Showing posts with label school library resources.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school library resources.. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2020

Library Bulletin Boards for February

Now it is time to think about February and what to do about the bulletin boards.   Here are some ideas :

We love to Read!- Give pink or red hearts  to students and have the write their favorite books. Students can write I Love...   and give the title and their name. Place on BB with letters of slogan on top in black letters - Can use a light background and heart /scallop edges.

Black History Month- Place pictures of famous African Americans . You can number them, Give some clues under each one. Students can use references or online sources to find out . Students can give guesses in to you- At the end of the month, place names under each one.

Tech tie in- Tweet a sweet Book! Give students an enlarged note. Place a cute bird on each side of the BB- Students can write their favorite titles on each note and then placed on the BB.

Presidents Day- You  can do this similar to Black History Month.( Use presidents that students do not know) Or you could place some presidents  and have students find little know facts on each person.

Fiction to Film: Scan covers of books that you have in your library that have been made into movies.  Place the slogan in the middle and the covers around. A slogan to add  would be: Have you read these?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

February Bulletin Boards

      Now it is time to think about February and what to do about the bulletin boards.   Here are some ideas :

We love to Read!- Give pink or red hearts  to students and have the write their favorite books. Students can write I Love...   and give the title and their name. Place on BB with letters of slogan on top in black letters - Can use a light background and heart /scallop edges.

Black History Month- Place pictures of famous African Americans . You can number them, Give some clues under each one. Students can use references or online sources to find out . Students can give guesses in to you- At the end of the month, place names under each one.

Tech tie in- Tweet a sweet Book! Give students an enlarged note. Place a cute bird on each side of the BB- Students can write their favorite titles on each note and then placed on the BB.

Presidents Day- You  can do this similar to Black History Month.( Use presidents that students do not know) Or you could place some presidents  and have students find little know facts on each person.

Fiction to Film: Scan covers of books that you have in your library that have been made into movies.  Place the slogan in the middle and the covers around. A slogan to add  would be: Have you read these?

Thursday, July 21, 2016


   I just discovered this site and what I really want to know is why did I not ever find this before now???

   Flipquizme.  is a free site where you develop your own Jeopardy style review of your topic and use it with your students! Of course there is an upgrade  which you pay for and then can  copy and paste  other games that  other teachers have made.

  Flipquizme is a site where you custom tailor  your own review game for use with your students.   I tried using a similar jeopardy  game for review this year with my students. I wish I would have had this  - it should be really fun!  Even thought I did  not use this site - most of the kids did like my version , but this would be even better!

  There is a built in timer for each answer. You plug in how many teams you have , so it keeps track of that also. You can also deduct points for wrong answers.

  If you look at the Demo, you can get a good idea of how it works. You can revel the answer which is fun and a good reinforcement!  Aware the points and go on to the next question!  There is a tutorial from 2014 on Y Tube- but I think  will be very easy to use!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Creating Goals to align to Mission statements

      Now that your mission statement is done, the next step is to create goals. These goals will explain in detail how you will accomplish your mission statement.   Your goals should be measurable and observable,  as to the activities , tasks, programs,  and  lessons ,  so the documentation that they produce will be available to your administration or board. 

       Goals are specific items that you will do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to accomplish your mission.   So take your mission and then think about what you will do to accomplish   this mission. So what will you do each day to further your mission?  These can be your goals /objectives.

      Another wise choice for goals is to attach a time frame in which the goals will be achieved.  Like your mission statement, your goals or objectives , should follow along with your organization mission.

     These goals will be useful when  you are planning what items you will do each day. So write them down and even have them posted so that you accomplish your goals and missions.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mission Statement and goals

                        If you are done writing your mission statement, you should probably have  4  sentences at the most.  Any thing longer will not be as effective. Now you will be thinking: " What do I do on a daily basis to  help fulfill this mission?"    You can think about what your goals will be . 
                       Goals explain in detail  what you will do to accomplish your daily operations.  Goals are specific.  But be sure that your goals are measurable and  you will know when they are accomplished.  Goals need to be proven.  There can be documentation that each goal is met. There should be  a change  from the beginning  of the year to the end.  This might be a list  of  activities, statistics, and programs that you have  done over the course of the year. 
                  So by now  I am hoping that your mission statement is at least a tickle in the back of your mind. Any one wishing to share their mission and goals?? I am looking forward to seeing some of them.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technoloy Tools

    All thought technically this is not a tech tool , I wanted to write about this today to get the word out about International Book Giving day on February 14, 2013.   

      International Book Giving Day is a day dedicated to getting new, used and borrowed books in the hands of as many children as possible.  So on Valentines day, instead of flowers, candy,  a mug, or a teddy bear give someone you love a book!!

     The Web site for this day has some ideas for getting books into  the hadns of needy children.

Monday, January 21, 2013

February Bulletin Boards For Libraries

      I've been floating through  January but now it is time to think about February and what to do about the bulletinn boards.   Here are some ideas :

We love to Read!- Give pink or red hearts  to students and have the write their favorite books. Students can write I Love...   and give the title and their name. Place oin BB with letters of slogan on top in black letters - Can use a light background and heart /scallop edges.

Black History Month- Place pictuires of famous african americans. You can number them, Give some clues under each one. Students can use references or online sources to find out . Students can give guesses in to you- At the end of the month, place names under each one.

Tech tie in- Tweet a sweet Book! Give students an enlarged note. Place a cute bird on each side of the BB- Students can write their favorite titles on each note and then placed on the BB.

Presidents Day- You  can do this similar to Black History Month.( Use presidents that students do not know) Or you could place some presidents  and have students find little know facts on each person.

Fiction to Film: Scan covers of books that you have in your library that have been made into movies.  Place the slogan in the middle and the covers around. A slogan to add  would be: Have you read these?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Managing magazines in libraries- part two

      As mentioned in the previous blog, we are discussing how libraries manage magazines.   Many libraries both school and public  libraries circulate magazines . There are a couple ways to do this of course.
     One would be to simply have cards and write the title, month, and year at the top. When the borrower wants the magainie , he/she would just sign  the card. Then file it and when returned cross off the name.
      In our computer world there is also the tech way. If you do not have a large circulating magazine collection, one way would be to place a bar code on a card . When a patron wants a magazine , simply scan the card under the persons name and then add ( on the fly as many circ programs have the capability) the title and month/year of the magazine.   When returned , just scan in and keep the card for the next time a magazine is wanted.
      The other tech way which is more labor intensive but easier in the long run would be to place on each magazine a barcode and put the information into the computer when it arrives. In that way the  person at the circ desk can just scan it and the patron/ student is good to go.  Again on check in- just scan the magazine and return to the magazine shelf.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday!- Straighten Your Desk

  Its Friday . ( or it could be any day for that matter)  What does your desk look like?   Is it totally out of control?  Take  15 minutes and straighten it up. 
     First , take a stack of  empty file folders and your favorite  pencil. ( I'll tell you why a pencil in a moment)  Begin with picking up the first pile of materials. If there is anything that is essential to your library or your classes, decide what to do with it.
     If there are several items that belong together, take a file folder and label what it  you are placing in it.  Move these folders to a spot where they can be organized and filed.  Anything you  do not need , throw out or place in recycling.

   Keep going until your desk is cleared. You should end up with file folders to file and  items to recycle.  This afternoon or when you have another 15  minute slot, file the  folders in the proper place in your file cabinet.  
    If you already have a file that is marked for that item, place the items in the file in your cabinet. Then you can erase the tab and use if for something else. Permanent files should be marked with a . Now you have a clean desk and will be able to figure out what to do with the rest of your day.
  My book The Organized Librarian has a chapter on how I organize my files , and how I avoid duplicate files. Watch for the ebook to be coming  out soon!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Technology Tools- Wired Wednesday

     Another great tool for teachers and librarians is Biblionasium.  This is a great site for students, teachers, parents, and librarians to use to help students fall in love with reading.  It is a safe social network for kids.
    Biblionasium allows students to build an independent reading porgram tailored to individual interests and reading levels. 
    Lists and recommendations can be built by class or individual.  The site uses mostly lexlie levels, The program tracks the progress of the students reading.

   Kids are encouragte to share books and recommend books to their peers.
   A grownup is needed for the student to be signed up. After that the student can run with it and enjoy the site.

  There are tools for teachers to monitor and assess reading progress.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Library Signage / Library Vocabulary

      The Storm is over- we did not get that much rain  but it was very windy! The wind knocked down a large pine tree right next to our house. Thankfully it fell away from the house , other wise we would have a tree throught the rooof of our living room.

   We did lose  electric, phone, heat, and internet  . We just got it back last night around dinner time on Sunday night..  I hope everyone is safe and has their electric .

      Now that you have your library vocabulary started- keep it going.  Do you have your signs up with definitions? Have you 'played ' some vocab games? What else can  you do with the signs and the vocabulary?    Make some games using the same words once you have  most of your vocabulary done.

     Try this: For the youngest set , you could make flash cards or make a concentration game. For intermediate and a little older ( middle  school) make several bingo boards with the words on the cards in several location and then  make cards to call  out with definitions.

    Try this: Take down the definitions  ( have them laminated). Have Students match  the definitions with the words.  Or swap and put up definitions and have students match up the vocabulary.
