Showing posts with label Library planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Library planning. Show all posts

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Multi-tasking- not always the best choice

     Many teachers and workers boast about doing two or more things at once. But sometimes multi-tasking is really inefficient. It destroys the focus needed to complete tasks quickly and completely. Multi- tasking may cause us to not the task as well as we could. (or ask quickly)
     When your focus is on one job, then you can zero in on the task and get it done in an effective time period. The job/ task will be done with more competence. Then you can move on to the next task at hand.

      So it is good to know what types of tasks should not be done with others. Most important tasks require concentration, and focus.  Routine items are okay to be multi-tasked.  Determine for yourself what jobs  are to be single focus items.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Getting More Done

   There are several rules of organizing your day to get more accomplished. I read everything I can on organizing in hopes of reducing the stress of having much to do in a short amount of time. Organizing my time seems to help the most. Through my reading, I have found some things that work for me and may also work for you.

   Step 1:   Keep a running record/ master list of items you need to do. Put anything you can think of that needs doing on your master list. That way it is written down and you don’t have to worry about forgetting something.  I am sure there is an app or an online way to this but I still like to use pencil and paper. If you find a good way to do this online, go for it, if that works for you.

  Step 2: Build your daily to do list. Take items from the master list and put them on your daily list. But only write those tasks that you can realistically do in one day. So don’t overload yourself. Give yourself some leeway if you have scheduled items, or if you find that some tasks might take longer than expected.

    Then at the end of each day (or at the very beginning) take 15 minutes to map out your priorities to see what your daily schedule will look like.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Daily Routine at the Library

    Take a few minutes each day ( or right before you go home) to help you be more organized and get more accomplished each day. Look at your master list of to do's  and your daily planner or plan book. 
    Write in /Schedule the tasks  you plan to accomplish. Tackle the harder / most unpleasant/ most pressing items first on your schedule.  This is when  your brain is most likely the sharpest and your have a strong desire to get tasks done.
     Schedule less pressing items or routines items throughout the day.  Another good time to get items accomplished is right after lunch. After you have a break, eaten your lunch away from your desk, you are Likely to be able to refocus to complete what is in your plan book. 

   Check your planner / to do list throughout the day. Cross or check off items as they are completed . It will be encouraging to cross off items and see at the end of the day what has been done to further your goals at work.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Organize your day- Map out a schedule

    After you have your master list written for the week or day, and prioritized you jobs/ tasks. A good step would be to maps out when you will complete your items.
    All Commitments, / appointments. / Scheduled classes   should be put first into your plan book or daily planner at the time specified,
   Then you can incorporate from your master to do list. Look at the most important items (marked with an A) and then B items. Write these tasks / activities in available time slots. But do not pack in more to dos than you can realistically get finished.
    Also allow 30 minutes in your daily schedule every day so you have a little flexibility in case things don’t go as planned.

    Also leave yourself time at the end of the day to work on the next few days schedule.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Personal Professional Growth

  At the  Summer Institute , we were given a continuum of school Librarian competencies, This rubric is for self growth to help up develop professionally. The competencies are from AASL and PSELS ( Professional Standards for Educational Leaders)

 Out of the 11 competencies I am going to work on  #1 first- which is Mission, Vision and Core Values. Being ion the middle school and the state of librarianship  with the strong digital aspect I will have to ponder before setting my mission and vision.  I have a small budget so that will be limiting as far as the digital/maker space aspect.

  Do you have mission or vision , or core values. I am struggling with this so if any one can comment please please do!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

National LIbrary Card Month- September

September is National Library Card sign up month.  Now is a good time to start planning how to get the word out to the community members.  They probably do not realize how many resources and programs can be found at their local library!
  September is also a good time to remind parents that the library is a big help to students in their educational life.  Snoopy ( from the Peanuts comic strip) is the promotional characrer this year.  To learn more and get access to some promotional material ( Proclamation, graphics, ect) visit the ALA website.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Planning your day

 Planning - how much do you do?  Do you plan what you will do each day or do you just go into work and then wing it?    For many years ( more than I like to admit)  I just  did lesson planning ( when I was at School) and the rest of the time I just sort of "winged" it.   That worked out fine for a long time because I had great support library assistants and when a big job came around we got it done.
     When I  lost my full time assistant was when I really took the time to plan out what I needed to do and how in the world was I going to get it all done.  To add fuel to that idea was the fact that I did have people coming into to help but  they would be with me for  a period or at most maybe two periods .
   Its similar in the public library, especially when staff are different each day or vacation time rolls around like now when everyone is getting their time in .
     So I really took stock to determine what I would have them do when they arrive at the door.  Now, some of those  aides really jumped in and did what ever they thought  was the best for the library. But some of the aides had never been in the library before so I had to  train them  in various jobs. Which was not always easy because most of the time I had many many classes, or programs  and projects going on.
      Anyway my point is that whether you have help or not. Or whether you have a full time or part time person, you will accomplish more and feel better if you at least plan out part of your day.  If you know you have a certain task to complete , and it is a big one , break it down into segments and begin to work on it when you have a block of time during your day.
     Look at your schedule - with classes and special programs and decide  what you will do to further you jobs completed.
    Check out   my ebook- The Organized Librarian. This details how my days went from  'winging it'  to more organized and efficient.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Establishing Routines- Part 2- Desk Time

  At my new position of library manager, I am still trying to figure out routines and schedules.  I still struggle with using my time wisely.  As a school librarian, I had one large room and multiple classes, and the regular library duties.

  As library manager, I have  regular library duties , and then I also am the manager of a three story building.  So this is a learning curve for me, and I am slowly figuring out the routines and changing them.

  So I am dividing my time into two parts : library duties and building duties.   The library duties are also  a little different in that I actually have a book budget in which I can purchase books each month and I can get the latest best sellers that patrons want.

  So in establishing my routines I am deciding  between ' desk time" and 'floor time'.  During my desk time, I  do the following activities at designated times: First thing in the Am ( before opening) check emails,  track wireless, check answering machine .

  Also I have Desk time  during coverage of lunches: Again I check emails, work on purchasing lists, reading reviews,  printing out calendars, flyer's,  making phone calls.

  At the end of the day, I also do a little desk time: again check emails, make phone calls,  file papers,  clean up my desk,  make plans for the rest of the day, and check my calendar and planning books.
I might also during  any of these times, write down questions I may need to ask my Director or Assistant Director.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Highly Organized Librarian- Getting Large Projects done!

    One way to become a highly organized librarians is to begin with the end in mind.  Whenever you have a  large project to do which requires a good deal of work , time  and effort  it might be a  good idea to use this technique.

    Start with a clear understanding of what the outcome of the project will be. Think about the inventory done, the book list completed, the  movement of books and shelving,  the final paper or grant project will be.    Then determine how you will get there.

    What is the best way to get the project completed? What steps do you need to take to  accomplish the project.  Think it through.  Then write down the steps you will take..  After writing down the steps , organize the steps in the most logical order.    Make a plan.    Determine what steps you will do and what dates you will do them. Write them in your plan or calendar book.   Figure out what resources or materials you will need to get the project done. Write them into your plan.

   This is system that requires thinking and planning before the actually doing .  Mentally you are preparing the project before you begin the actual work. In this way, if you write down the steps, you have a schedule of the steps and what to do when.  The thinking and list gives you focus on the projects and keeps you on track.

    I use this system which is briefly outlined in The Organized Librarian  Ebook. For details on how to order see  Books to Order tab.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

New School Year-- keeping organized- Your Desk

  The new school year is upon us. Are you ready??   The desk is the one great place to start whether you are starting a new year or just want to refocus on organizing  and being efficient.  What is on your  desk? 

   There is always the question also  whether your desk is the main circulation desk and your work desk or perhaps you are lucky enough to have an office  and a desk also in there.

    But key in on the place ( desk ) where you spend the most time and do the most work . Do you have the tools that you need there to complete the most pressing tasks.  If you do not , then take the time to consider what you need  and then Get the Supplies You Need  to complete the tasks. Then you will not to jump up , and get the items you need.

  Some ideas on what you might need at your desk to complete your  tasks:

  pencils / pens
  lined paper
  manila folders/ file holder
  zip drive ( for techies)\Is your computer on your desk at all times?)
  daily period schedule ( for school librarians)
  in/out basket ( for mail , announcements, routing)
  post it notes / small paper  
  plan book ( school librarians)]
  daily planner ( public)

   Set up your items on a cleared off space. You will determine which of these items you will use . If you try something and you find you do not need it then eliminate it. The best way to work a systems is to use tools that help you get the job done!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Steps To Managing a Library - Planning


       Managing a library is about  producing and coordinating  multiple  functions and tasks.  Functions involving planning, organizing,   controlling, and leading are all part of managing a library and its programs.  As librarians we need to make many decisions about how the library is run, organized, and maintained.  In many respects we are like administrators  , managing the  library , in a similar way that they manage the school.

      One of the first functions is planning on what the library ( and its programs)  will accomplish. That is what we have done  in preparing and   developing the mission statement and the goals / objectives of the library.

      Planning will be something that will take time and special thought.  While we did take time with the mission and the goals, they will lead us to better planning of programs and procedures. At each stage , we can  compare them to  our mission and goals to see if they coincide.
     Planning also is the step that if best if done before jumping into action.  Why? Well because if we plan an activity, a procedure book, a program, lessons, or almost anything, we are more than likely to accomplish what we set out to do and also do it more efficiently . 
   How to Plan:  Take a blank sheet of paper. Start with the desired outcome at the bottom of the sheet.  Think and jot down notes: what steps do you need to do to get there?  Does this plan and the outcome coincide with our mission and goals?. Will this activity further our mission and goals?

  To me planning is thinking on paper. I like to write everything down and see the steps and see what I will do before jumping into action,