Showing posts with label library curriculum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library curriculum. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Online story creators


Student treasures is an online book creator that student will enjoy. It looks to be fairly straightforward and it is free to create. They do sell classroom books and parents can buy their child's books for  $20.00.

There are many resources for teachers : lesson plans, writing work sheets, and ideas for projects. Check this out!

  Story bird’s  claim is that anyone can produce visual stories in seconds.  Illustrators and artists around the world have their art work available for use by creators of stories.  Families, student’s & teachers, and authors use story bird to create  & publish their own stories.

  Visitors to the site can read books from their favorite writers. They can create their own stories and share them with friends and families.  Teachers can help their students use Story Bird to have them learn the art of writing and have them produce their own books. (This encourages  reluctant writers and readers) Authors use story bird to give them a growing audience and connect with more readers,

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Online sources for Internet safety

 If you are looking for additional information and activities for student online safely, here are some links to check out . Parents, teachers, and librarians can use the information to 

 FBI Inerent safety-Information ,games, activities for students and teachers to promote on line safety

 US Department of Justice-  Links that lead to information for teachers and parents


Consumer Information  look under Privacy,Identity &o nline security for resources

U.S. Dept of Education-

Ways to keep students safe online

Homeland Security

Resources to keep students safe when at  home

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Middle School Lessons- Online Card Catalog

 Lesson for Online Card Catalog- Follett Destiny

 "Searching for a Book"

1) Review of Destiny- finding  library page, and where to find card catalog.
2) Discussion of ways to locate / or search the materials in the library.

Vocabulary: online catalog,author, title, subject, series, call numbers,  genres, keywords

 Resources needed:
   ( Students)Computers with internet access . Destiny worksheet
   ( LMS) whiteboard with internet access

Where the lesson takes place: in the library or computer lab

Student completes worksheet.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Middle School Lessons- Library Orientation

 This is a brief outline of what I will do  when school resumes in September for my library orientation so that students will be familiar with the library.

  Orientation & Map
1) Introduction to library, personnel, policies( circulation)
2) "Tour " of Library- Like Vana  since it is so small
3)  Review of Destiny ( Online Card Catalog- shown on whiteboard)
4) Explain  how to do map, and library and card catalog activity

Vocabulary: overdues, circulation, fiction, non-fiction, biography, reference, dewey decimal system, fiction arrangement, genres.

  REsources :Worksheet- 2part- general  & card catalog activity

  Where do the lessons take place?
 Orientation- Library
Completion of map and general sheet- in library
Completion of Card Catalog activity: library or computer lab

Can you share what you do for your orientation? This will work for  grades 5-8.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Middle school Lessons

 I am trying to devise a online curriculum for my 7th and 8th grade students. So I am searching what others have available as lessons and online tutorials.  So Far, I have found a few that look good and will als match up with my student needs.

  What is needed first is an overview of elementary lessons because when the students get to middle school, they forget what they have learned or they do not remember learning the basics ( like online card cat, arrangement, genres, dewey decimal system, ect.)

  Also I want to focus on internet safety, digital citizenship, and evaluation of websites, and also databases.
The reference process is I will do in collaboration with classroom teachers  when they are doing research/ inquiry. This will also include Easy Bib directions .

  As I search I will look for additions and adapt them to my students, This will go on my google classroom  for student use.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Common Sense Media

 I have found this program open to school educators of technology and information literacy. I am planning to use some of the components  to  ensure that my 7th graders  learn  the ins and outs of the right way to use the newest technology. I think they will like what is coming up this week. We are finishing our black history project and will go  on to digital and traditional  media as an introduction to the Common Sense Media  components that I will be using

Monday, October 19, 2015

Inspiration for The Daring School Librarian

 I have been searching for ideas for middle school libraries every since I got this position as a middle school librarian.  I had been a middle school librarian  for 9 years before switching to the elementary level  but a lot has changed since that time.

 One site I have found  is The Daring School Librarian.  It is an awesome site with a lot of content and  great ideas that            has done  on the middle school level.  I am looking at her tech and  lesson ideas and have some solid ideas for lessons and programs.  She has  actual tutorials for her students  that lead them to better understanding of  safe usuage of interent sources, and also a tutorial/ webquest of the steps for

 So if you have not seen this site , I would  greatly suggest you check this out and make it one of your go to places to look!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Free online conference for Teen Librarians

  On Thursday, August 13th, School Library Journal will have a free full day online conference for Teen Librarians.  Topics  will include  programming, and collection development.

  There will be author talks about their current and new titles, and will include a question and answers time for participants.  Focus will also on teen issues and trends, selecting non-fiction , and romance for Ya's/  Also  other topics will be gaming in the library,  and setting up volunteer groups  .  There will be a virtual exhibit hall where you can see publishers newest items.  For more information  and to register visit  Summer Teen Web site.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ideas on Professional reading! -

  Do you keep track of your reading - both professional and for fun? When I read for fun ( I love historical fiction and biographies ) I don't. I just read for pure enjoyment.

  However when I do professional reading ( books, journals) I have my notebook with me.I like to jot down ideas that I gleam that I can use , ideas for lessons, quotes that inspire me, ideas for advocacy, or ideas to share with library colleagues or teachers. I can look back in this notebook and make sure I have the quote or idea correct.
  Also I can look back  and reread . It sometimes sparks an idea for displays, organizing, or staff development.  This is also a record of what I have read- Yes I do note titles and authors, So if some one asks for a recommendation , I can give it to them . This is especially true of really good professional books,

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Value of School Librarians

   The true value of school librarians is  the  helping of students to become successful at learning. The question should always be : How  can we help our students to become more successful at learning?

   The message that school librarians needs to be focused on is this: The students !!   The key to the library program is helping the students learn how to keep on learning which will lead them to be successful in all avenues of their college  or work years.,

  Determine what tools the students need   and let those items be the goals of your work with the students. 

  Then it s your goal to share  what these tools are  with your staff , administrators, and parents,.  about the library assists and helps make the students successful.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Curriculum and Media Literacy Skills

     Insgtruction for Media Literacy skills should be embedded into each curriculum area and grade level. ideally teachers and librarians should decide what skills go with what grade level, and figure out what subject area to fit it in with.
     This would be a great beginning for collaborative prokects  which could also emcompass other speaial areat teachers ( ex. second grade deoes animals research both in class and at library and computer lab, student does a report , illustrates the animals habitat in art class, and does a voice thread about their animal)   You can see in this example where the librarian can fit in many media and literacy skills.)
     Growing research shows that media literacy instruction improves student reading, viewing and listening of print,  audio , and video texts. there is also more student analysis of information.  These skills transfer to tool for learning and gaining connections between the curriculum and experiences outside of school.
    Integration of media literacy can be accomplished by teachers ad librarian working creatively to produce lessons that engage and excite students about learning, By using the new media and its tools , students are also being shown the importance of live long learning.
  Some  more examples:
   ELA teachers can have student analyze a literary work and its movie /video version.

   Social studies teachers could have students develop  short media ( podcast, blog post, video) about a region, historical period, or event in history.
    Science teachers can have student explore scientists and inventors or current developments. They would produce a media project to showcase what they have learned.

     Math students could produce and analyze chart and graphs which rep[resent common data/