Showing posts with label library resource's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library resource's. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Library Bulletin Boards for January

What bulletin boards will I put up in January? I always try to think ahead and get ready for the next month.  I didn't this time. So here are some ideas that I have used or thought of to use in January.
    Let's read til we get snowed under-  snowflakes with book titles in the center. Blue sky in background. Bottom can be a silhouette of the town or school building.

   Sink into winter reading-  student/ teacher in a cozy chair reading, book jackets surrounded the chair.

   Hibernate with a good book- bears reading ( in a cave or in the snow)

  "READBOX"-  a redbox( movie rental)  with titles around that align with popular movies

Thursday, February 9, 2017


  The previous MS librarian( she is now in the HS, our Dept Chair) developed livebinders which are on our library webpage for several of the projects that the teachers needed resources for. Putting them on the webpage makes it really easy for students  when doing these projects.

  The livebinders  and the sites that are included on them  are determined by age level, topic and what the teachers want the students to find out or what information the students need
They can go to the livebinders and get the information they need for the task at hand.

  I have also developed  a few new livebinders  for newer projects  that teachers have asked  me for I will continue doing this as it helps students focus on information needed. It also helps them see what a reliable source looks like.

See my post on livebinders from  5/23/2013. Wired Wednesday- Tech Tools

Friday, November 11, 2016

Photos of signs

 This is one section of signs.  The ones in white I redid in red and they stand out much better and actually go with the rest of the signs.
This is the rest of the non-fiction section. I really like these signs!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Library Signs

   Recently I purchased new Dewey Decimal signs for the middle school library.( from Demco) They are wordle( word cloud) designs so look modern .The signs are  much more sophisticated than the one ones that had been hanging there for many years according to my library assistant,  
     I needed a few more and did try to do a wordle  but they came out way to busy and hard to read. So I just made a simple black text on white for the ones I needed. But now I am thinking of doing them over on read paper to make them pop against the wood and the other signs,  Demco's are black  and since our colors are red and black I think it would be great!

Monday, October 17, 2016

For Librarians- my office desk

    On my desk there is are two file sorters because I do not have a file cabinet on my desk. These are  items use on a daily and weekly basis. Every thing else is in my file cabinet or will be in my file cabinet when I get my filing supplies.

    In the front of one file sorter I have my to do file.In that there are items that I need to work on . I also have a to file folder, and also a to read file which is full of items to read.
   Then I have several folders of  things I am working on . I really like to focus on one project at a time- I feel that is the best way to get tasks accomplished.  But there are a few things ( like my monthly report and my monthly newsletter that I work on a little at a time , staring in the middle of the month).

 So for right now  I have a book club folder- my first meeting was last week and I have two more this week. After that I will move that folder until I need it.  It  have a folder  with my budget work in it - because that is something that I will use until my money is spent.

 In another stack sorter, I have my plan book, my " important papers" note book and also printed manuals about my circ system and other items that I refer to on a daily basis.

  This keeps my desk clean and organized.  I know where everything is and I can pullout what I need when need itl

Sunday, January 3, 2016

January Bulletin Boards

 What bulletin boards will I put up in January? I always try to think ahead and get ready for the next month.  I didn't this time. So here are some ideas that I have used or thought of to use in January.
    Let's read til we get snowed under-  snowflakes with book titles in the center. Blue sky in background. Bottom can be a silhouette of the town or school building.

   Sink into winter reading-  student/ teacher in a cozy chair reading, book jackets surrounded the chair.

   Hibernate with a good book- bears reading ( in a cave or in the snow)

  "READBOX"-  a redbox( movie rental)  with titles around that align with popular movies

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Middle School- Library School Centers

    I recently decided to try a few centers and mini lessons in my 7th grade library classes .  So this is what I did- I divided each class into 3 equal groups .   After attendance is taken each period, I go over the three 'centers' or activities.  Instructions are given about each one.
   One is usually at the computers . Six students can go on the computer  which works out good  in all but my 2 biggest classes which have more than 18. Lately the students are learning about library data bases and currently they are using Fact Monster and World Book.

   The other one so far has been a shelf  find it game- this was easy . I just took dewey numbers from the collection  for the non- fiction and then call letters from  the fiction section.  Students use the cards to find  each number .

  The third  group is my mini lesson group- I go over the  a lesson and students work on an activity  that  correlates with the lesson.

  So far it seems to be working pretty good. I will detail more of these  groups at a later date.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Victory for School Students & their libraries

   In early July, the Reed- Cochran Amendment was passed by the US Senate.  The Reed - Cochran  Amendment will help save and expand school libraries in every state  in the US.  It will authorize school  districts  to use ESSA  ( Elementary & Secondary Ed. Act)  funds to develop and maintain effective school library programs  with certified librarians at the core of the program.

 The amendment has the backing of the Senate's Health , Education, Labor & Pensions committee.
 The senate voted 98-0 in favor of this bill.

   This win is important , but the work is not over yet. The bill has to be discussed on the Senate floor , then a senate vote and then it goes to  the house.  Then a conference committee will be appointed to resolve disagreements to arrive at a bill that all is in favor of.  Go Libraries!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Career Services At the Public Library

    What kinds of services do you have at your public library for those seeking jobs?  Most libraries have some kind of assistance  for job hunters. At our library , we have  a valuable resource - our computer expert also provides career counseling on a one on one basis. She works with patorns who are looking for  work.
     The other service  she provides  is  she holds two workshops a month. One is on interviewing skills with many tips and hints on how to  have a successful interview.  Her other class is a resume class, where  she walked participants through what a good resume should have.  During these sessions , she also provides  many tips and hints  on being successful in the job hunt today.

  We also have printed information out for job seekers, and our data bases are also very helpful!
We also have computer classes that help patrons get up to speed on their technology skills that may be needed  for many jobs today.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Professional development- online learning!

  If you are looking for learning opportunities for you and your staff there are several places to look for quality  staff development.  One of theses is WebJunction . Webjunction offers  free webinars to library staff. There are many training opportunities which are complied and shares by the Wyoming State Library. Check it out each month on the WebJunction  site page and see what they have!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Read it is a very interesting and exciting site. It is a great place to discover new books that have just been released . It is also a site where users can 'read it forward" and tell other readers when you discover a books that you absolutely love.

    On Readitforward , you can discover the next best seller even before it is out in books stores and libraries.  Weekly, there are behind the scenes  articles from authors and booksellers.
Also each week,  there is a Read it first giveaway. You can enter for a chance to win an advanced reader copy.

   There are two weekly newsletters that you can subscribe to: Read it forward book giveaways and what we are reading.  Other tabs on the main page to check out are: author essays, your reading life, bonus book content, and most read blog posts.

   Check this out and see if it is for you.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Librarians under pressure to connect

   Libraries are under pressure to connect with patrons.  Technology may just be the key  we need to help up do that.

  When staff and funding are tight, then  is the time to start doing things differently.  Because of technology , libraries can use the latest tools to connect with patrons.  After all we are in the 21 st century.  Why not pull out all the stops  we can to get patrons using our resources and programs.

   But wait- why do we have to connect?  We want to match patrons to the books and information they want and need .  We want to free up routine tasks that staff spend time on so they can interact with patrons  and help them achieve their goals.

  As library staff we need to determine how we can use our website, face book page , or a twitter to excite and draw interest  with our comments, questions, and interests. So let's get thinking,  What other social media  can we use? Instragram, Pinterest? Q Codes?  What can we do with them?
  I would love to hear what your library does to help connect and pull in patrons  Comment below and share how you use social media to create  patron interest and participation,

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Digital Literacy: What is it?

    Digital literacy is getting to be more important as we achieve more technology use in learning. Digital literacy is the ability to use and understand information that is found  in multiple media forms ( blogs, podcasts, databases, videos, ect).  from a wide range of sources when presented.

   The key to literacy goes beyond reading to understanding, evaluating, and interpreting the information.    The person then needs to construct and create the information gained to communicate what have been learned and understood.

   Digital literacy encompasses both computer hardware and soft wear, by computer or any other hand held device.  

" The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot  learn , unlearn, and relearn."   Alvin Toffler

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Value of School Librarians

   The true value of school librarians is  the  helping of students to become successful at learning. The question should always be : How  can we help our students to become more successful at learning?

   The message that school librarians needs to be focused on is this: The students !!   The key to the library program is helping the students learn how to keep on learning which will lead them to be successful in all avenues of their college  or work years.,

  Determine what tools the students need   and let those items be the goals of your work with the students. 

  Then it s your goal to share  what these tools are  with your staff , administrators, and parents,.  about the library assists and helps make the students successful.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Value of Public libraries in their Communities

   Do most communities value their public library?  Yes they do- most especially the patrons who use the library on a regular basis.
  Community members agree that the materials, resources, and  the technology  available at the library play an important  roll in giving everyone a chance to  grow and succeed. 

  The value of the library  are those unemployed  and retired   members use the library in finding information  regarding  jobs, career workshops , and other career  building services ( resume, interviewing , ect)   Patrons can receive assistance  and the technology need for applying for government services.
Manny members still value their library because  of the  accessibly of the use of computers and the Internet.

  Special programs of the library are also valued to many members of the community. There are children's, teens, and adult programs that patrons enjoy for entertainment and fellowship.  Use of the library for information, books, media, and research assistance continues to show that the library does have an effect of the members of the community.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Making Time For Paper Work

  Every day when you are at work, include   time to complete paper work and file away what is completed.  My routine is simple but it works for me.  In the morning before opening, I  do emails and  complete paper work that needs to be done.   I take out folders for the projects, or tasks that I will be working on today. It is a good time to do it because I do not have  a lot of interruptions .   I also make important phone calls that can not wait til later.

  Right before we start our lunch coverage I also  clean up my desk, file papers that need to be filed away, and  complete other paper type work , so that when I come back from lunch I have a clean desk. I will make any phone calls or emails needed  , and check emails again  to see if anything is pressing.

  Again before I get ready to go home, I will complete  what ever I can, place papers in file folders if I am still working on a project ,  file anything that is completed, and  clean up my desk.

  Obviously if I have a pressing task that requires more action , I will take a morning , or a good portion of the morning and just work on paper work. This applies when I have reports, inventories, or other  items that need to be completed

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Using your Bulletin Board to Organize your time

      Use your bulletin board to help you become more organized in the New Year.( And if you don't have one, have the space for one, get one, especially if you are a visual person!)

      But don't just put up notes and leave them there until the paper falls apart.  The bulletin board should be used for Visual reminders.  So for items you use frequently it is a good way to store and then grab when needed- zips codes, phone numbers,  questions that need to be asked of your director or administrator.)

      Also the bulletin board is a good place for current projects. List the date, when the project is due, a description , and  steps to take- this depends on how organized you like to  be.

     If you have dead lines / due dates every month, the bulletin board can also serve as a tickler file to remind you of what needs to be and when it needs to be handed in.
     Using a bulletin board  will help , but only  if  you USE it! That means looking at it at least daily, and maybe even once in the Am and then once in the PM.
    As always , at least once a month,  clear off unwanted and finished items.

     How do you use a bulletin board by your desk? Any more ideas?   Give me an idea  in the comment section below!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Epic Reads. Com- Ya site book reviews is a site for Ya readers ( and their librarians)  The site is owned by Harper Collins Publishing but  does not have only their works.
   The site has a real hip look that teens will be attracted to.  Check it out!  Teens and librarians can find the newest  and best teen/ Ya books , connect with authors , and meet other teens  to share reading interests. Check on the covers of the new books to see reviews and comments.
  There are also Youtube videos of book trailers and comments about books.   There are also polls, quizzes about books and Ya genres, a blog with articles on authors, and other related Ya topics. Also you will find contests and sweepstakes, review of new releases and coming  soon titles.  Another great link is teen author with bios and photos, and some video chats.
  In the right hand column you will find links to activities and features members . Introduce this to your teen readers and let them explore.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

My Book Search Favorites- Book giveaway

  One of  my favorite places to get quick and easy book ideas is Amazon. What is not to like? I can click on a title and get so much information on the latest titles!
  I get a summary, lists of critical review, and customer ratings. This is very helpful  just to read and see what the best sellers are. While I do not purchase from Amazon for work, I do for home if I absolutely have to have a title . I find the information to be quick and accurate.  

  Another favorite is Bas Blue.  This little catalog has great reviews of titles  that are short and sweet and to the point. I can read the review here and then go to track down more information on Amazon or  my book jobber site.

  One more I want to mention today is  China berry ( I love Chinaberry)  The website is great also  When ever I get this catalog ,, I sit right down and look at the whole thing and read reviews.  They provide both new and classic books  that they and their customers love. They support positive and uplifting books for children,  They also have a blog  that has articles and craft projects.

  Tell me  what your favorites are and  you will be entered into a drawing for a FREE Link to my "The Organized Librarian"  e book!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Top Library Technologies-Digital Books

   Digital books are the newest , biggest thing  that  both public and school library's offer   Patrons can download and borrow books to their readers and enjoy the latest books with ease and accessibility.  Most libraries now have ebooks and emagazines that patrons can browse and borrow ,. There are also sites that allow online reading, some of which  I have already reviewed here at this blog.  I continue to search  out the latest  on  online reading and learning.  I feel that as librarians we need to keep up on the latest sites for patrons reading.

   What are your  thoughts on digital books? Do you use them your self? Do you promote them at the public library? Do you have them at  your school- How are they used?? Who uses them?