Showing posts with label .librarians as teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label .librarians as teachers. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Librarians! Ramp up your websites!/ coronavirus

    If your library has been closed  like the ones in my area ( NY/ PA/ CT, )  we need to  keep our  web pages  up to date and  full of resources they can use during this Coronavirus pandemic.  We  really need to ramp up our web sites so that we can continue  services  to out patrons .  I am going to look back at some past posts , library websites that I use, and will continue to search for ideas and sites that can be put on our  pages to help our patrons.
  This will be a good way to show all the resources that librarians and library's provide for students and patrons.  I am praying that this whole pandemic does not last to long , but we won't know til it over until it is over. Keep safe every one, and check back here for some sites and tools for your library pages.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Noodle tools / citation builder

      If you have an active library page and a citation program, make sure to put a link to it on your page. Then be sure the link works.
     Your next goal is to provide instruction the use of your citation program. Connect with your staff and students to show them where the link is. Offer to teach the students how to use the program. Every time you get in front of a group of students and staff, remind them of the link to the builder that is on the library page.
    We use Noodletools so I developed a mini lesson to instruct the students and staff . I also devised a cheat sheet to back up my instructions. This sheet is a hand out for students, which they can refer to for help after the lesson is over,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Free Easy Lesson for GRs. 4-7: Internet versus Print

 I have an easy lesson plan for grades 4-7, that involves students in a completion and shows them the importance of using both books and internet sources for information,
 For the set up , I have  some non-fiction books, a set of encyclopedias, and computers - laptops, desktops, or chrome books.
  Think of some simple questions that students might need the answer to- What year was Lincoln president? When did the civil war start?  Link the question to what the students are doing in Social studies or science so it has some significance.
  For class prep: Go over /ask students to tell the class how to find items in books and encyclopedia quickly/ ) use the table of contents, index, know the Encyc are in alphabetical order.
  Hand out the questions to each group. Students will work together to find answer. One person in each group should be a time keeper, writing down how much time it takes to get the answer. Students write the answer down with the time.
See who gets the correct answer first!! Each group can state the answer , their source, and how much time it took to get  the answer.
 If time permits, students can do another round of questions.
  Exit ticket: Have students determine  what source is best for the quickest answer.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

AASL Standards for School Librarians

    I just attended a great conference at the Syracuse ( NY) Sheraton. It was the School librarians  transform Learning : Teaching with the new AASL Standards.It was hosted by the NYLA/AASL for New York State school librarians
   Each participant was required to bring or buy the Book - AASL National Library Standards for learners, school Librarians, and School Libraries,.
  After an overview of the framework, we jumped into learning about the shared foundations and the 4 competencies ( think, create, share, and grow).  The best part was working as a large group- we were about 117 in number. And then  as smaller groups, we divided our selves into grade levels.I got to meet, socialize, and discuss with other NY state middle school librarians.
  Yes , it was overwhelming at times, as all conferences usually are. But I learned a lot and have some really good  ideas for the fall.
  The Book it  self is a great combination of information, charts,  and explanations . We worked on a lesson plan and I even got to discuss our lessons!!
   You will be hearing more about these standards and how they bring connections between students , teachers, and school librarians.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Library Jobs for students

   Our Professional Development person and our principals tell us that we as teachers are working to hard. They want the students to become more involved in the education and more invested in their learning.

  So during class time and instruction time, students should have responsibilities in the learning process. So I am incorporating this into my information literacy lessons. I have made a poster describing the jobs briefly.  So , there is a tech person who sits at the computer to deliver the power point. Also there are paper people who pass out paper, readers to read the slides. Recorders – which is most of the student taking notes.  The rest of the students are student repeaters who need to be able to repeat /explain the lesson or task to their table mates/ classmates.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

How The Organized Librarian originated

   How did I begin thinking of and writing about The Organized Librarian?  I started as I briefly outlined ib my book (The Organized Librarian) When I was several years into my job as an elementary librarian at the elementary level. AT the time I was” dancing as fast as I could” and very frustrating. I had 700 students, a large library, and a huge collection. My help (library assistants) was came and went for each change of period. Sometimes I had no help, and the library schedule was just overwhelming!

  So I took a deep breath and began to organize my work spaces.  I started with my back room because that was the worst!  Then I did my circulation area. Finally I worked on organizing my curriculum / lessons.  And I began writing every down, and keeping track of what I was doing, and what I needed to do. When that was finished, I wrote the book and compiled all that I had done. After that I started my blog.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Librarian as a school leader

    Librarians act as leaders in their schools. Most of the time we call this 'Leading from the Middle'. Librarians lead by modeling best practices, and acting as a person who works with teachers to help bring lessons that are Technology tested and engaging.
    By developing one unit or lesson at a time with one teacher, word of mouth inspires other staff to want the same services.    Changes in lessons and units takes place, as the librarians builds relationships with staff. This in turn , effects students and their learning by having more engaging learning and more information skills to help them with technology. 
   Leadership by librarians can be done in several ways.Professional development, reading promotions, and programs , integrating two curricular areas, sharing tech tools new strategies and websites are just a few  ideas.  By demonstrating energy and enthusiasm for our job we can make a difference in our students lives.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Middle school Lessons

 I am trying to devise a online curriculum for my 7th and 8th grade students. So I am searching what others have available as lessons and online tutorials.  So Far, I have found a few that look good and will als match up with my student needs.

  What is needed first is an overview of elementary lessons because when the students get to middle school, they forget what they have learned or they do not remember learning the basics ( like online card cat, arrangement, genres, dewey decimal system, ect.)

  Also I want to focus on internet safety, digital citizenship, and evaluation of websites, and also databases.
The reference process is I will do in collaboration with classroom teachers  when they are doing research/ inquiry. This will also include Easy Bib directions .

  As I search I will look for additions and adapt them to my students, This will go on my google classroom  for student use.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Active Learning- What is it?

     In  Education. Active Learning (engaging students in activities/ projects/ problems) is the way to provide students with an interesting and effective way  to learn.
     Active learning is the practice of doing, practicing investigating the material during each class session. It is not having student’s listening to the teacher and taking notes.
    So what is it?  Active learning is designing activities around learning outcomes of each lesson or session. The students are ‘doing’ something with the topic at hand. They are reading, hearing, seeing/ viewing, investigating the topic, or, discussing materials.

       Active learning can be done singly, with a partner or in a small group.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

More Homework for Librarians

    The other homework I do during my evening prep: I read my professional journals ( School Library Journal) SLJ has many interesting and informative articles.  I also find many of the advertisements helpful . The book companies are great for showing covers and  starred reviews- telling about the new books.

Which leads me to my other homework from SLJ: reading reviews!  I read the reviews carefully to see if I want to purchase for my school. I also check Amazon and Barnes &Noble as part of my homework. They are great for descriptions,  professional reviews, and reader reviews .

So this post and “ A librarians homework “ keep me busy at home!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Next Year! New challenges!

      Next year I am told  that I will not be doing all day 7th grade all day. So I will be a 'real " librarian.  So my first challenge will be  getting teachers to collaborate  with me  during the following year.  I know several of the teachers will be glad to work with me. 
      For instance , the music teacher always does several projects requiring  research  on famous   musicians.  I am trying to also remember  if there was another project that he did.  We already  have a whole packet worked up for this project.

       Both of  The 7th  grade science teachers also  do at least one project on endangered species that require  the students to do research on an animal.  So I am quite sure that they will also work with me,

      The one 8th grade social studies class does  a  project on Immigration and also I think another on Washington DC before their trip in the spring.  

   So I will springboard off of these and work on getting other  teachers to work with me on different projects.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Common Sense Media

 I have found this program open to school educators of technology and information literacy. I am planning to use some of the components  to  ensure that my 7th graders  learn  the ins and outs of the right way to use the newest technology. I think they will like what is coming up this week. We are finishing our black history project and will go  on to digital and traditional  media as an introduction to the Common Sense Media  components that I will be using

Monday, October 19, 2015

Inspiration for The Daring School Librarian

 I have been searching for ideas for middle school libraries every since I got this position as a middle school librarian.  I had been a middle school librarian  for 9 years before switching to the elementary level  but a lot has changed since that time.

 One site I have found  is The Daring School Librarian.  It is an awesome site with a lot of content and  great ideas that            has done  on the middle school level.  I am looking at her tech and  lesson ideas and have some solid ideas for lessons and programs.  She has  actual tutorials for her students  that lead them to better understanding of  safe usuage of interent sources, and also a tutorial/ webquest of the steps for

 So if you have not seen this site , I would  greatly suggest you check this out and make it one of your go to places to look!