Showing posts with label l. Show all posts
Showing posts with label l. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2017

Get ready for tomorrow @ your Library

   No matter if you are in a school or public library , here is an easy  way to prepare  for getting more done   the next work day. At the end of each day, I  stop what ever I am doing  before my quitting time.

   If I am working on a specific project, and it is not completed I put the materials needed in  a file marked with the project name.  I place this file in my to do basket or my file sorter although I am trying to figure out which is the best thing for that.  

  If I have more than one project , then I will have two folders. I really try  not to have more than two things going on at once. The exception is if I have a monthly /yearly project  which then I will already have a file going,

  The other thing that also helps me if cleaning/ organizing my desk and whatever tools I have used that day.So I will leave with a clean desk and my projects for tomorrow.  

  Finally I will  put in my plan book or my planner, the items  that I need to work on the following day. So when I come in the next day , I know just what to do. I usually ask myself- "What is the most  important thing I must accomplish tomorrow. ( For more information  on  making each day effective see  my ebook- The Organized Librarian- tab is at the top for details)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Managing magazines in libraries- part two

      As mentioned in the previous blog, we are discussing how libraries manage magazines.   Many libraries both school and public  libraries circulate magazines . There are a couple ways to do this of course.
     One would be to simply have cards and write the title, month, and year at the top. When the borrower wants the magainie , he/she would just sign  the card. Then file it and when returned cross off the name.
      In our computer world there is also the tech way. If you do not have a large circulating magazine collection, one way would be to place a bar code on a card . When a patron wants a magazine , simply scan the card under the persons name and then add ( on the fly as many circ programs have the capability) the title and month/year of the magazine.   When returned , just scan in and keep the card for the next time a magazine is wanted.
      The other tech way which is more labor intensive but easier in the long run would be to place on each magazine a barcode and put the information into the computer when it arrives. In that way the  person at the circ desk can just scan it and the patron/ student is good to go.  Again on check in- just scan the magazine and return to the magazine shelf.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Holidays From the Organized Librarian

      I would like to wish you and your families  the best of Holidays as we wind down 2012!  Enjoy each other and renew yourselves for another round of education  and books in our buildings and libraries.
     I will return late next week after the bustle of the Holiday is over and hopefully will bring you ideas that you can use and share with  your co- workers.  I am almost done with the book and it will be an ebook. I am hoping to make it available soon., just seems I have been getting holiday things done and have not done all that I wanted this month.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What Does An Adminstrator Want from a Librarian ( Part 2)

     What does an administrator want and expect from a librarian?  A librarian traditionally is a resource specialists. They are trained to assist and teach the location of resources for both staff and student  needs. Whether there is a large project or just a quick question, librarians keep at their fingertips a wealth of print and electronic resources that can get their patrons answers and information they need.
     There is an old saying " You know everything" but librarians do not know everything. But we should know where to find out  any kind of question.
    As a resource specialist , the librarian  helps support the schools/ patrons needs. This  help involves supporting instruction. This information will assist patrons make informed decisions.
    To this task  of being a resource specialist, administrators need to remember that allowing for an adequate budget . This will be necessary for the librarian to complete that mission.  Librarians cannot provide resources that they do not have. If we want our students to be literate then we need to provide substantial resources .  This is an item which can be discussed with the administrator.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Website for Elementary Librarians

     I stumbled upon this  great new site for elementary librarians and wanted to share . Although I have not been through everything on this site , it seems to be chock full of interesting and helpful new ideas  for elementary librarians.  It is called  Elementary Librarian  and has library lesson plans that incorporate common core standards. There are many links to activities and resources. This librarian has really done her home work and  has very nicely shared her information. 
     Every Tuesday is Tech Tuesday ( Today she was discussing Wordle - which I love). There are also  links to Library News, and Ed. Tech News! Check it out!