Thursday, September 6, 2012

A New School Year!

     A new school year! Time for new schedules, meetings, Common core standards, and library information skills and library literacy!  But the most important are the students! We need to instill a love of literature, learning, and reading. 
    I am reading The Book Whisperer  Awaking the reader in every Child. ( Donalyn Miller)  This is an excellent book that all teachers should be required to read.   This reading teacher shows how  she instilled the love of reading by allowing readers to read what they choose . I hope to write a review here or on Amazon.


  1. I'm 22 years old and in the process of getting my MLIS. My elementary school media specialist had seen my love for reading, and encouraged it by allowing me "sneak peeks" whenever she ordered new books, among other things. I feel I should pay it forward and hope that in reading the book you mentioned, I too can make a difference. Thanks for the idea! =)

  2. Natalie- Good luck with MLS! If you are like me - you will love being a librarian. Keep watching her for more ideas and let me know how you are doing!
