The previous MS librarian( she is now in the HS, our Dept Chair) developed livebinders which are on our library webpage for several of the projects that the teachers needed resources for. Putting them on the webpage makes it really easy for students when doing these projects.
The livebinders and the sites that are included on them are determined by age level, topic and what the teachers want the students to find out or what information the students need
They can go to the livebinders and get the information they need for the task at hand.
I have also developed a few new livebinders for newer projects that teachers have asked me for I will continue doing this as it helps students focus on information needed. It also helps them see what a reliable source looks like.
See my post on livebinders from 5/23/2013. Wired Wednesday- Tech Tools
The livebinders and the sites that are included on them are determined by age level, topic and what the teachers want the students to find out or what information the students need
They can go to the livebinders and get the information they need for the task at hand.
I have also developed a few new livebinders for newer projects that teachers have asked me for I will continue doing this as it helps students focus on information needed. It also helps them see what a reliable source looks like.
See my post on livebinders from 5/23/2013. Wired Wednesday- Tech Tools