Showing posts with label library organizing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library organizing. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2019

'Tidying Up' the School Library- SLJ

     I am finally catching up on my reading- yes this year I am Way Way  behind!!   I actually did this quite a few years ago when my school and library were being renovated from a Middle school to an Elementary school. In my office We shoved every thing( supplies) willy nilly  into boxes when we were packing! When we got into the renovated space and it was the beginning of the year, we just shoved the boxes into brand new cabinets. ( It was a big office with even a bathroom!)
   But then of course , I did not know where anything was! So I dumped boxes into the center of the room and began to organized everything!  And put supplies away, And mark the cabinets,  And labeled every drawer, and cabinet  so I knew where everything was and how much I had! And I did make a map so that I could glance at the map to help me find what I was looking for!
    Read this article  & check out my article on organizing your supplies in The Organized Librarian!
See info above for ordering or check out Amazon.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Organizing your day at the library- Your Desk

     One way to keep yourself organized and help maintain your focus at your desk is a wire step file. Label several folders  like this: Do, Announcements, staff list, read , file , hold, and monthly report.These are what I have and am planning for the new school year. These are folders I refer to on a daily basis.  Customize what you put on your folders depending on your needs throughout the year.
    Other files are kept in one of my other filing areas ( more on that later) . These are items I do not need on a daily/ weekly basis. At the end of the day, each piece of paper ( or printed email if I deem necessary) are placed in one of these folders if I think it is necessary. Otherwise , I 'file' anything I don't need in the wastebasket.

    Each day I take my Do File to work on items  that need action. I usually only have two tasks in there at a time,with notes to myself as needed. Any other pending tasks next on list I put in "hold" file.

    This helps keep me organized  and focused. It keeps my desk neat and I can accomplish what I need to without clutter.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Making things Easier- Technology logging off

  When I am working on a project that requires a lot of computer time , I take frequent log off breaks. If I am working on a large project ( whether  I am  on the computer or using a computer print out) , I work in several eye and exercise breaks.
  When I am doing reports , inventory, searching for websites and activities for teachers ( Just to name a few) I plan on several breaks.   This is important especially if I am about to have long stretches of time on one project.
  I log off ( or just close down)  and gt up out of my seat. Then I do something to rest my eyes and stretch my lets. I grab a drink, do some easy stretches or walks around the library to shelve or straighten some books.
  I do a 5 or 10 minute break. This gives me some time to re energize and be more  focused for accomplishing  the task at hand.
  See "The Organize Librarian" for some more  tips on organizing your day. Follow me for details on  when the print book comes out.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Stay on target- make your day easier!

Stay on Target- 
    When you are working on an activity or task, stay focused and keep your mind on the goal of finishing your task. You could use an app on your phone to track your time  if you are a big techie . ( these you start a timer when you begin and it tells you how long the task took).
    I don't use theses- I just try to stay focused and keep working .When I start a task, I try to keep working until I get to the stopping point.( either the end of the project or the end of my allotted time for the task.
   I also plan on doing something totally different or taking a bathroom break or grabbing a coffee or tea when I complete the task. I also can just take a few moments to stretch my legs, move around , or just do something to signal I am done.
  Since I am at school , most times I work on a bell to bell schedule. I try to beat the bell . Sometines I batch my tasks and get many small tasks done in one time period. ( See The Organized Librarian- very soon it will be out in print edition- watch for the announcement)  That's how I stay on target and get things done!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Daily Routine at the Library

    Take a few minutes each day ( or right before you go home) to help you be more organized and get more accomplished each day. Look at your master list of to do's  and your daily planner or plan book. 
    Write in /Schedule the tasks  you plan to accomplish. Tackle the harder / most unpleasant/ most pressing items first on your schedule.  This is when  your brain is most likely the sharpest and your have a strong desire to get tasks done.
     Schedule less pressing items or routines items throughout the day.  Another good time to get items accomplished is right after lunch. After you have a break, eaten your lunch away from your desk, you are Likely to be able to refocus to complete what is in your plan book. 

   Check your planner / to do list throughout the day. Cross or check off items as they are completed . It will be encouraging to cross off items and see at the end of the day what has been done to further your goals at work.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Organizing Your Day Using To Do lists!

   So you have your  To Do List  and you eliminated or delegated  tasks (See   post on 5/2/17 )
A good idea to make you more efficient is grouping or batching tasks or jobs.(See The Organized Librarian- my book - offered at this blog)  This works well  with small tasks or routine items. You can batch  small tasks like filing, shelving, budget work, or items that require the same mind or time frame. 

  Some Examples: 1) Take all papers, mail, handouts, budget sheets  to needed locations in one trip, 2) Do one project ( or section of a project) at a time . Work on it until completed or the task is completed before starting another task/ project, 3) Set aside certain times for checking emails, making phone calls, 4) phone contacts  to confirm meeting times and places.

Work from your To Do list with  3 to 5 items per day. Focus on getting those items done. At the end of the day, you will see  and feel accomplished .

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

To Do lists

In the morning ( or at night before you go home) ,whichever works best for you, you write your to do list- right?  You might want to divide your list into three columns:
Today's Priorities                       This week to do's                                            Would be nice to do

I keep this limit to 5 items in each column. Then I go back and see if there is anything  that can be avoided or delegated. Look at the tasks that are really worth you time and energy. Get rid of anything that is not necessary. This way you can focus your day on doing what is most important and will make the most impact for you students . teachers, or patrons,. I make my list before I go home. Then in the morning, I look at my list again  and cross off items if I feel it is not worth my time.

 Then I focus on what is most important  and even get some 'nice to do  " items which is very nice feeling! 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Magazine management

   How do you manage your magazines?   How do you keep track of if anything is missing?  There are many ways to do this. One of the easiest is one described in The Organized Librarian ( See under tab for books for sale).

   Now that I am in a public library , my clerks do most of the keeping track and it is one thing I do not have to stress about.  When a title is missing , I just give a call to our magazine supplier and our friendly Allison takes care of it.

 But I do recommend   keeping a listing of what magazines you receive. Now I also like to track how times each title goes out so I can decide if I will reorder when the renewals come up. 

 We bar code each one as we get  a newer one each month. Which means the current month does not go out, but back issues can. 

 Our present magazine rack is not the greatest. But I am hoping that our Friends group will be able to purchase a regular one for us.

 We keep the magazines for a year and then we discard them. We have a "Free Box" where patrons can recycle their magazines. So at times we will place the outdated magazines in their.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Organizing work spaces in your library

     In my new position as library branch manager , I have many  places to organize, update, and streamline.  My desk was on of my priorities and yesterday  I think I have it the way I want it.( For now anyway)
   My husband brought in a side lamp  to improve the lighting. The main light is in the a very high ceiling(  the library is in a 1915 brick bank. I needed a bit more light especially since it is getting dark much earlier.

    We moved the file sorter with files( More on that later) to a side cabinet which also has some of my organizing notebooks ( see organizing your office- part 5, 4/26/13 )  ).  Since we did that I turned my hard drive on its side and moved the monitor and keyboard to the middle.( it was on one side )
   So when I am not using the computer, I have a wider spread of desk, and I can spread out to work if need be.  Previously I was going out to one of the library tables which was okay, But when y6ou are trying to get a project done , if you are in your office with doors closed there is much less interruptions.

   For more information  on organizing the main tasks of the library, order my eBook The Organized Librarian.,   See the tab on top of thge page "Books To Order"


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Shifting Shelves! Moving Books!

   What  is your technique for shifting ( moving ) books on shelves?  We were helping yesterday at the Public library . I have shifted shelves many times in my many years of librarianship  and each time I try to think of how to do it more efficiently.

     One of the most obvious things to look at and consider is height of books. If they are all consistent then it is not a problem. If you will have the room, you might want to adjust the shelves and put more of the books all upright and not turned down.  ( This is much better for the  books of course)

  When you get into the mode of moving and adjusting shelves, get a cup for shelf brackets , a couple of towels  to wipe the shelves and backs of shelves and maybe even a tape measure or ruler.( This saves a lot of time when you have to get the brackets even for the shelves.

   If you do not have to adjust the shelves then the job will go a lot quicker. It is easier to work backwards, ( for me anyway) then you can move each shelf either over or down.  While you are shifting, check the books, dust them off if need be , and also  look for books that need repair or could possibly be deleted,
   When you are doing this process it may remind you of inventory . It is also a great way to get to know  your  collection : see what you have, see what you want to check the circulation stats on.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Orgamizing Your Office - Part 4

      Labeling is another great way to stay organized. When I had a proper office,  I think I labeled everything in site. Why did I do that?
     Well, with a very busy fixed scheduled over 600 students ( whose names I remembered   by giving them assigned seats when they came to class) , the rest of my brain was useless for where supplies were located.
      I labeled notebooks, shelves, and file cabinets. On my covered shelves , I labeled each door : what supplies and other items were inside.  ( Curriculum books, lesson plans, much used catalogs,  puppets, and av supplies)

     My file cabinets were also labeled on the outside. That way , with a listing, I could  have one of my aides file materials that needed to be filed,( Folders, catalogs, lessons completed, reports, and other items that I would need filed.

    Out in the library, my labeling always continues. By the circulation desk, I continue to label / or have a listing of what is  where. This is very helpful  , because I can tell an aide or student: "the glue sticks are in the blue bin."   Having labels  makes everything quick and easy for me .

   The book shelves are also labeled . This assists with shelving and also with pointing out to students when they are looking for books.