Showing posts with label library vocabulary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library vocabulary. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Promotion of Public Libraries

         The key to promote and change the image of the public library and marketing its services is to change the standard library vocabulary to something more catching , attractive and useful to patrons.

        How do we do that? Can prek story time become a class or workshop?  ( Parents and guardians will see the benefits of something more educational and informational)  Any program can be called a class , workshop, or seminar.

       Circulation  procedures can be called customer serve. The librarian will have the job of being the program developer,  library manager, instructor,  team leader or research specialist.   As librarians we need to adapt our library specific works that do  not really connect to our patrons.  We can replace many  terms to show more educational and community goals. We want to show a more educational , community focus that patrons will be able to view as necessary  and beneficial. 

       Use terms that draw patrons in  to the library to use the resources  and programs.   Think  of vocabulary that includes more community and educational  focus instead of  older terms will help the community have a new view of the library.

       Begin today to think of and use new vocabulary to advertise, promote and  describe your library  and the programs you provide to the patrons.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Library Vocabulary Words- Part 3

            Are you using your Library Vocabulary / Signage in your library?  I use mine as a word wall on one of the bulletin boards in the library. This makes it easy to add to and change. On the top I just have  the words  LIBRARY WORD WALL.     The students are used to having many word walls in the classroom.
           Another thing I do is keep a listing of library vocabulary words with each of the library curriculum by grade level.    So I know which words go with each grade, but I do not limit the students or myself when talking about the  vocabulary.
             A fun thing to do with some of the words is to make flash cards with photos. The photos can be either placed on the same side as the term or on the opposite side ( if you do this then you can use the cards also for a concentration game.
           Some other options for the vocabulary are:

 1. Vocabulary Bingo- make up  bingo sheets with the terms on the bingo chart.   Make the center with the free spot. You can get creative  with  the letters up top or you can just use Bingo letters. Call out the defination and students need to mark the correct term.   Younger students can work in pairs if you wish. You might want to offer small prizes like a book mark or pencil .

2.  I have Who Has?-  make up cards with definations and terms. The game goes I like this:  On each card you will put I have  and Who Has. The first person reads the Who Has.  (Example  Who has :  the person who writes the words in a book?    The student who has the Term Author  will read  : I have Author- and then go on to read what their    card says for the question (Who  Has : The person who makes the pictures?)
The student who has Illustrator will read  and say I have Illustrator- then who has - with the next question.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Library Signage / Library Vocabulary

      The Storm is over- we did not get that much rain  but it was very windy! The wind knocked down a large pine tree right next to our house. Thankfully it fell away from the house , other wise we would have a tree throught the rooof of our living room.

   We did lose  electric, phone, heat, and internet  . We just got it back last night around dinner time on Sunday night..  I hope everyone is safe and has their electric .

      Now that you have your library vocabulary started- keep it going.  Do you have your signs up with definitions? Have you 'played ' some vocab games? What else can  you do with the signs and the vocabulary?    Make some games using the same words once you have  most of your vocabulary done.

     Try this: For the youngest set , you could make flash cards or make a concentration game. For intermediate and a little older ( middle  school) make several bingo boards with the words on the cards in several location and then  make cards to call  out with definitions.

    Try this: Take down the definitions  ( have them laminated). Have Students match  the definitions with the words.  Or swap and put up definitions and have students match up the vocabulary.
