Showing posts with label book advisory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book advisory. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Books For Snowy Days~

  I have some books I like to read during the winter months- Some our old favorites and some a little newer!

  1) The Snowy Day/ Keats. This is a classic . Peter goes out into the snowy day and explores his neighborhood. When he is cold and tired , he goes home and his Mama warms him up with dry clothes and hot chocolate.


2) The Snow Man / Briggs. Thin is a wordless picture book that the young students love to study the pictures and tell the story

3) Bear can't Sleep/ Wilson. All of Wilson's books are excellent. This one , Bear is having trouble going to sleep for winter!

Bear Can't Sleep by Karma Wilson

4.Katy and the Big Snow/ Burton- What can I say? Students love to hear the story about Katy. The illustrations can be explored over and over.

5. Christmas at Long Pond/ George. This is another of my favorites to read. The illustrations are rich and the story is a simple one about going to cut down a Christmas tree.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Book Talks- How To

  When you are preparing a book talk remember is not a review or a book report. A book talk is told to convince the listener to read the book.  So in your book talk , we should 'sell , don't tell' . It is like an advertisement or commercial for the book. Try to hook the listener and make your talk funny, exciting, and interesting.
   Everyone has their own style  of book talks , so you will need to determine what yours is. Don't try to copy or steal someone else book talk , but listen  and see if you like the style of the way it is presented. Be sure to read the Whole book!! Don't try to do a book talk without reading the whole thing! Most of all be sure that it is a book you would recommend - don't do a book talk on a book you are just luke warm on.
   Some suggestions for book talks to consider: read a quote from the book, introduce the main characters or set the scene or setting , highlight the most interesting part of the plot. Make sure you give the title ad author of the book. In a few short sentences , summarize the plot of the book. But don;t tell the ending. Show the cover  of the book. Most importantly- Practice what you say! Practice in front of a mirror , or  for a co-worker or family member!  Be enthusiastic when you deliverer your book talks and have fun!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Book Talks

    Librarians use book talks to encourage reading and to showcase new or great books. There are many  different  ways to accomplish book talks. If you have scheduled classes , then you can do  book talks on a regular basis.
     If you have a flex schedule  then you will need to devise ways to share your collection, Go into ELA classes or Social Studies classes with a tote bag of books.Give book talks during lunch time if your library is open and students have 'free time"

    Book talks could also be produced into blog posts, pod castes, short videos, or other ' digital " ways. This way the promotion would be on your library webpage or the schools webpage,

    Another idea to promote reading is a 'read around' whereby staff members present their favorite books . Students would hear many different titles this way.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


   Teenreads  is a part of Book Report Network.  BookReport Network aim/ goal is to provide book reviews, articles, author profiles & interviews & excerpts news releases.
  Teen reads is aimed at students from 12 to 18. On the main page you will find ways to connect /interact with the providers by voting in their current poll, answering the current question, giving your reading recommendations or writing to the editor. This is aimed for the teens to interact with the providers and other teen readers.

Tabs at the top of the page are: reviews, authors, features, reading list, contests, teen board, blog and newsletter just to name a few. 

I plan on diving into the reviews and what’s coming soon. This site is well planned out and easy to use.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Banned Books Week 2015

    The Banned Books Week National Committee has announced that  September 27- Oct 3, 2016  will be Banned Books Week.  This year the focus is on  YA literature. They have released the  ten most challenged books of 2014 and most of them were for teens.
    You can read more and check out the list at the School Library Journal Website!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Book Review- Divergent

  Divergent by V . Roth ( Katherine Tegen Books, 2013)

      Beatrice has a choice, actually many choices  of factions  to belong to after her schooling. She chooses one faction she knows will be exciting and challenging, but she does it on a whim and she is not sure why she has chosen it. But did she  make the wrong choice?

     Tris ( as she decides is her new name) has new friends. There are some in her group who are not sure and aware of her ca[abilities. Tris learns a lot and builds up her body as a member of the Dauntless group.

  As a final acceptance into the group, Tris learns the truth about the factions and her leaders. She must help her old factions and the others to  avoid being controlled by a few.  This YA book is intense Science Fiction story.( Similar to the Hunger Games) Now I want to read the second novel   to see what happens next.
  If you liked the Hunger Games  , this intense novel is for you.  Roth is an exceptional author bring characters and events to life.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Book Bub is a free daily email that gives you notices about ebooks with a deep deep discount.  ( like 2.99, 1.99 &; .99)  There are many categories  to choose from : mysteries, actions, advice, biographies, children, cooking, historical fiction, history, horror , just to name a few.

  Book Bub features bestsellers and bestselling authors and books that have received good reviews from both critics and readers.  You can customize the types of books that you receive emails about.

  There are also links to Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble,  apple books, & Goggle p[play so you can easily get the ebook for your specific device.

  At the bottom of the page, you can see links to free ebooks and free kindle books.  There is a bookbub blog which has informative and easy to read articles  about books and authors.   Also on the blog are tabs with must read articles, book lists by categories, links to most popular posts and quotes from authors and best selling books.

Book Bub is a great place to explore if you read a lot of ebooks!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


   Fantastic Fiction is a web site  for librarians and book lovers .  Through this site you can find  information about authors and  their books.   The site is easy to use  and you can click on a title to see the book cover, the description , and the details on the publication of the book.
  There are also links to book awards,  books from different countries( it is a UK based site),  Series books, and Year. There are also links to hardcover, paper back , audio books, and kindle editions where visitors can  click and search.

 Along the right side you can also see  information about books that are coming out in the next several months  This will be a great source for librarians looking to see what is coming up by their  favorite authors.

 There are also genre pages ( towards the bottom) which includes: science fiction, fantasy, YA, horror,  mystery, historical, western, romance, sagas  just to list a few ..

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Epic Reads. Com- Ya site book reviews is a site for Ya readers ( and their librarians)  The site is owned by Harper Collins Publishing but  does not have only their works.
   The site has a real hip look that teens will be attracted to.  Check it out!  Teens and librarians can find the newest  and best teen/ Ya books , connect with authors , and meet other teens  to share reading interests. Check on the covers of the new books to see reviews and comments.
  There are also Youtube videos of book trailers and comments about books.   There are also polls, quizzes about books and Ya genres, a blog with articles on authors, and other related Ya topics. Also you will find contests and sweepstakes, review of new releases and coming  soon titles.  Another great link is teen author with bios and photos, and some video chats.
  In the right hand column you will find links to activities and features members . Introduce this to your teen readers and let them explore.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


    As I check out many book review blogs and websites, I come across many new ones. Many bloggers( myself included, although lately I have been slacking)  share there reviews, And they also share their favorite blogs.  So it a self continuing process of finding book reviews, I have found some really good ones which I like to share with you!

   Ginger's book blog sire (  is simple but entertaining.  She likes to share her ideas on the books she reads.  She reads contemporary Ya literature, and adult fiction ( contemporary and historical) . She also promotes books through blog giveaways

   The site is simple to get around .She a tab for book review archives, and her policy on reviewing.
  She has a link to the book she is currently reading. And she also has a listing of her favorite book blogs.

So check her out at :

Thursday, October 2, 2014

We be reading

Webereading,com is a mother and son website that is professional looking and very intriguing.  K is a mom whose goal is to get people reading.  Z is 1 a0 year old who also loves to read and he writes his own graphic novels.  A very talented pair to say the least.

  There is a review policy and tabs that link you to Ya & Adult fiction review, non-ficition reviews, picture and chapter books, and film reviews.

  You will find very interesting review that are fair but critical.  I find this to be very helpful. I also like the film tab because they compare books to films  which is very helpful in my DVD selection.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Book Browse- another social media site for librarians and Book Lovers!

Book Browse  Visitors can view BookBrowse  for free. You can also join for even  more content- I did not join yet- I am too busy seeing all I can for free.  There are lots to do and I want to see all that I can get for free!

   On the main pates  there is a featured daily book with reviews, publication information and summary, short excerpts , and a reading guide questions ( all for the featured book!)   Also , you will see This Weeks Top Picks, which showcases 10 or 11 books and gives the same information at noted above.

   There is a free twice monthly newsletter with lots of information on the newest books.  Among other tabs,  one is Recommendations by members.  Another is Read - a -Likes lets you browse recommended title and authors. There is a book club tab where members can log in and discuss books.

   Also this site has a great tool for librarians to help keep them on top of the newest books.  We can also use it to help our patrons find their next great read.  It would also be a great help with collection developments.

   The site contains book reviews and other tools in a very user friendly and searchable.   In Book Browse, you can browse or search for your preferences. There are cross references to genres, themes, and time periods. Book Browse pulls the best  books  to help guide readers to the books they will love,   It can also be linked to you local  OPAC at your library.

  Key Features: Browse or Search, Readalikes, Complete Book information, reader reviews, and resources for book clubs.
