Showing posts with label professional development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label professional development. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

AASL Standards- Using them

 How can the new standards be used and implemented?  Yes , I am still excited about the AASL  new standards.  They are not a curriculum, but they will help as you redo or develop lessons to meet your students information needs.
   As you work on your lessons, you can use the standards to guide your ideas about activities that will help students develop the competencies they  need. Also you can use these as part of your own professional  learning. These will also help you as you determine the success of your lessons and programs.
   I can also see using the 4 domains for students to use as a guide as they progress through research projects, For each learning domain m there are 3 o 4 competencies that go along with the completeion of each one.
   The book has so much to offer and I have only reached the first couple of chapters , so I will continue reading and learning, and sharing  items of interest,

Sunday, August 5, 2018

AASL Standards for School Librarians

    I just attended a great conference at the Syracuse ( NY) Sheraton. It was the School librarians  transform Learning : Teaching with the new AASL Standards.It was hosted by the NYLA/AASL for New York State school librarians
   Each participant was required to bring or buy the Book - AASL National Library Standards for learners, school Librarians, and School Libraries,.
  After an overview of the framework, we jumped into learning about the shared foundations and the 4 competencies ( think, create, share, and grow).  The best part was working as a large group- we were about 117 in number. And then  as smaller groups, we divided our selves into grade levels.I got to meet, socialize, and discuss with other NY state middle school librarians.
  Yes , it was overwhelming at times, as all conferences usually are. But I learned a lot and have some really good  ideas for the fall.
  The Book it  self is a great combination of information, charts,  and explanations . We worked on a lesson plan and I even got to discuss our lessons!!
   You will be hearing more about these standards and how they bring connections between students , teachers, and school librarians.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Take the lead Librarians!

   Warren Drake (recipient of the 2017 AASL Distinguished School Administrator Award) wrote a very insightful and encouraging article recognizing the need for librarians and updated library spaces.
    He believes that in the future, students education will need then to be constructing and owning (taking responsibility) of their learning. Students will impart their knowledge, which will be gathered from library sources to create projects and include PBL( Project based learning)  Students connect to the world with resources provided by school libraries.
  According to Mr. Drake (Superintendent of East Baton Rouge Parish ( LA) schools ) , the library is the schools largest classroom. Librarians have a unique position because they interact with each student. He sees librarians as instructional partners with teachers and staff, helping them transform and strengthen education and instruction.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Professional Development- the easy way

   You can do some professional development and learn a new skill without a lot of traveling by using  This is an online  subscription  that teachers  librarians  through high quality instructional videos taught  by leaders in the library industry .
   There are more than 1,400   training video   in a broad range of subjects : business skills, web design,  and development. You can watch an enitire course or a single tutorial  .Watch as you need  and at your own pace.

  Our system  provides  us access to  this service and I am looking  forward to doing some of my required 3 workshops this year.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Professional development- online learning!

  If you are looking for learning opportunities for you and your staff there are several places to look for quality  staff development.  One of theses is WebJunction . Webjunction offers  free webinars to library staff. There are many training opportunities which are complied and shares by the Wyoming State Library. Check it out each month on the WebJunction  site page and see what they have!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ideas on Professional reading! -

  Do you keep track of your reading - both professional and for fun? When I read for fun ( I love historical fiction and biographies ) I don't. I just read for pure enjoyment.

  However when I do professional reading ( books, journals) I have my notebook with me.I like to jot down ideas that I gleam that I can use , ideas for lessons, quotes that inspire me, ideas for advocacy, or ideas to share with library colleagues or teachers. I can look back in this notebook and make sure I have the quote or idea correct.
  Also I can look back  and reread . It sometimes sparks an idea for displays, organizing, or staff development.  This is also a record of what I have read- Yes I do note titles and authors, So if some one asks for a recommendation , I can give it to them . This is especially true of really good professional books,

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Professional Reading Journals for Public Librarians

  There are many great journals  for public librarians.   The two we receive and share with the librarians in our branches are : BookList , and Library Journal.  Both of these are excellent . I also find that the articles are great- especially the ones in Library Journal.

 I use these for mostly reading reviews of the latest books  and look  for their stared reviews and special sections on various genres.   Both also have great websites.

. Booklist is a book-review magazine that has been published by the American Library Association for more than 100 years. It  is widely viewed as offering the most reliable reviews to help libraries decide what to buy . It  also has an extensive website and database, e-newsletters, webinars, and other resources that support librarians in collection development and readers' advisory.

  Library Journal is another  trusted and respected publication for the library community. Built on more than a century of quality journalism and reviews, Library Journal  provides  features and analytical news reports covering technology, management, policy and other professional concerns to public, academic and institutional libraries. They have vast reviews and  evaluate 8000+ books, ebooks, audiobooks, videos/DVDs, databases, systems and websites.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Professional Growth

   It is summertime  . Don't let your mind turn to mush! Yes , I know you are learning new tech tools! ( I hope anyway)  But what else can you learn? 
   This is a great time to attend conferences, take workshops, seminars or courses ( in person or on-line) to enhance you skills as a Media Specialist.  You may also want to think about earning an additional certificate to enhance your library degree. ( think ESL- English as a Second language, GT- gifted and talented, reading specialist, literacy education, or special education. )They add to job security.
   Your new skills and certificates may be needed at the district , enough to keep your position and assist in your new area of expertise.
  Look to your BOCES, nearby colleges, or online courses.  Check with colleagues to see what they are doing and taking over the summer. Sometimes there are group rates.  .Just having a buddy along with you  makes the course or   workshop more enjoyable and more educational. You can bounce ideas and activities off each other and  make connections with both 0f your curriculums.
    Check out some library blogs and see what they are discussing. Join in the conversation and add some comments , ideas, and thoughts. Keep thinking of ways to improve your ideas about your library and your programs.