Showing posts with label Library mission statement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Library mission statement. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Personal Professional Growth

  At the  Summer Institute , we were given a continuum of school Librarian competencies, This rubric is for self growth to help up develop professionally. The competencies are from AASL and PSELS ( Professional Standards for Educational Leaders)

 Out of the 11 competencies I am going to work on  #1 first- which is Mission, Vision and Core Values. Being ion the middle school and the state of librarianship  with the strong digital aspect I will have to ponder before setting my mission and vision.  I have a small budget so that will be limiting as far as the digital/maker space aspect.

  Do you have mission or vision , or core values. I am struggling with this so if any one can comment please please do!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Superior Customer Service

  All of our patrons are considered customers. And our customers /patrons are very important to help us maintain funding for our resources and programs.  So we should take time to consider our forms of customer service and the way we treat patrons.

  We could also consider our Customer Service  Policy( if we have one) . If not , we may want to develop  policy on how we want to treat our customers . We should want the library to be a friendly, welcoming place where people will want to come!

  One way we can have superior customer service is to hire exceptional employees . These employees are able to set a good example , interact easily with patrons, have a great phone voice and can communicate well via email.

  Also having the proper positive leadership  helps the change of the positive culture of our team ( staff) . In essence , Customer Service is putting the customer first by focusing on creating a positive experience.

  So here is the question: Does anyone have a customer service policy? What is in it?
If you don't have one, what do you think you should have in it? I would love to hear from you regarding  your thoughts on Customer Service,

Check out the Books For Sale Page! My ebook on sale now!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Library Publicity - Part 2

   Before publicizing your library, find out what products and services your patrons want. Do research on this through surveys, questionnaires , and informal discussions.  While you are in this stage, you also want to find out how your patrons perceive the library.

   Develop goals and objectives bases on your mission, and on the results of research on what patrons want and expect.  Select strateg9es that will help promote  the products and services . You want to find strategies that work best, are affordable, and reach your patrons.

  Create a plan of action that outlines each step needed to carry out the publicity plan.  Publicity and marketing can help you establish a positive image for the library in the community. along with the improved image, Pr and marketing will help patrons to feel a part of the library community and therefore they will become more involved in the library's resources, programs, and events, and special exhibits.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Library Publicity

  Help your library's image by using PR ( Public Relations) to establish the library's position in the community.  Public Libraries provide services and programs that support the community in many ways.

   PR  encompasses communication  and helps  establish a clear identity.  this sends a clear message about the library's mission and goals.

  As a school librarian I always  believed in having a library mission.  As part of a library system in a public library, I believe the mission statement is even more important.!

  Review you library's mission statement, library values, and philosophy of service. And if you dona;t have  a mission, work on this first and foremost.  This will serve to guide you in your public relation's   goal of getting the word out about  your library.

   When doing PR, keep in mind the unique contribution that the library makes to the community, Your patrons ( and how they use the library)  and the many sources of information  that you have available .

  Your PR depends on theses items to five it focus and form.  Keeping this information in mind when determining how you will precede and carry out your PR and marketing plan.l

Friday, March 1, 2013

Using goals and mission statement daily

   Now that you have your mission and objective/ goals, it is time to use them on a daily basis. If you work each day without clear goals and missions, you will not get as much accomplished as you would like.  If your missions and goals are posted in your library and office  , you will be reminded of the important things you need to do.

   So either before you leave for work each day, or first thing in the morning, make a to do list of no more than 5 items to accomplish. This simple act will provide focus and then closure.  Check these five items with your goals and mission statement. Make sure that what you plan will further your steps towards your goals and mission. This also allows you to complete items that are high on the priority list, and  disregard the tasks that do not make a big difference to you mission.

     Keep the list in a prominent place( on your desk, on a clipboard, in your planner) where you will see it as you are working. Check each item off when you are done.  While it  may  take a while to get used to this technique, it will bring you to accomplish your missions and goals.  It will provide a sense of satisfaction in seeing tasks completed and your mission becoming part of your daily program.

    Preparing this simple list each day will help you become more focused and more aware of what is really important to your library.  By making this list you will also get much more accomplished  to further your mission of your library.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Creating Goals to align to Mission statements

      Now that your mission statement is done, the next step is to create goals. These goals will explain in detail how you will accomplish your mission statement.   Your goals should be measurable and observable,  as to the activities , tasks, programs,  and  lessons ,  so the documentation that they produce will be available to your administration or board. 

       Goals are specific items that you will do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to accomplish your mission.   So take your mission and then think about what you will do to accomplish   this mission. So what will you do each day to further your mission?  These can be your goals /objectives.

      Another wise choice for goals is to attach a time frame in which the goals will be achieved.  Like your mission statement, your goals or objectives , should follow along with your organization mission.

     These goals will be useful when  you are planning what items you will do each day. So write them down and even have them posted so that you accomplish your goals and missions.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Library Missions and Goals

         Yesterday we spent the day checking out new towers and laptops. I think we picked the one that we will get, so at least now that  is over. We sometimes have a hard time making a decision on new technology because there is SO MUCH out there. It would be easier if there were not so many choices.

        Now that you have your mission statement, post it !   Type out in bold letters ( I use a slide from Power point)  . Then I printed and placed it where every staff and patron can see it.   I also would put one in my office ( if I had one ).

        Why should you do this? Well it lets you and your staff and your patrons know what you do and why you do it.  Glancing at this during your work day will also help you stay focused on what is really important to you and your library.   Stop and think about your mission when you start a new project and see if  the new project aligns with your mission and goals.

      Say "NO "or "Let me think about it "when some asks you to do something that does not go along with your mission. You don't want to ignore library duties and responsibilities to do something that will not further your mission and goals.
      Having missions and goals will help you  get more done each day.    The goal for this week is to finish and post your mission. Any one want to share ? or need help? Let us know!!

      Then if you have time- work on your goals!!  

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mission Statement and goals

                        If you are done writing your mission statement, you should probably have  4  sentences at the most.  Any thing longer will not be as effective. Now you will be thinking: " What do I do on a daily basis to  help fulfill this mission?"    You can think about what your goals will be . 
                       Goals explain in detail  what you will do to accomplish your daily operations.  Goals are specific.  But be sure that your goals are measurable and  you will know when they are accomplished.  Goals need to be proven.  There can be documentation that each goal is met. There should be  a change  from the beginning  of the year to the end.  This might be a list  of  activities, statistics, and programs that you have  done over the course of the year. 
                  So by now  I am hoping that your mission statement is at least a tickle in the back of your mind. Any one wishing to share their mission and goals?? I am looking forward to seeing some of them.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Mission Statments- Planning & Writing

    Are you ready?  Ready to start thinking about and planning your mission statement for your library? 

         1:  Think about and determine what your long term goal / goals  would be for your library.  If you are  in a school and they have a mission statement- get that out and look at it.  What does the school want to accomplish?   Interweave that  into your mission so that it fits!  
               Start jotting down some ideas of what your school wants to accomplish. Make sure that  some of those goals are also  the libraries goals
               If you are in a school remember - your mission needs to align with the school mission , but you need to make it specific to the library and what you want to accomplish.
        2:   A mission statement is short and serves as a guideline that steers  the library staff and programs on a daily basis.    Some times specific goals or objectives  usually accompnay the mission.

  One of my first Mission statement ( or how I remember it- may not be exact- will have to look it up)
                The D.V .Elem. School 's  Library mission is to promote reading and learning to the students  and staff.  The library will support curriculum and extend  and  engage  the work done in  and out of the classroom

      Would anyone share their mission statement? It would be great to see some more mission statements.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Library Mission Statement

     Do you have a mission statement for your library and your Career?  If you do not , you may want to think about doing one and having your library mission statement  posted in your library.
     Why should you do this? For starters , with a focused mission statement  you will find yourself referring to it . It will help you in your daily focus of your work. In the middle of a project , you can ask yourself - "Is this  part of what I really should be doing in the  mist of my day? Does this task/ activity help me with my mission. What can I do to move my mission forward?"
     Before you start writing , do some thinking and planning. What is your mission? What do you want to accomplish with your library, staff, and student's. Take some time , make some notes  and begin to formulate some ideas of your libraries mission.