Showing posts with label teachers and librarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teachers and librarians. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Digital Citizenship

     Digital citizenship teaches students how to navigate online spaces in critical, healthy, and ethical ways. The lessons should be done in context with subject area teachers throughout the year.  It should not be done in isolation as the students will have no connection to the learning.
     Learning Digital Citizenship this way will be mostly incorporated, learned and remembered, and applied to the topic at hand.  This avoids disconnect of how students behave at school and then at home  do something differently.

      Librarians can work with teachers to help pose the right questions and teach skills to using social media, , the internet,( including video sharing, blogs, podcasts, & related media). Students can learn to use these products in creative and ethical ways.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Book Talks- How To

  When you are preparing a book talk remember is not a review or a book report. A book talk is told to convince the listener to read the book.  So in your book talk , we should 'sell , don't tell' . It is like an advertisement or commercial for the book. Try to hook the listener and make your talk funny, exciting, and interesting.
   Everyone has their own style  of book talks , so you will need to determine what yours is. Don't try to copy or steal someone else book talk , but listen  and see if you like the style of the way it is presented. Be sure to read the Whole book!! Don't try to do a book talk without reading the whole thing! Most of all be sure that it is a book you would recommend - don't do a book talk on a book you are just luke warm on.
   Some suggestions for book talks to consider: read a quote from the book, introduce the main characters or set the scene or setting , highlight the most interesting part of the plot. Make sure you give the title ad author of the book. In a few short sentences , summarize the plot of the book. But don;t tell the ending. Show the cover  of the book. Most importantly- Practice what you say! Practice in front of a mirror , or  for a co-worker or family member!  Be enthusiastic when you deliverer your book talks and have fun!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Book Talks

    Librarians use book talks to encourage reading and to showcase new or great books. There are many  different  ways to accomplish book talks. If you have scheduled classes , then you can do  book talks on a regular basis.
     If you have a flex schedule  then you will need to devise ways to share your collection, Go into ELA classes or Social Studies classes with a tote bag of books.Give book talks during lunch time if your library is open and students have 'free time"

    Book talks could also be produced into blog posts, pod castes, short videos, or other ' digital " ways. This way the promotion would be on your library webpage or the schools webpage,

    Another idea to promote reading is a 'read around' whereby staff members present their favorite books . Students would hear many different titles this way.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Elink- site for Curation or Pathfinders!

Elink is a free site where one can share information using computers, tablets,  or phones.  It is easy to publish and edit the content on the go. This will help students (and others) share online content .  So you could include videos, webinars, podcasts, articles, images, google docs and more.
  Curating with elink is a simple way to  share. You choose a template, add the links or articles, save the content  and then share your elink webpage.

It is easy to use . I use it to create pathfinders for specific student projects. Then I post on the library page and students use the links to complete projects. 
 This was one of the links in the Curation post that I wanted to try first- I made a pathfinder today for one of my teachers- It was really easy to set up! I will do more of these!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Teacher’s Tool kit

    This site is a great source of teachers, On the main page you will the tab for tools. It gives teachers a variety of tools that will help them plan activities and engaging lessons for students.

  There are so many good ideas here!  On the very left hand side the tools are group into categories: opening activities, partner practice, group practice, reading strategies, and games just to name a few. I found so many interesting activities here! Share with your teachers, you will be a rock star!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Tech site-  is a most helpful site for educators and for your staff.  Introduce  them to it if they do not know it. The most helpful  tags at the top is the Lesson plans, Technology, and Professional Development tips.( PD tips)

    Under lesson plans , there are drop down links  such as lesson library, 5 minute lessons ad tools and templates.  Under technology, there are web quests, tech in the classroom, and tech tools. I am going to be  checking theses out so that I can learn and share more with my staff.  All of these  helps for teachers will lead to many  good ideas and inspiration for teachers.

    Additionally there are teachers essentials,  and the latest news. At the very bottom of there is a site map which has more definitive  links and information to check out.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

BooksMakeADifference.Com is another website that I just discovered and am anxious to dive in and  check out its content.   The site is run by a team of women who believe in the power of books.  So they have complied this site that explores books, authors, and readers. There are many interesting looking articles on books , and authors, libraries, and different programs that libraries have. This is an online magazine  that also encourages readers to write their stories. They also have a Facebook and Twitter connection so that could be fun too. When you subscribe you can also enter their giveaways - I am going to check that out!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technology Tools

         I discoverd this site a while ago and thought  I would share it with you. This site is  Childrens Book A Day Almanac. Each day of the year Anita Silvey gives book recommendations  and reviews which are very detailed.  There are  book recommendations for students of all ages. Also for each day, you can see more events, author birthdays, and anniversaires amd other notable facts about books and authors.

       There are several tools on  this site. You can search the archives to see books review, and also look by age group, subject and date. If you are looking for some new ideas for titles for your students , check this out. I think you will find it to be very helpful.
        This would also be a great resource for your staff if they wanted some new ideas for books.
       Childrens Book A Day Almanac   could also be used by older students  in their search for interesting reads.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Technology Tools- Wired Wednesday

    Snow Day today!!!  We have about  4 inches - not to bad! 
    Today I want to talk about Thinkfinity!  I was looking at my blog notes and way surprised that I had not yet written about it.   ThinkFinity   is   supported by the Verizon Foundation ( and some partners- AAAS, NCTM, Smithsonian, National Geographic) and is a lesson plan data base. There are may free lesson plan data bases  but this one is heads and shoulders above the rest. 
    Educators who join ( which is free) can collaborate through groups, blogs, and discussions.  They can share resources and  explore best practices  in teaching and learning.  The star of this site however is  the lessons which are digital resources  for students in K-12. They are interesting, engaging, and aligned to state standards and the common core.
    Check this out and show your staff. I think  you will find it very helpful and interesting.!