Monday, February 11, 2013

Gaming in the library

  I just am having fun thinking of how we can use games and gaming in the library to encourage use of the library and let the students enjoy learning new skills .   So I am  continuing this thread. I hope you are enjoying it also.  What have you done with your students as far as making games to reinforce skills you have taught? Have you  made any games to actually introduce a specific task or activity?  I would love to hear about it.!!
 Here are  some more ideas for self made games tailored to your library.

 1.  Use games that require research as part of  or as a culmination of a research unit.  This game could require use of both print or online resources .  If you use both the students /patrons will have a lot of fun with it.
 2. If you are in a school , use games that support the curriculum. There are many games that support the  math, history, and science, Use the ones that are at your students age and ability level.

3.  Have  a treasure hunt with clues hidden on certain pages of books,or at different sections of the library. Use each clue to lead the students to the next clue.  Remember to offer prizes.

4. A competition  of dress up as a  book character- some schools use this around  /or instead of a Halloween celebration.

5. A competition for students and patrons to draw and design posters , bookmarks, and art work.

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