Showing posts with label Virtual Library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virtual Library. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Virtual learning / read aloud ideas

 Here are some sites with read alouds and  ideas for story times. 

Storytime with Ryan & Craig:  These two guys have a ton of  read alouds The site is easy to use . You can also search for specific titles .

Emily Arrow: Librarian Emily Arrow shares singalongs with music and stories on her YouTube channel. This will give you lots to use if you are doing storytimes this is a good place to look for ideas and songs.

Story Time From Space:  This site has  stories from space . Astronauts  read the stories

These may be helpful if you are doing in person or virtual learning. Do you use any others? I am really looking for more for the middle school age level.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Promote with new technologies

 Use the newest technology to promote your library. We have already discussed blogs, podcasts, and other printed promotions  But what about  the really new stuff?? How about twitter,  wikis, you-tube,  Facebook, texting,  and   Apps?

  The teens and young 20's know all this stuff and if you want to reach them, then try to get some of these Social Media and let them help you get the attention  of the younger generation.   At our library we have just hired two young  people on our staff for children's and adult programming. I am hoping they can show / teach us which of these are the most powerful to attract teens and 20- 30 somethings into using the library and all its resources.

  What are you doing in your library to attract the younger set?  Can you share with us what you do to get the teens and young adults into the library??

Monday, December 10, 2012

Information Expert Part 2

          As the information expert in your school / library , you have the obligation  to provide the most up to date and accurate information for your patrons / students .  You will want a variety of search tools that can be used both in the physical building and also by electronic devices.
          Your online card catalog should be up to date and hopefully easy for your patrons/ students to use.  Provide classes of course for students and instruction for pantos in the use of this resource.  You might also put up posters or other printed / labeled material that will show patrons how to use and then find the books they need.
         Other search tools may also be reference books  and nonfiction books in your physical library. There are many times in your patrons/ students quest that looking in a book for an answer will be quick and easy.
          I am a firm believer that students should still learn about the Encyclopedias, Almanacs, and  Atlases and how to use them. Even adults will find that they can  look  up something quickly  in a print resource.
         On to the electronic resources- hopefully in your library you will have a bank of computers for patron/student use.  These computers provide a great equalizer for many who still do not have and cannot afford a computer with internet in the home.   These computers can provide online data bases and online encyclopedias for finding needed information.

         Another discussion for another day will be types of electronic sources  and other search tools you might to provide for your students/ patrons.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What we need for our students - Part 2

     As  librarians we are in a profession focused on preparing students for the future. So we need to keep learning the new technology so we teach them how to use these tools safely and effectively.     Most of these tools  allow students to   create and build knowledge.
     A  Wiki is a tool that students  turn to when they are looking up facts . First we need to teach them that Wiki's are not the most reliable source of accurate information.
      However  use Wikis  as a tool when you want several students  to work together to create / provide accurate information at the same  time . Students can work together to create and discuss. The Wiki format is more interactive than a blog, and students really can get involved with their learning and building knowledge.

    There are tutorials on

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Grade- collaborative lesson!

First Grade students doing research! The students came down to the library and logged in on the computer. Most of them remembered how to find the library page and went quickly to the data base section! ( I think that is the beauty of showing them this- they were so excited to be doing "work" like the older students that they really listened! ) Some of the students needed a little help to find their animal . After they found it , most were able to read and they started filling out their graphic organizer. The students who read above first grade level actually got some extra facts about their animal. They had to find : what does the animal looks like, habitat, how they take care of their babies, and other facts. I will try and post the organizer if I can figure out how to do it.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Your Library website

Your Library Website
What should you have on your website? As 21st century librarians we need to have a web presence so that students can use some of your resources even when they are not in the actual school library.This is called your Virtual Library.

Hopefully your library website will link up to your schools webpage. By now you may have your blog up and running. So what else should you have on your site?

It is very important is your a link to your online card catalog. This way students can be in the classroom or at home and be checking out what books or resources you have available.

Another item you will want to have will be your online databases and perhaps also links to your statewide resources online that are available
for students to use. If you have links from your local region ( in NY we have area BOCES which provide for us several great databases for teachers and students to use) .

Do you have selected sites that students use in the computer lab or library? These are also great to have on your site so that students can easily connect to them. Most of ours are under a PortaPortal which I as the librarian maintain. This is an easy site to update any where you have internet service.
What is portaportal? A Portaportal is a free, server based bookmarking utility. Watch here for a link ! Using this helps students get to recommended sites quickly!

Selected Sites to Use for your Virtual Library!
1. check this out. It will give you a tour and help you get started on your blog.

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