Showing posts with label library lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library lessons. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2019

November Library Bulletin Boards

           November  Bulletin Board Ideas:

   Elect to read!-  Election decor
   Children's Book Week - Have students make covers of their favorite books or put up covers of books.
   Don't be a turkey, Read!- Make a turkey with feathers - print out titles on the feathers.
   Be Thankful for great books.
   What are you Thankful for?- have students write down on slips what they are thankful for. Put on bulletin board. Color code by class.
   Gobble up these  great books - turkey with book covers of book chosen by you or students
   Pick a winner- football theme

Friday, June 15, 2018

Digital Citizenship

     Digital citizenship teaches students how to navigate online spaces in critical, healthy, and ethical ways. The lessons should be done in context with subject area teachers throughout the year.  It should not be done in isolation as the students will have no connection to the learning.
     Learning Digital Citizenship this way will be mostly incorporated, learned and remembered, and applied to the topic at hand.  This avoids disconnect of how students behave at school and then at home  do something differently.

      Librarians can work with teachers to help pose the right questions and teach skills to using social media, , the internet,( including video sharing, blogs, podcasts, & related media). Students can learn to use these products in creative and ethical ways.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Library or Classroom Project- Did you Know?

      An interesting and little different author/ reading project is an Author Poster, which could be do as a small group or individual  project  .  Students choose a favorite author to research . They will find interesting biographical information  about the author. "Did you know?" can be the heading and the information can be listed in bullets or around  appropriate images or clip art or the authors photo. This poster will also have a list of titles  written by the author. 
       This will provide students with good suggestions for excellent  reads. The posters can be displayed in the library, in the hallways and in classrooms. After having several done, the posters can be swapped out for different ones  to provide variety, interest and surprise.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Recent lessons- April

    During Information Literacy we have been stepping back and doing some literacy type of activities.  Students  listened to the book , The Witches ( Dahl) and  demonstrated their comprehension by  drawing/ writing  about the different components of the story( plot, characters, story arc,)  Students enjoyed this activity and it gave them  a little bit of break from the other activities we had been doing previously.

   Some of the classes  were listening. reading 12 Angry Men (Rose  ) and were  rewriting different scenes  into a play.   We also  wrote some poems for poetry month which most of the students enjoyed.

  This was a little break from the research and information skills that we had been doing .

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Middle School Library Centers- another idea

 I recently came across another idea that I want to try with my 7th grade middle school classes.  I will do a Research Question of the week  which I will put at the"Game Center"  I am not sure if I will offer a prize or not - still debating on it.

  What I  will do is post the question and then have students find the answer and also write down the source of the answer . I will give guidelines as to what sources they may use- NOT goggle- they always want to use that!

  I will gear the  questions to the Month- I just looked up what January is noted for( days, weeks)  This is what I found: Martin Luther King, Science Fiction day, Trivia Day, Hat day, Popcorn day, Hobby month, Hot tea  month, Oatmeal month,  Sunday Supper Month, Soup Month.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Middle School- Library School Centers

    I recently decided to try a few centers and mini lessons in my 7th grade library classes .  So this is what I did- I divided each class into 3 equal groups .   After attendance is taken each period, I go over the three 'centers' or activities.  Instructions are given about each one.
   One is usually at the computers . Six students can go on the computer  which works out good  in all but my 2 biggest classes which have more than 18. Lately the students are learning about library data bases and currently they are using Fact Monster and World Book.

   The other one so far has been a shelf  find it game- this was easy . I just took dewey numbers from the collection  for the non- fiction and then call letters from  the fiction section.  Students use the cards to find  each number .

  The third  group is my mini lesson group- I go over the  a lesson and students work on an activity  that  correlates with the lesson.

  So far it seems to be working pretty good. I will detail more of these  groups at a later date.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Inspiration for The Daring School Librarian

 I have been searching for ideas for middle school libraries every since I got this position as a middle school librarian.  I had been a middle school librarian  for 9 years before switching to the elementary level  but a lot has changed since that time.

 One site I have found  is The Daring School Librarian.  It is an awesome site with a lot of content and  great ideas that            has done  on the middle school level.  I am looking at her tech and  lesson ideas and have some solid ideas for lessons and programs.  She has  actual tutorials for her students  that lead them to better understanding of  safe usuage of interent sources, and also a tutorial/ webquest of the steps for

 So if you have not seen this site , I would  greatly suggest you check this out and make it one of your go to places to look!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Choosing the Right Resources Part 4

     The last section I am commenting on is choosing the right internet resources.  Internet resources offer global information containing fact, opinion, reason, and nonsense. The resources on the internet always need to be analyze as to whether the source is reliable and if the information is credible and accurate.  This is a valuable skill for students to learn: verifying of websites, blogs and other web tools.

    Students need early instruction of evaluating internet resources. Simple group discussion of sites are a good beginning . Later  discussion can lead to  more in depth analyzing.  As a student progresses, they will learn more critical analysis of authors, qualifications, and accuracy of data.

    Discussion of use is important .  Information published should be check before use.  Access to a huge volume of data is the benefit to all who need quick information . Internet sites may not be the only  answer  or the right  answer . Students need to be able to recognize this fact.
  Many times students just assume that the facts are accurate. We need to help them see  that the need to be  critical is one skill that will help them to figure out if the site has useful information .

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Choosing the Right Resources - Part 2

     The librarian in a school is key to developing instructional units that expose students to all media in different context areas. The goal is to provide students with a variety and wide range of information and types of media,

   So lets not forget that there are exceptional print resources  that many times are overlooked in our digital society.  Students still to  think of Atlases, newspapers, periodicals, textbooks and nonfiction books in their quest for needed information.

  As the librarian , you can introduce theses to students. Provide opportunities for students to uses theses to help o then complete teacher required tasks.  Remember to highlight complex features of these print resources  as their skills in use of these resources increase,( table of contents, index, headings/ subheadings, summaries and abstract's).

  Remind students that print resources provide facts and figures, are easy to use and portable.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Collaboration - Cooperation ( Level 2)

   You  may be past the first level of collaboration  or you may have begun to press on to the next level.  The cooperation level is an extension of the coordination level because of its not having teachers and librarians truly work and plan together.
  On this level , there are informal and short term tasks , activities, and lessons that librarians and teachers work on at the same time. There is no yet an established mission or defined structure.
    In this level of collaboration, librarians and teachers share information about the current project. Each one has his/her own part of the project that they are working on , but they work is done individually. The out come is a cooperative  event and the learning of skills is given by each partner.  Students will see the benefit if this type of learning. They will learn skills that are needed for the project at hand.

  Here is what a level 2 cooperation collaboration might look like:
    A teacher requests that the librarian teach the students certain research skills because    he/she wants the student to do a research project on a certain subject/ topic.  The librarian leads the class to the steps of the research and they do research on their topic along the way of doing the research.
    Then the teacher has them continue their work on the project, possibly bringing the students to the library or computer lab to help them complete  the assignment. The teacher does the final  grading/ assessment of the assignment. The librarian might keep a shelf of resources reserved for the students to use as they complete the project.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Technology Tools- Early!

  I am posting this not  on Wednesday because I wanted to get to tell you early in case you didn't know or remember about Children's Book Week!   It is being held this year from May 13-19. ( Next Week). How will you be celebrating?
  If you want information or ideas about what it is and what to do, check out their sites at
  Children's book week is a time to celebrate books and reading in schools, pubic libraries, and book stores. Their theme is Cover to Cover , Coast to Coast and Every Child a Reader.

   During this w eek , the announcement of winner of the  Children and Teens Book Awards. This  is a national book awards programs whee the winning titles are selected( voted on) on by readers of all ages. Voting is open from March 19th to May 9th) So there is still time to vote if you do it this week!
  From the website , you can download both the poster and the bookmark. There is also a Digital Toolkit which you can find a badge to put on your blog or website. There are also stickers you can use for children and students who participated in the vote.
  Alkso check out the many ideas for activities that can help you plan  the celebrations for the week.
Next year the Children's Book Week will be held  from May 12-18!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technology Tools

   Quizlet is a site that allows students and teachers to  search  already designed learning sets( Flash card type games). These sets help students ( and adults) learn just about anything. Most  importantly they make learning fun  by using the technology of our computers.
   You can browse by many subject categories: Arts ; Literature, Languages &Vocabulary, Math & Sciences, History & Geography, and Standardized Tests ( AP classes, Sat's, GRE's,  Professional tests for college students )
   There are six different study modes using Quizlet's  flash cards( flash cards, speller,learn, scatters test, space race) to use to help students study in learn many different topics.
  The other option if you can't find your desired topic is to design your own  learning set.   There are also Brain training games that help you train your brain to be better preforming.  This site has a lot to offer to help students become better learners.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Technology Tools- Wired Wednesday

        A new tool is  Tagxedo.  This is very similar to Wordle  , users produce word clouds on a specific subject.  However with  Tagxedo , word clouds are formed into a specific shape selected by the creator.  Words are sized according to the frequency of how often they are used.

     This tool is more fun and users can be more creative, but they also need to be more focused in their creation.  One can chose from standard fonts to use custom fonts. Also there is the capability to change fonts, themes, colors and shape.

     On  the site there are  many assists. One  is  101 ways to use Tagxedo which show many ways to use with with students.   Turning words into art work will appeal to many users.

     Look over the site and see how you might use it with  your students.  Although I have not used it yet I can see using  Tagxedo as a culminating project for research  and  a way to share author studies. another idea would be to have students pair up and do  Dewey clouds  for each of the categories,  and then display each one by each section of the library.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Bulletin Boards November Tips/Sandy on Monday?

           We are expecting Sandy , I guess some time today with winds and rain. I am hoping that we do not loose electricity but it looks like we may. So if you do not hear from me the rest of the week , you will know  why. No school today in our county.

           November  Bulletin Board Ideas:

   Elect to read! 
   Children's Book Week,
   Don't be a turkey, Read!
   Be Thankful for great books.
   What are you Thankful for?
   Gobble up these  great books - turkey with book covers of book chosen by you or students
   Pick a winner- football theme

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What we need for our students.

     There are many free available web tools that we can use with our students to help them with reading and writing.  One I have found is at Kids.Com and  gives the younger students an opportunity to work on line writing and creating story's.. This site provides writing prompts and characters. It is a fun site and students will enjoy using it and working with it.
     The students will find  they can vote on this week's stories and read last week's stories.  There is a writing challenge . There are games that students can play.
  Check it out and see if  this will be beneficial  for you and your students.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

What we need for our Students- Part 5

     As  librarians we are in a profession focused on preparing students for the future. So we need to keep learning the new technology so we teach them how to use these tools safely and effectively.     Most of these tools  allow students to  create and build knowledge.
   A tool that I have used  with students is Wordle.   Wordle is a toy where students create visual displays ( clouds) of words in multicolor  and multi-sized graphics. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the text. You can  change your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. These images can be shared by link or printed out.
   What I have done is used this tool as a culmination of a resource project. We have done research on women , presidents, and  science topics. Then students make a Wordle either for a final project or as center to a poster about their topic. Students love to see how theirs and their classmates Wordle comes out.

. Check out this site and see what you think. Has anyone else used Wordle-How did you use it with your classes?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What we need for our students - Part 1 & 2

 How do you use Blogs or Wiki's in your school and in your library?  How do you and your teachers  use these tools to get students more engaged and interested in learning?  Blogging , I think , is more appropriate for students in the younger grades because  the teacher/ librarian is in control  and has to  approve the comments. This works very well for book discussions, comments and questions about specific events in history,  student writing in response to a prompt / book/ poem.   Please share any ways that you and your staff use blogs with your students.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What we need for our students - Part 2

     As  librarians we are in a profession focused on preparing students for the future. So we need to keep learning the new technology so we teach them how to use these tools safely and effectively.     Most of these tools  allow students to   create and build knowledge.
     A  Wiki is a tool that students  turn to when they are looking up facts . First we need to teach them that Wiki's are not the most reliable source of accurate information.
      However  use Wikis  as a tool when you want several students  to work together to create / provide accurate information at the same  time . Students can work together to create and discuss. The Wiki format is more interactive than a blog, and students really can get involved with their learning and building knowledge.

    There are tutorials on

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What we need for our students - Part 1

     Our last discussion was about the  students of today and how we can help  students become learners in the 21st century. One of the Web 2.0 tools are blogs.  I have written about blogs before since I have been doing this blog since 2009.    Blogs are wonderful tools to use with kids. We can get the students to discuss many different topics  by blogging.
     The most common way , especially for librarians are to have book discussions, and comments about what books students are reading. But if we can expand our horizons and get the teachers more involved, there can be blogs about other topics that students are learning about. Let's get creative- how can students use blogs  to enhance and engage in their learning.
     In our district we have a library blog and also a book club blog on our library website. How do your students use Blogs?  Lets share some ideas about what we can do with blogs.

   Blogs are the refections of one person on which others may comment. Teachers can have  blogs that students can add thought and ideas. Blog comments have to be accepted by "owner" before being published

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Website for Elementary Librarians

     I stumbled upon this  great new site for elementary librarians and wanted to share . Although I have not been through everything on this site , it seems to be chock full of interesting and helpful new ideas  for elementary librarians.  It is called  Elementary Librarian  and has library lesson plans that incorporate common core standards. There are many links to activities and resources. This librarian has really done her home work and  has very nicely shared her information. 
     Every Tuesday is Tech Tuesday ( Today she was discussing Wordle - which I love). There are also  links to Library News, and Ed. Tech News! Check it out!