Showing posts with label administrators and Librarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label administrators and Librarians. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Librarians- 5 things to do in December

These are a few things I think are good to do during the month of December.
1) Thank/ show appreciation for your staff/ volunteers/ student helpers. You have made this far in then year with a little help from your "friends".  So give a small gift or card. When I had lots  of volunteers ( and a little paid staff) I held a volunteer "tea"  with cold drinks and homemade fruit breads. Do a little speech about how much you appreciate their help and then socialize!

2) Touch base with your administration, especially if  you do not get chances to update them on what is going on in the Library Media Center. I always did a monthly report ( more on that in The Organized Librarian) but I found that most of the time , the report was just filed and not really read.So catch up with them and maker them aware of all you are doing.

3) Check your supplies to see if something is needed.Do this especially if your budget funds must be spent before the end of the year. Order what you need or are low on,

4)  Many times ,this is a slow time of year, when students and staff are winding down for holidays and vacations, Send out some PR  and remind then of how you can help them with resources, activities and lessons.

5) Planning time- if your patrons/ students/ teachers  have few demands, use your time to prepare for January and the rest of the year, Check journals, online resources, and blogs for some new ideas that will draw interest in useing the library and all its resrouces.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

All students Need Great School Libraries

All students Need Great School Libraries

  Watch this video!  It has some excellent talking points . And some ideas you can use in defense of school librarians and libraries.  Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Why students need a librarian- Pt 2

   Here are a few more reasons why students need you ( the librarian) to help them in their school careers These are good talking points if you need to defend your position in your school.

   1. Librarians teach students how to evaluate the information they find on the internet. Is is authoritative? Is it up to date? Students  are offered areas to look for in order for them to be sure the site is reliable.

   2. Librarians plan lessons to instruct students how to devise different questions so they can find answered  . There are fat and thin questions, they are open and closed questions. Then librarian can help students learn the difference and then how to construct them,

  3. Librarians can recommend books  to suit readers interests  and levels.  The librarian can provide students  book sites and blog where students can look for new and interesting titles

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Monthly Report- Part 4

  What else can  you include in your Monthly report? Here are some additional suggestions you might want to consider.
  Do you do a newsletter for your teachers- I  did a monthly one- sometimes in print- some online. Attach a hard copy into your monthly report package.
  How about bulletin boards or book displays? Take a quick clear shot and put that into your monthly report. Insert captions with each one.
   How do you announce new books? I send a "New Book list" .  Then I would Print out and attach to  the  monthly report package/
  All of these showcase some of the things you do for the staff and students at your  school.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Monthly Report- Part 3

  So  you are doing a monthly report to submit to your administration- you have circulation records and book stats. So what else should you include?

  Here are a few ideas.

  If on a flex schedule ,you could include : the classes that came to the library for books, the classes that came for a lesson on research skills, the classes that came to use the resources for a project , the classes that came to use the computers.
  I would list the teachers name,  name of lesson I taught  , or type of research they were doing. ( and how many classes for each since middle school teachers had 5 or 6 classes each day.) I would also include if I went into a classroom for a lesson or with the laptop cart, or I assisted a class in the computer lab with research or writing projects.

  One of the other items I always included is  a listing of teachers whom I provided with books for their classrooms or if I curated a list of websites for them to use with students.

 This information  showed that I was working closely with the staff and students to support the learning goals of the school.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Monthly Report- What should I include?

    What are the basics you should include in your Monthly Report?  First and Foremost  , your circulation shows what books and another items( eBooks, audio books, other items you circulate and are in charge of)  went out during the month.
   Another stat to show would be how many students came in during the month to check out books, or even in your classes. This shows how much student contact you have during the month. If you have a sign in ( sheet or log in)  to account for student use.
   Just these two items will show how many students you see each day. In a basic report like this , you could also indicate the number of new books that are received and processed each month.  You could also report funds spent on books and materials.
 See Part 1 of Why should I do a monthly report in my last post.

 If you do a monthly report, what do to include? Leave a comment below - join the conversation! When you follow me or leave a comment you will be entered to receive a copy of "The Organized Librarian"- Drawing to be held at the end of the month.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Monthly Report- should I do one?- Book Giveaway!

   I think every librarian should do a monthly report.  Even if you have loads of classes,  maybe no help, and are crunched for time, make time to at least do a brief report.  I am suggesting that a basic simple report  to administration leads to greater understanding of what librarians do.
    Why? First of all, doing a monthly report  demonstrates that you do more than just classes  or just book check out.   Many Administrators and staff   have no  idea of what is involved in running a library. If you give even the basic details you can show what else you are doing to maintain the library
  It is our job as librarians to  educate our Administrators and staff of what librarians can do and should be doing!
  If you do a monthly report, what do to include? Leave a comment below - join the conversation! When you follow me or leave a comment you will be entered to receive a copy of "The Organized Librarian"- Drawing to be held at the end of the month/1

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Library Jobs for students

   Our Professional Development person and our principals tell us that we as teachers are working to hard. They want the students to become more involved in the education and more invested in their learning.

  So during class time and instruction time, students should have responsibilities in the learning process. So I am incorporating this into my information literacy lessons. I have made a poster describing the jobs briefly.  So , there is a tech person who sits at the computer to deliver the power point. Also there are paper people who pass out paper, readers to read the slides. Recorders – which is most of the student taking notes.  The rest of the students are student repeaters who need to be able to repeat /explain the lesson or task to their table mates/ classmates.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Take the lead Librarians!

   Warren Drake (recipient of the 2017 AASL Distinguished School Administrator Award) wrote a very insightful and encouraging article recognizing the need for librarians and updated library spaces.
    He believes that in the future, students education will need then to be constructing and owning (taking responsibility) of their learning. Students will impart their knowledge, which will be gathered from library sources to create projects and include PBL( Project based learning)  Students connect to the world with resources provided by school libraries.
  According to Mr. Drake (Superintendent of East Baton Rouge Parish ( LA) schools ) , the library is the schools largest classroom. Librarians have a unique position because they interact with each student. He sees librarians as instructional partners with teachers and staff, helping them transform and strengthen education and instruction.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Librarian and the Principal

   Advocate for your library and its programs and increase your influence with your principal. This is one sure way to make sure your principal doesn't want to close the doors on your library. Think of your principal . What does he/she need? What materials and services would be helpful to them? What do they care about? What makes them successful?  What does the principal want to accomplish?

   Influence come when the school librarian  helps solve the principal's and staff members problems or help them achieve their goals.  So, begin by finding out your principals objectives and concerns. In addition to your annual and monthly reports. speak to you principals about what they want to see happening  in the schools. Are you helping to achieve the goals of the school and the students?

 This will go along way to keeping your programs alive!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Teacher Librarian Journal

   Last week I received my first issue of Teacher Librarian ,  the October issue. This is my first issue  in probably 10 years. It looks like a really good issue!
    Back in my Elementary days I got this  and loved it. Now it seems to have a more scholarly focus. Although I have not read any of the articles ( Had surgery  this week and did Nothing!) I feel it will be a good addition to my professional learning. Also there are many items in this issue that look like they will be helpful with advocacy  to the administration.
   Does anyone else get this?   I am also impressed with the persons on the advisory board. They are all leaders on school libraries. What other journals do you get that you find helpful? 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Personal Professional Growth

  At the  Summer Institute , we were given a continuum of school Librarian competencies, This rubric is for self growth to help up develop professionally. The competencies are from AASL and PSELS ( Professional Standards for Educational Leaders)

 Out of the 11 competencies I am going to work on  #1 first- which is Mission, Vision and Core Values. Being ion the middle school and the state of librarianship  with the strong digital aspect I will have to ponder before setting my mission and vision.  I have a small budget so that will be limiting as far as the digital/maker space aspect.

  Do you have mission or vision , or core values. I am struggling with this so if any one can comment please please do!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

New School Year!

 Tomorrow is our first day- conference day  with staff. It will be an interesting year. Our assistant superintendent retired the end of June and we have a new  young  assistant superintend  Our superintendent retired in the middle of the summer  so now we have an intern . So we will see how that goes.
  My principal is away til next week,so I guess our Assistant Principal will be in charge for tomorrow. I am hoping to get into the Library. I did go the other day and went through the mail and put as much as I could back in place from the cleaning over the summer.

  The first thing I will do is send emails regarding library orientation and possible  research help.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Value of School Librarians

   The true value of school librarians is  the  helping of students to become successful at learning. The question should always be : How  can we help our students to become more successful at learning?

   The message that school librarians needs to be focused on is this: The students !!   The key to the library program is helping the students learn how to keep on learning which will lead them to be successful in all avenues of their college  or work years.,

  Determine what tools the students need   and let those items be the goals of your work with the students. 

  Then it s your goal to share  what these tools are  with your staff , administrators, and parents,.  about the library assists and helps make the students successful.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Managers Workshop: Discovering and Mentoring Talent-

   I attended a recent workshop for library manger's , directors, and any staff who has people to manage and direct.  It focused on mentoring  talent in staff and getting the best results.  But the speaker also addressed becoming a better leaders to help your library build a dream team of staff who will love what they do and be creative in their positions.

  Her firs big question to use was "Why are you in this job and in this field?"  We had a small group discussion to tell our story of how we got into the library field.

  As manager or directors , we need to a) develop a vision, share it, and have our staff buy into it, b) communicate regularly with staff, and c) create an environment  that allows discussion and a good communication system

  So our firs step would be to create our vision/ mission/  Then challenge staff to help build and fulfill the vision you see for your library.  As you listen to staff and their ideas , make changes . Embrace good discussions that bring up points to improve your library. Have staff become more involved in the work at hand and the vision of what your library is becoming!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We Read/ Revish Reviews,

 WEREAD is a website that has been produced to assist adults ( Parents, teachers and Librarians)  to encourage youth and children to find the joy of reading and writing.  
   This site is free and one of its goals is to make reading more fun , stimulating, and enjoyable.On the left hand side of the page are links related  articles on reading, links to free  reading sites, book ideas for planning reading sessions, reading skills that students need. a parents group, and a link to reading groups.  
    One of the most helpful links is literacy and parenting resources. This leads to many links that will educate parents  about the importance of reading and writing.
   The best link , I think, is the 'Free Kids Books' .  This leads to sites where student can  actually read books online.

   Revish Review is another site that has great content . On Revish ,users can read and write book reviews, keep a list of books they are reading  Users can also participate in book discussions with other readers and reviewers.  Guidelines to writing reviews are green.  They look for meaningful reviews that help others decide if they will read and like the book reviewed.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Common Core Standards and School Librarians

    I received a question just the other day about my book pass article  in Library Sparks and what CCS that activity would be related to . So I really started to think about the CCS and how they fit into the library program .
    Reading is at the core of the ELA common core standards, so really most of the standards go along with the library program of reading readiness for college- even in the youngest grades.  Each and every book that students read will help them on their way to becoming better readers.
  As librarians we build collections for students to read for pleasure - we have story hours, read alouds, reading incentives, and use award lists to promote the best books.

  As students read they are also gaining confidence  in pulling out main ideas, parts of the story  characters, plot, and  story curve.  The standards give some great examples of stories, poetry  and drama that apply the range of reading text types.
  We need to be aware and know the CCS and be an advocate  to administration , teachers, parents, and students that school librarians are at the core of learning within  the standards.  When you dive into the standards for you state, you will begin to see the important job we need to do to help students in all areas.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Administrators Want from their Librarians

     What do administrators want from their librarians?  Librarians are asked and need to do many things as we have seen in the past blogs.   Most of us love to learn about new ideas, strategies, resources and books. We love working with students, teachers , and parents.  As part of our jobs, we need to learn about  new  ideas and we need to model that love of learning to our students and teachers.
    Most of all ,the Librarian does not work alone. For a school to have a successful library program it takes everyone (  librarians, , teachers  , and administrators) working together for the students to be successful in their education and in their lives.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarians

      For those of you who have been school librarians for a while can attest that our jobs and responsibilities  have changed quite a bit over the years.   When I first started ,  the emphasis was only on print resources . At the time , that was all there was.
      But over the years, the profession and the collections have changed.  Now we are the keepers and teachers of technology. We are called to help teachers integrate technology into their curriculum.  We need to teach students to use the online card catalog , and data bases. We need to update and teach students and teachers on Web 2.0 tools and integrate these into the curriculum and the common core standards.
    Yes- now we are technology integrators! So we need to keep up to date on the latest  technology- e-books,  book apps, date bases, web 2.0 tools and more.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Administrators want from their Librarian- Part 4

      What do administrators expect from their Librarians?  Many administrators do not have a clear idea of what to expect but as librarians and leaders we need to promote ourselves and our programs, and how we can assist students in becoming better learners. One way to do all of these items is to become part of our school s professional development team.  When we do that we can teach the staff about all of our resources.
      So what do we teach?  Just a few examples : How to use our website , how to use the online card catalog, how to find resources, how to integrate library materials into the current curriculum, how to use the data bases  for school state wide support ( In NY we have Vtial New York, along with several others- Engage NY , and CommonCoreCurriculum. )
     When do we teach ? In the summer, at the beginning of the school year where there are various meetings, during conference days,  hold  mini workshops before and after school, during teacher prep.