 2, 2021

Building Better Libraries-II (Books and digital resources)

 Years and Years ago, when we first started with bar-coding and computers, my principal said to me,"We won't need books anymore" And I strongly disagreed with her, saying "Not in my lifetime!"

 And I still feel that way today! Say you want a particular book- do  you just order it online? You could, but say you go to your  library , do they order it and then give it to you? No . But if the library has it you can borrow it for free,  And other patrons can also borrow it.   The book is stored at the library,

If the library does not have the book, then in most cases, they can get it for you on inter library loan.They even track it down for you , if you can't do it yourself. 

 Card holders can borrow digital books to read on their devices( computers, phones, tables)  This is the most basic common goal of the library. Acquiring books and resources that benefit the community of their patrons. A good library system saves money and builds community.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Building better libraries !

  Librarians and Libraries, both public and academic, are the center of building a new future in their schools and communities. We serve as librarians is to promote reading and learning to all users. In our society today is it most important that all continue to learn and grow as technology and information is ever expanding.

  We need to showcase what librarians have to offer . Within the pandemic , I think more and more school and public libraries have done just this.  I am totally amazed and impressed by my local public libraries  and how they have innovated programs and services during this time The dedication to services and information and the connections to the patrons have been outstanding.

  The community has responded to the new online programs and also the way we get books and materials,  I will highlight in future posts about some of the things they are doing. , I also am  searching for ways both public and academic ( schools k- college)  have in the past year to answer the need for more up to date, innovative and exciting ways that libraries can bring their  importance to the whole community .

 What has your library done that is innovative and draws patrons in? If you know of an exciting program , please leave a comment below!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Library bulletin boards for February

 Now it is time to think about February and what to do about the bulletin boards.   Here are some ideas :

We love to Read!- Give pink or red hearts  to students and have the write their favorite books. Students can write I Love...   and give the title and their name. Place on BB with letters of slogan on top in black letters - Can use a light background and heart /scallop edges.❤

Black History Month- Place pictures of famous African Americans . You can number them, Give some clues under each one. Students can use references or online sources to find out . Students can give guesses in to you- At the end of the month, place names under each one.

Tech tie in- Tweet a sweet Book! Give students an enlarged note. Place a cute bird on each side of the BB- Students can write their favorite titles on each note and then placed on the BB.πŸ’»

Presidents Day- You  can do this similar to Black History Month.( Use presidents that students do not know) Or you could place some presidents  and have students find little know facts on each person.

Fiction to Film: Scan covers of books that you have in your library that have been made into movies.  Place the slogan in the middle and the covers around. A slogan to add  would be: Have you read these?πŸ“ΊπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ❤

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Librarians- 5 things to do in December

These are a few things I think are good to do during the month of December.
1) Thank/ show appreciation for your staff/ volunteers/ student helpers. You have made this far in then year with a little help from your "friends".  So give a small gift or card. When I had lots  of volunteers ( and a little paid staff) I held a volunteer "tea"  with cold drinks and homemade fruit breads. Do a little speech about how much you appreciate their help and then socialize!

2) Touch base with your administration, especially if  you do not get chances to update them on what is going on in the Library Media Center. I always did a monthly report ( more on that in The Organized Librarian) but I found that most of the time , the report was just filed and not really read.So catch up with them and maker them aware of all you are doing.

3) Check your supplies to see if something is needed.Do this especially if your budget funds must be spent before the end of the year. Order what you need or are low on,

4)  Many times ,this is a slow time of year, when students and staff are winding down for holidays and vacations, Send out some PR  and remind then of how you can help them with resources, activities and lessons.

5) Planning time- if your patrons/ students/ teachers  have few demands, use your time to prepare for January and the rest of the year, Check journals, online resources, and blogs for some new ideas that will draw interest in useing the library and all its resrouces.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Quotes about Libraries!

I love to search out quotes about books and libraries.  Here  are just a few of my favorites!

 "Books are the mirrors of the Soul." V Woof

 " A library doesn't need windows, a library is a window." Steward Brand

 "We may sit in our library and yet be in all the quarters of the earth." John Lubback

  " Libraries change lives for the better." Sidney Sheldon

   " When in doubt, go to the library." ( Ron) J.K.Rowling

  "A library could show you everything, if you know where to look" Pat Conroy

   'There's a magical place, called a library." Moria Fowley Doyle

   " All that is necessary for a student is access to a library." Thomas Jefferson

    So what do I do with these? I might add them to my signature line in my emails. ( I like to change mine a lot).  I make up posters with the sayings and fit them on the walls of the library  or in the stacks and in the halls at different spots.   Sometimes I put them on information sheets or work sheets for both students and teachers.  I might include them in my monthly newsletter.  And then I change them whenever I come with more library/ book quotes!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Promotion Playaways/ Audio Books

    In my library , we have a small collection of audio book playaways. ( Books are read on tape and students  can put in ear plugs to listen). I am trying to figure out how to promote the use of them for the upcoming school year.  In the past years, these have seen a lot of use.  It is one area that I think Middle school students might really get excited about.

   We have a parent letter to be sent home before the student is allowed to check out the playaway for the first time, In the form,it details why the parent signature is required. ( Playaways are not cheap to replace).

     I am also thinking of having a recess playaway club where once a week ,students could come to the library to listen to a specific book. By the end of the month, students would have listened to a complete boo and maybe get the reading bug ( or want to listen to another type of story)

     Does anyone have playaway in their libraries. How to you promote and encourage your students to use them? Please leave your answers or any other comments below. Thanks!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Librarian and the Principal

   Advocate for your library and its programs and increase your influence with your principal. This is one sure way to make sure your principal doesn't want to close the doors on your library. Think of your principal . What does he/she need? What materials and services would be helpful to them? What do they care about? What makes them successful?  What does the principal want to accomplish?

   Influence come when the school librarian  helps solve the principal's and staff members problems or help them achieve their goals.  So, begin by finding out your principals objectives and concerns. In addition to your annual and monthly reports. speak to you principals about what they want to see happening  in the schools. Are you helping to achieve the goals of the school and the students?

 This will go along way to keeping your programs alive!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Librarian as Program Administrator and Advocate

   The Librarian is the developer of many   library programs. We need to highlight the value of the Library and also promote the important role of the librarian as a member of the instructional staff.  We can present students at meetings (PTA, Board, Staff Dev) . We can conduct reading challenges. ( I use Accelerated Reading challenge)
   I also promote programs, services, and books in my monthly newsletter.  I actually do a twice a month brief newsletter and I also send occasional emails targeted to specific departments. I take photos to show case what is happening in the library and what the students are doing.  The other way I promote my library and programs is my monthly report to administration. 

   The other simple thing that we do is to make signs for programs to be up all around the school. And we use the morning / afternoon announcements to promote the library and its programs.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Library Webpage and your Calendar

   I wrote a while ago on what you should have on your library webpage.  At the middle school level, I am finding that I update my webpage probably at least once a week.
  Each time a class reserves the library or my time for inquiry, research, or project based learning, I put the scheduled classes on my library calendar (and in my plan book). Also each time there is a department meeting or a professional development day at the library I put that in also. The other thing I put on the library calendar art e book clubs, and any other special actives that are held in the library.

  The Calendar is  important to my page because   teachers and students can see  what is going on in the library, and if the library might be available to use.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Letters About Literature- writing contest for students

  Letters About Literature is writing contest for students in grades 4-12. In its 25th year , it is sponsored by the Library of Congress and Dollar General.

 This is a reflective  letter writing competition whereby students write to an author about their feelings about a book and how they feel the book has changed their view of themselves or their world.  The students will share specific details about the book and their reaction to it.

  More information about the contest can be found at There is a webinar for educators and details about the contest.  Check your state for deadline specifics.


Teachers lesson plan for writing letters:

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Accelerated Reading at the Middle school

  We are doing Accelerated Reading again this year at my school. Last year we did not have a huge number of students that participated and read books.  So I am looking for suggestions on how to motivate the students to read and take tests.

 Each week I select three students to select from my box of goodies.   I will also give out cafeteria rewards to the two or three highest point scores each month. But I am looking for some good motivators / rewards to get more students reading and taking tests, Can anyone comment below and tell what kinds of prizes / recognition they give? Or special privileges?

Thursday, December 29, 2016

December January Bulletin Board


                   I hope you can see this as the light makes a glare , but this is my Dec/ Jan bulletin board.
It has a blue background with gold letters " Lets read til we get snowed under" Every time it snows I will add a few flakes or many depending on the amount of snow. Every week I will have the 8th grade announcers announce  "If you notice something about the bulletin board by the library , stop in to tell us." Students with the right response will pick from the prize box.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Reading Posters from the library!

   I will be working with my art teacher to produce reading posters. The poster will be a montage of students reading in different locations ( maybe even at their homes with their pets or siblings??) I would like to make a couple for each floor and perhaps even doubles of some of the photos.

  The art teacher is going to mount them on poster board. We will come up with a catchy slogan- perhaps more than one. 

  I am hoping to show how many students like reading and do read.  I am open to students reading newspapers, comics,  or magazines. I will also catch students reading text books, signs, and posters.  This will be a great way to showcase reading at the middle School or on any level/.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

   Every Library is the first national  & political actions committee for libraries   has a new online presence called Vote Libraries.  On this site  is an online gallery  free to use for all public libraries.  There is artwork  and tools for voter outreach ,new high quality Art and design   that is free for all pubic libraries across the country.   Check and see all that they have and how you can use this tool to help you spread the word  to tell the community what your library is all about.

Friday, July 17, 2015

E Books For Teens- Summer Reading

Overdrive , which is our suppliers of e books on our library website, is teaming up wiht SYNC to offer two Ya aduio books each week that readers can keep. They will offer a current Ya titles and a classic or a required reading summer title.

  When you sign up for a email or text alert you can be the first to know when the  titles are available to download.

  This year some of the classics are: Great expectations, Dracula, Adventures of Huckleberry Fin , and Around the World in 80 days.  The selections are designed to pair with school  and library reading programs but all ages are sure to love them as well. A toolkit  with posters to promote the program is available on the SYNC website.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Library Signage

  Library Signs are important to both students and patrons  in that they help them find sections and areas needed. Even more so in a Public library or a large school library.signage is important because  it will save you and your staff time  in answering continuous questions about where things are located.

  So think about  several things before making signs.   What sections do you have and do they need to be noted ?   What areas are you always directing patrons to?   The most obvious are of course , fiction, non-fiction, children's room, Ya room, or reference section.

 Depending on your library , you may also have  a computer lab/area,  over sized book shelf, large print books, archives ( local history) or  reading or study area.  

  Having signs for these will allow you  to define areas of the library where many patrons / students  want and need to be.   So now for the signs: what kind will you have? 

  If you have a large budget, then check out the library suppy catalogs or find a local person that can design and make signs for you.  The advantage of this is that these will be lasting signs.  Hang them carefully and you will use them for many years.

 If your budget is not large, then do what I do. I made colorful signs on a power point program or a publisher program.  I then cover them with contact  paper.
 These signs  will be placed where needed.  In a few years if I need to make new ones I will. The advantage of this is if I move areas around , the signs are easy to move around also.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Successful strategies for PR

   Library's and their staff strive to develop promotions that catch the attention of patrons and future patrons. We want to draw both types of patrons  to our programs and events.

  So what can we do? With a little thought we can develop strategies that work for our communities. Here are a few:

 1) Eye catching book displays, add to that a poster to emphasize and clarify what the display is about.

2) Well designed flyers and newsletters. They should have details about programs , events, and resources.

3) Your website for the library. Make it interactive, interesting and information, Add a blog, podcast, photos,- anything to attract and hold patrons attention.

4) Advertising?  If you can afford it ,use local papers and radio stations, Promote the library, programs , events and resources,  Some local media welcome library information in press releases. They may also provide  a space or time for a library column or library spot.

5) Friends Groups- This group may host programs,. collect funds, and and help promote the library.

6)  Staff members  are a gold mine! Make sure they are knowledgeable and enthusiastic and can discuss and promote programs, resources, events and exhibits,

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Writing your Newsletter

   There are certain key ideas to keep in mind when writing your library's newsletter.  First of all, determine your audience  whom you are writing to. If you can identify  who will be reading your newsletter then you will have adjust your tone and readability.

  Then write to that audience as if you were talking or in  conversation with them.  Keep the language ( words) so that it is understandable. Develop your writing style to be short and simple.  Yet don't talk down to your audience.

  Secondly , be consistent in your style. Do not have one article long and wordy and another brief and sparse.

  Think about composing a style sheet for your newsletter so that whomever is writing will know how to proceed. Actually have more than one person responsible is a good idea to spread the word ( and ideas ) around. This guide can be helpful to note font styles, sizes, and other consistent items in the Newsletter.

  When the newsletter is complete, have proof readers waiting to do their thing.  Having 3 others ( who are not the authors!) read and make corrections before publishing is a smart idea.  These persons will look for several items - grammar, spelling, punctuation and to see if all the sentences make sense. This can save the library and newsletter committee from possible embarrassing items in the Newsletter.