Showing posts with label importance of school librarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label importance of school librarians. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Librarians- 5 things to do in December

These are a few things I think are good to do during the month of December.
1) Thank/ show appreciation for your staff/ volunteers/ student helpers. You have made this far in then year with a little help from your "friends".  So give a small gift or card. When I had lots  of volunteers ( and a little paid staff) I held a volunteer "tea"  with cold drinks and homemade fruit breads. Do a little speech about how much you appreciate their help and then socialize!

2) Touch base with your administration, especially if  you do not get chances to update them on what is going on in the Library Media Center. I always did a monthly report ( more on that in The Organized Librarian) but I found that most of the time , the report was just filed and not really read.So catch up with them and maker them aware of all you are doing.

3) Check your supplies to see if something is needed.Do this especially if your budget funds must be spent before the end of the year. Order what you need or are low on,

4)  Many times ,this is a slow time of year, when students and staff are winding down for holidays and vacations, Send out some PR  and remind then of how you can help them with resources, activities and lessons.

5) Planning time- if your patrons/ students/ teachers  have few demands, use your time to prepare for January and the rest of the year, Check journals, online resources, and blogs for some new ideas that will draw interest in useing the library and all its resrouces.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Why students need a librarian- Pt 2

   Here are a few more reasons why students need you ( the librarian) to help them in their school careers These are good talking points if you need to defend your position in your school.

   1. Librarians teach students how to evaluate the information they find on the internet. Is is authoritative? Is it up to date? Students  are offered areas to look for in order for them to be sure the site is reliable.

   2. Librarians plan lessons to instruct students how to devise different questions so they can find answered  . There are fat and thin questions, they are open and closed questions. Then librarian can help students learn the difference and then how to construct them,

  3. Librarians can recommend books  to suit readers interests  and levels.  The librarian can provide students  book sites and blog where students can look for new and interesting titles

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Why students need a librarian

   If you need to defend your position there are lots of resources that you will find. But much of why students need librarians is basic , so here a few to think about and add to your list.
   1) Librarians provide materials matched to student learning styles and abilities.  There are print, on line and audio resources. Many of the online and audio can be adapted to student levels. Some can provide sources that can be read aloud to students,

  2) The library website  ( provided & maintained by librarians) offers 24/7 access to the online catalog and electronic resources, databases and lists of curated sites  for specific projects.

 3) The Librarian and the library provides information that is carefully selected and  appropriate for students learning needs and projects.

  Use these as needed. In future posts , I 'll add a few more reasons why students need a library and a librarian.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Librarian as a school leader

    Librarians act as leaders in their schools. Most of the time we call this 'Leading from the Middle'. Librarians lead by modeling best practices, and acting as a person who works with teachers to help bring lessons that are Technology tested and engaging.
    By developing one unit or lesson at a time with one teacher, word of mouth inspires other staff to want the same services.    Changes in lessons and units takes place, as the librarians builds relationships with staff. This in turn , effects students and their learning by having more engaging learning and more information skills to help them with technology. 
   Leadership by librarians can be done in several ways.Professional development, reading promotions, and programs , integrating two curricular areas, sharing tech tools new strategies and websites are just a few  ideas.  By demonstrating energy and enthusiasm for our job we can make a difference in our students lives.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Reading for Pleasure ( article)

  Jeffrey Wihelm recently wrote an article abut reading for pleasure and its benefits.
The first question he brings up (which I think is key) is: promoting reading is a civil rights issue. He gives data that reading for pleasure helps youth in both social mobility and cognitive progress.
He encourages all staff regardless of subject area to promote reading for pleasure. In reading for pleasure the student is engaged and immersed in the book. 
The article also gives some examples of how to share and promote reading in a school setting.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Teacher Librarian Journal

   Last week I received my first issue of Teacher Librarian ,  the October issue. This is my first issue  in probably 10 years. It looks like a really good issue!
    Back in my Elementary days I got this  and loved it. Now it seems to have a more scholarly focus. Although I have not read any of the articles ( Had surgery  this week and did Nothing!) I feel it will be a good addition to my professional learning. Also there are many items in this issue that look like they will be helpful with advocacy  to the administration.
   Does anyone else get this?   I am also impressed with the persons on the advisory board. They are all leaders on school libraries. What other journals do you get that you find helpful? 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Recent lessons- April

    During Information Literacy we have been stepping back and doing some literacy type of activities.  Students  listened to the book , The Witches ( Dahl) and  demonstrated their comprehension by  drawing/ writing  about the different components of the story( plot, characters, story arc,)  Students enjoyed this activity and it gave them  a little bit of break from the other activities we had been doing previously.

   Some of the classes  were listening. reading 12 Angry Men (Rose  ) and were  rewriting different scenes  into a play.   We also  wrote some poems for poetry month which most of the students enjoyed.

  This was a little break from the research and information skills that we had been doing .

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Library Centers- Middle School- Survey's

  I am still searching for ideas for Middle school  library centers for my 7th grade classes. I have a few ideas of my own.  One activity I set up was survey.  I had four questions printed up about what they had learned and what activity they had liked.   My first attempt I did as a whole group and then I adjusted it to  a center activity.

  I printed out directions and stuck out post it notes.  On each post it , students were to write the numbers 1 to 4 and answer the questions.  They were supposed to answer in one or two words.   Then they stuck the posts it to the tables.  At the end of the  period, we quickly read most of the responses.

 I am planning to do  more surveys such as this  as a center activity.  The whole group survey was a little chaotic and I did not get  numbered answers,  I was thinking of doing a Family Feud type of thing as a review type of thing  when I do a survey of All the students , but that is for the next time.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

New Position!! New challenges!

   Well I am 3 weeks into my new position of Middle School librarian!  It is more focused than the Library Branch Manger and really more of what I am used to be doing- being in school and working with students.  I have 7th grade fixed classes- 5 a day!! Luckily my predecessor left me with a lot of stuff- she went up to the High school so she is my mentor!  The  women  who was at the high school left her with NOthing! ( that is just plain rude I think)
 So that is why I have not posted recently  but now I am finally getting more settled- am learning how to use School Tools which is a biggie.  I am searching for  7th grade lessons and ideas- so please please if you have any please leave comments  below!    I have started off with reviews of the major items. We are calling the class  Information Literacy so I will plug in a lot of tech stuff also. Please if you have ideas or sites to look at let me know!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Victory for School Students & their libraries

   In early July, the Reed- Cochran Amendment was passed by the US Senate.  The Reed - Cochran  Amendment will help save and expand school libraries in every state  in the US.  It will authorize school  districts  to use ESSA  ( Elementary & Secondary Ed. Act)  funds to develop and maintain effective school library programs  with certified librarians at the core of the program.

 The amendment has the backing of the Senate's Health , Education, Labor & Pensions committee.
 The senate voted 98-0 in favor of this bill.

   This win is important , but the work is not over yet. The bill has to be discussed on the Senate floor , then a senate vote and then it goes to  the house.  Then a conference committee will be appointed to resolve disagreements to arrive at a bill that all is in favor of.  Go Libraries!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Organization of Library Materials

     Normally books and materials in libraries are organized on the shelves by collection and classification. You may also have a Reference section and a periodical/magazine section.  Sections For audio visuals, listening kits, and cd's may depend  on the amounts  in each category. You may have then placed together or you may have each in its own collection and area.

     If you have books in demand- lets say you are doing a special  program ( Caldecott Challenge, Battle of the books, specialized classroom reference project, display or theme) you may want to pull out the books and isolate them from the regular collection. Place those books and resources in an easily accessible location for ease of use for both student, patron, and staff use.

   Shelving is done every day.  checking shelves of relocated items is also recommended,again depending on the length of the special program or theme.  Why is this important?

   It is important that patrons, students, or staff will be able to trace items form the catalog to the shelf.  To be able to find books / information quickly  is the the usual trade mark of a good library system

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Value of School Librarians

   The true value of school librarians is  the  helping of students to become successful at learning. The question should always be : How  can we help our students to become more successful at learning?

   The message that school librarians needs to be focused on is this: The students !!   The key to the library program is helping the students learn how to keep on learning which will lead them to be successful in all avenues of their college  or work years.,

  Determine what tools the students need   and let those items be the goals of your work with the students. 

  Then it s your goal to share  what these tools are  with your staff , administrators, and parents,.  about the library assists and helps make the students successful.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why we need Librarians and Libraries

    Libraries( school, academic, and public) are a place for education, self help, ad pleasure. Libraries bring access to all, depending on who they serve.
     Americans check out almost 2 Billion items every year. What do they check out? We  go to libraries to get books,  to borrow DVD's, and other items ( Kindles, nooks, laptops). We also go to the library to learn new computer and technology skills , and to learn more about job skills and job searches.

   The librarian at whatever library  you choose can guide  you to find the one answer you need. With a web search, you may find many answers  with more time invested. As time goes one, more services will in in greater demand at all libraries.

     Libraries are the solution in this poor economy. Free access to books and materials, online resources for individuals, resources for businesses and encouraging life long learning are part of the libraries goals and mission. As more and more Americans look for jobs, libraries are helping to level the playing fields for many job seekers.
    Public libraries support job seeker with databases and classes. School libraries  support students with information and Web 2.0 skills. Whenever the the economy is poor, Library  use is up.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Digital media makes a difference

  I am still on a roll and feeling very strongly about students learning and using the newest media and technology tools.  As librarians we can be key in helping teachers and students learn about using all these new tools /
    Teachers are beginning to use the new technology / digital too and finding that it does make a difference in student learning.  The new digital tools are not like the static printed textbook. The tools , databases, and other media are updated instantly, and most demand interaction by students and other users.
  There are links that allow the user to jump from page to page in different sequences, There are tools that provide audio, and video images , virtual reality , animation and games.
 Students can engage in computer games. student produced pod casts, posts, videos, and on line collaboration projects with others. While students are using the new tools, they are acquiring new information , analyzing the information , interacting with the facts and with others, and most importantly becoming life long learners.
  So lets help  bring our students into the 21st century with these tools. What are you doing with your teachers and students? As librarian , how are you helping your district  and your students?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Teachers and Librarains: Using Digital Tools / Media

     Both teachers and librarians should become comfortable using the new technology tools/ Why?? 
Students are more engaged and involved when using technology tools.

     How do you start?  Well I hope you are moving along in your goal for learning at least two tech tools this summer. ( Remember I said -don't stop at just two- when you have mastered two do two more!)

   Hopefully you will have the ability to display screen shots from your computer to a smart or white board in your classroom.  Start each new unit by displaying a variety of internet resources, databases and tools relative to that topic. Show the students how to determine if the information is accurate and reliable.

   Compare search and information from different search engines , websites, and library resources. Discuss differences information and layout and ease of use.

    By doing this you will show students up to date , accurate information . Having engaging tools, and instructing then using the tools will help them acquire the information and  inspire them to become lifelong learners.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Role of a Successful School Library

    To have a successful school library program, the most important recommendation is that a certified school librarian plays a strong instructional role in the school.  The librarian will be focused on informational literacy, engagement with information technology, and reading/literacy development.
    Successful school librarians also work toward high levels of instructional collaboration between the librarian and the classroom teacher. 
    It doesn't matter the size of the collection r the amount of funds spent on materials.  What matters , what is key, is the school librarian. The quality of communication and teaching by the librarian denotes the success of the library, its programs, and the success of the students in their learning.
   A successful librarian is a committed educator, a good communicator, a leaders and a team player. the staff sees the librarian as playing a powerful  role in the education of their students.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Collaboration Level 3- True Collaboration

  On this level of collaboration there is true benefit for all participants( students , teachers,, and librarians),  By this level, relationships have been defined and each member knows what he/she will be doing to further the goals of student education.
  The participants have decided on common goals and specific outcomes,  Teams work together on lessons and units. There is the commitment of the administration that this is way schools should be run. 
 There will be several projects/units each year that the librarian and teacher work on together.  Each year the activity is reviewed and tweaked as far as assignments, projects, assessment and tasks. But the commitment remains to jointly develop and assess the students progress,
  Resources are update and shared by all parties,, areas of use are shared, and teachers and librarians work together in the classroom, library, and computer lab.
  The attitude is one of cooperation, respect, and unity.  This may be one that is continually worked on but in the end the positive attitude will override any obstacles, Communication is key and this is done in similar ways to the beginning stages of collaboration, but with a more personal goal to achieve the desired outcomes,
  Is this attainable? Yes, with a lot of work and the right attitude this is the goal for librarians everywhere. Keep moving towards this model where ever you are now.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Beginning Collaboration

   The first steps of collaboration has a few different names, but the names are not as important as the process.  As a school librarian, how do you begin the first steps towards   teachers seeing  the value of working with you?

   First things first: begin wherever you are!  Here are a few easy ideas to help you get more involved with and working with your staff.

   1.  Attend grade level meetings to see what lessons/units are being done. Take notes!

    2. Offer to pull books and materials for teachers on what they need to supplement their lessons and activities.

   3. Help teachers incorporate various websites and technology that would go along with their units and curriculum.

    4. Volunteer to help the classroom teacher. Give some ideas on how you could help them

    5. Give some ideas on using the library resources that would enhance and extend the curriculum and lessons.

    6.Read the curriculum standards and the state standards or the Common Core  adopted by your state. This way you will know what the teacher is covering. 

    7. Order materials that go along with your schools curriculum.

    8. Use face to face meetings and email to keep in touch with  your teachers.

These are just a few ideas to get you noticed by your teachers. Use these to begin working with your staff.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technology Tools

     365 Project is a fun way to record your year in the library and share the experience with other educators, students, and  your community.  365 Project is a photography project , where you take one photo each of the day . The photo can really be on any theme. So what you are doing is a daily photo journal.

     You can use this photo journal to show what you are doing in your library programs. This will also serve as a memory tool of all that you have done and accomplished during the year in the library.

     It is easy to create an account and it is free.  Then you can upload your photo's, and do one each day.   The images are easily shared on Facebook, your library page,  your blog, or through the 365 site.

    This is a great tool when it time for your yearly report, or if  your administration wants to know how you have positively impacted student achievement and learning.  It also serves  to keep you and  your students motivated and interested  in the library happenings.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Organizing Library materials

     Normally books and materials in libraries are organized on the shelves by collection and classification. You may also have a Reference section and a periodical/magazine section.  Sections For audio visuals, listening kits, and cd's may depend  on the amounts  in each category. You may have then placed together or you may have each in its own collection and area.

     If you have books in demand- lets say you are doing a special  program ( Caldecott Challenge, Battle of the books, specialized classroom reference project, display or theme) you may want to pull out the books and isolate them from the regular collection. Place those books and resources in an easily accessible location for ease of use for both student, patron, and staff use.

   Shelving is done every day.  checking shelves of relocated items is also recommended,again depending on the length of the special program or theme.  Why is this important?

   It is important that patrons, students, or staff will be able to trace items form the catalog to the shelf.  To be able to find books / information quickly  is the the usual trade mark of a good library system