Showing posts with label librarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label librarians. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Inventory Time

Well it time again to think about inventory! An exhausting time but a necessary task! Start out getting all books ( or as many as you can) back into the library , checked in , and on the shelves.
I try to spend a little time reading shelves putting books in the right order. However, during the year , as I am putting books away , I take some time to check the shelves that I am replacing books on. I figure that if books were taken, there is a likely-hood that some items might be misplaced. In our library( elementary level) we only go beyond one decimal point. This helps me while shelving and also helps the student learn about the DD system without too much aggravation.
Anyway so as I am shelving, I am correcting misfiled books- so it is one time time deal . This seems to work in the library I am presently in. Past libraries, I have begun at the beginning and read the entire collection.
Does anyone have any comments on inventory? tips on reading and shelving and getting books Back? I send out over-dues to students. My staff can keep books that they are using and hopefully bring back what they do not need at the time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Technology Tools- Wired Wednesday

    The site of the week is

         Wonderopolis, a program provided  by the National Center for Family Literacy,. This  engages  students to  become more educated in a natural way. The power of discovery is strong . Young people love to discover  and this site will  give them engaging questions.

     Each day there is a wonder of the day. They answer the question and then go into further details. There are videos, photos, vocabulary and even activities to go with each wonder. Students and teachers and readers of the site can nominate a wonder also, Which will really get the students thinking.  . All in all a very interesting site!! Check it out!

        Wonderopolis  has thousands of free educational resources for parents , teachers and students to use in  and out of the classroom. Teachers can also  sign up for free  online  or face to face training to learn how to make the most of Wodneropolis and Thinkfinity.   Financial support for Wonderopolis is provided by the Verizon Foundation;  and Wonderopolis is a member of Verizon Thinkfinity.

For Presidents Week/Month:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Library Missions and Goals

         Yesterday we spent the day checking out new towers and laptops. I think we picked the one that we will get, so at least now that  is over. We sometimes have a hard time making a decision on new technology because there is SO MUCH out there. It would be easier if there were not so many choices.

        Now that you have your mission statement, post it !   Type out in bold letters ( I use a slide from Power point)  . Then I printed and placed it where every staff and patron can see it.   I also would put one in my office ( if I had one ).

        Why should you do this? Well it lets you and your staff and your patrons know what you do and why you do it.  Glancing at this during your work day will also help you stay focused on what is really important to you and your library.   Stop and think about your mission when you start a new project and see if  the new project aligns with your mission and goals.

      Say "NO "or "Let me think about it "when some asks you to do something that does not go along with your mission. You don't want to ignore library duties and responsibilities to do something that will not further your mission and goals.
      Having missions and goals will help you  get more done each day.    The goal for this week is to finish and post your mission. Any one want to share ? or need help? Let us know!!

      Then if you have time- work on your goals!!  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wired Wednesday - Technology Tools

     I found some  a few more sites that  have library games , so I am continuing on this same thread.  If I find any others I will give them to you.

Quia Library skills comes from St Joesph's Elementary school,  and has quite a bit of items that can be used with students. Check them out before  you use them to make sure they are age and skill appropriate.  There are so many links on here.There are many you will be able to use  with students and for online games to improve skills and just have fun.

  WartGames has many many games. Again I would suggest before letting students go wild with this you should preview and select which games you want students to use. Perhaps put them in a Pota Portal so that students go directly to the game you want them to do.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Gaming in the library

  I just am having fun thinking of how we can use games and gaming in the library to encourage use of the library and let the students enjoy learning new skills .   So I am  continuing this thread. I hope you are enjoying it also.  What have you done with your students as far as making games to reinforce skills you have taught? Have you  made any games to actually introduce a specific task or activity?  I would love to hear about it.!!
 Here are  some more ideas for self made games tailored to your library.

 1.  Use games that require research as part of  or as a culmination of a research unit.  This game could require use of both print or online resources .  If you use both the students /patrons will have a lot of fun with it.
 2. If you are in a school , use games that support the curriculum. There are many games that support the  math, history, and science, Use the ones that are at your students age and ability level.

3.  Have  a treasure hunt with clues hidden on certain pages of books,or at different sections of the library. Use each clue to lead the students to the next clue.  Remember to offer prizes.

4. A competition  of dress up as a  book character- some schools use this around  /or instead of a Halloween celebration.

5. A competition for students and patrons to draw and design posters , bookmarks, and art work.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wired Wednesday- Technoloy Tools

    All thought technically this is not a tech tool , I wanted to write about this today to get the word out about International Book Giving day on February 14, 2013.   

      International Book Giving Day is a day dedicated to getting new, used and borrowed books in the hands of as many children as possible.  So on Valentines day, instead of flowers, candy,  a mug, or a teddy bear give someone you love a book!!

     The Web site for this day has some ideas for getting books into  the hadns of needy children.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Common Core Standards and School Librarians

    Snow Day again today!!   Really it is a snow and ice day as the right now the ice is just sheeting down! good day to stay inside!

     With the Common Core Standards  (CCS) being  adopted in so many states, it is up to the librarians to also embrace them !  Take leader ship in your role in your school and distinct!!  Show what you do in the library is embedded into the CCS .   Librarians provide information,  and also  instruct in the areas of finding information in informational and literary texts. We  teach students how to find what they are looking for and also provide students with increasingly challenging texts and books. The classroom teacher can not do this all on her own.
      As librarians , our job is to study our states CCS . Get to know and understand them.  Inform staff how we can help the teachers and students in  working through the standards. Align  our library curriculum to the standards . Show the teachers what exactly you do to help the students become career and college ready.
Yes , it is a big job but it is one that over time will show to our colleagues that librarians are the core in the  "Common Core"

Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Holidays From the Organized Librarian

      I would like to wish you and your families  the best of Holidays as we wind down 2012!  Enjoy each other and renew yourselves for another round of education  and books in our buildings and libraries.
     I will return late next week after the bustle of the Holiday is over and hopefully will bring you ideas that you can use and share with  your co- workers.  I am almost done with the book and it will be an ebook. I am hoping to make it available soon., just seems I have been getting holiday things done and have not done all that I wanted this month.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Information Expert

        As the information expert  and the  librarian in your school/ building, you have an obligation to your students and patrons.  The first thing that comes to mind is that students and patrons need  to be taught search strategies for collecting and evaluating  the information that they need.   The  Strategies for finding information using headings, types of scanning reading, using parts of the text and also additional items like labels, captions, charts,  and graphs  will always need to be taught.  Also strategies for deciding on what  and where to look can also be practiced and taught to  patrons.
    Evaluating information is another skill that can be modeled and then practiced  by students.   Evaluating is a skill that  when practiced comes over time and use .  A student/ patron questions the materiel being read and then decides if it is  needed for his work.

      The librarian / information expert also needs to organize the use of the computer and the web for  information seekers. The information expert can create a blog, a wiki, website or porta portal  to pull together resources to meet the need specific needs of their learning community.  This can be done as a general resource  site,  with link, tabs, or pages of specific  information curriculum needs.  This is why I have always made a Porta Portal to go along with my schools curriculum  with links  to sites needed by the students and teachers.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Neat Site

Here is another site that I came upon in my browsing and I think it will be useful for librarians and teachers. It offers  examples of Reading Trifolds0- which are a near way for students to track and share their reading. There are blank  trufolds that can be printed out and used.   These would also be great to use with guided reading groups, and would also help with assessment of the student reading. I am thinking of ways to use them in library class for the students in grades 3-4.  Let me know what you this about this site and also the trifold idea,

Reading Trifolds

Monday, June 25, 2012

What does an Admisitrator Want from a Librarian?

      I have been thinking lately about what administrators want and expect from a School Library Media Specialist. I've also been thinking that many administrators  really do not have any idea about how valuable a school librarian can be.
      Do they have classes when they are taking courses to be a Principal  about the value of a school librarian?  I think not, but I do think they should.
      Number one item on my list is a Library media Specialist is a TEACHER. They work with students in the library, the computer lab, and in the classroom! What do they teach?
     They teach the love of reading and literature. Think  about interactive read aloud' s and author studies.  Think introducing students to genres, and  series, chapter books, and graphic novels, award winning books.
    School librarian also teach students how to be information literate . They teach how to use the resources of books, references, data bases, and the internet. to find the information they need. They show students how to use the latest web based programs to   produce information pieces  to share with there their learning.
     Later in the week or next week  week I have some addoitioanl  items to add to this list of what an adminsotrator wants from their librarians. Keep reading for more.
    Any additional items the librarian does as a teacher?  Please add your comments.
What should you do with this information? Share this in some way with your p;principals and school board and teachers,. Let them know what you can do to assist the students in the quest for 21st century learners.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Extra Snowday! -- School Library Monthly

We are enjoying a"snowday" today. It is cold but sunny here in NE Pa. I am thinking about reading some library articles that I brought home with me. I have a new professional Journal that I love It is School Library Monthly!
Check it out- it has great articles about a variety of topics of course all related to our work as librarians. There are lesson ideas, and columns about books. Also there are information about library professionalism, and great ideas for connecting students and books. I also like the back two pages where they have ideas for bulletin board and great ideas for special days and author birthdays for each month.
Check it out - Look at their website for details on ordering.

School Library Monthly

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Inventory time again!

We are in the second day of inventory but it doesn't seem to be going very fast. Both my aide and I are busy scanning but we are also still getting back books. Today I spent a good half hour still printing out overdue sheets from students. Luckily as soon as they got the letters - they brought them back.

But each time we start a new section/holdings-code we are writing down date and time- so when we go to print out items that are missing we will have to enter in the earliest date and time to get accurate records. Anyone else have to do this with your system? I guess it's pretty standard. What's amazing is that there have only been a couple of misfiled or mis-smarked books.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Author Visits -part 2

1. Get the students ready! Go on the internet and look at the authors website / or other resources and get information about the author. Talk to the students about the authors life and read them some of the authors books or chapters from the book if is a longer book. Put up posters around the school announcing the arrival , time and date of the author visit. Maybe you could have some of the older students make posters and place them around for you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Author visits - Part I

1. Host an Author visit to your school. Contact your PTO / PTA and see if they can help with funding your author visit. Students love when authors visit! You might also contact your local library to see if you could collaborate with their program director to see if they have funding that might be helpful. We had Lindsay Barrett George. Visit her at
The first steps are: funding and contacting the author. What funds do you have for payment? Parent group- Assembly funds- other funding perhaps from the community?
Make sure you have resources for payment. You may also need to provide accommodations/ transportation so get that in line also.
Contact the author, and make the arrangements. When will he come? You will want to speak with administration before hand to determine what day and time will be appropriate for you author day. You don't want to be in conflict with another program or a testing

Then we start the promotion: What can you do to promote the program. Firstly, the students. Hopefully you will have ( or can borrow) some of the authors works! Then begin to tell and read to the students ( or have them read) some of the authors works. Put up posters or do a bulletin board about your authors visit. If you are allowed outside visitors - contact your local news media and see if you can send a press release or short article for them to publish/ present.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The Collaboration Handbook by Toni Buzzeo

Toni Buzzeo has done it! . This slim volume is the definitive book that provides LMS’s with the tools to develop steps to collaboration in our schools. Every LMS to wants to begin to collaborate should read this book. Her book is also geared to administrators to show them how they can work with their LMS and teachers to promote collaboration.
The different levels of collaboration of LMS and teachers are first defined. Each level is described and expanded upon in the beginning chapters of the book. Each chapter outlays the level, and provides many find examples of the level of collaboration from schools across the US. The examples will give you ideas of how you can apply collaboration in your school. This is a work book, and there are places that you can write in your ideas, and places where you can evaluate your own levels of collaboration.
I was wishing the copy I read was my own. There were places I wanted to underline, and I wanted to fill in the action plans, the putting it to work charts, the discussion charts, and the tool charts for librarian s and administrators. This book (and some action on your part)will get you into the role of collaborator with your staff.

Check out this website!

Check this out!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Check out Peach Tree!

I just found a wonderful website that would be great for librarian's , teachers, and parents.
When you search their site you will see that Peach Tree publishers have fantastic books and lots of extras for parents, teachers , and librarians.
There is an online catalog , which is very easy to use. Also you can find information about their author's on extensive author pages. For teachers there is a section on book guides and some guided reading levels. Librarians have similar pages for themselves. There is also a section on author/ illustrator visits.
This is an easy site to get around on and you will learn a lot about their authors and books.

Monday, June 7, 2010


It is that time of year and I am gearing up for inventory. How many others are doing the same?? Not sure. Wish I could hear from some of them.

Monday, November 30, 2009


I am still working on my file cabinets at school. I have one more to go and I will be finished on my main files at the circulation desk. This includes most all my files since I do not have an office. My other file cabinets are another thing - but I won't get to them this year.
What Have I done with my files? First thing that was done was , I had hanging file frames put in. Then I can do a section at a time and put folders into hanging files .