Showing posts with label daily items. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily items. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Organizing your day at the library- Your Desk

     One way to keep yourself organized and help maintain your focus at your desk is a wire step file. Label several folders  like this: Do, Announcements, staff list, read , file , hold, and monthly report.These are what I have and am planning for the new school year. These are folders I refer to on a daily basis.  Customize what you put on your folders depending on your needs throughout the year.
    Other files are kept in one of my other filing areas ( more on that later) . These are items I do not need on a daily/ weekly basis. At the end of the day, each piece of paper ( or printed email if I deem necessary) are placed in one of these folders if I think it is necessary. Otherwise , I 'file' anything I don't need in the wastebasket.

    Each day I take my Do File to work on items  that need action. I usually only have two tasks in there at a time,with notes to myself as needed. Any other pending tasks next on list I put in "hold" file.

    This helps keep me organized  and focused. It keeps my desk neat and I can accomplish what I need to without clutter.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Making things Easier- Technology logging off

  When I am working on a project that requires a lot of computer time , I take frequent log off breaks. If I am working on a large project ( whether  I am  on the computer or using a computer print out) , I work in several eye and exercise breaks.
  When I am doing reports , inventory, searching for websites and activities for teachers ( Just to name a few) I plan on several breaks.   This is important especially if I am about to have long stretches of time on one project.
  I log off ( or just close down)  and gt up out of my seat. Then I do something to rest my eyes and stretch my lets. I grab a drink, do some easy stretches or walks around the library to shelve or straighten some books.
  I do a 5 or 10 minute break. This gives me some time to re energize and be more  focused for accomplishing  the task at hand.
  See "The Organize Librarian" for some more  tips on organizing your day. Follow me for details on  when the print book comes out.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Stay on target- make your day easier!

Stay on Target- 
    When you are working on an activity or task, stay focused and keep your mind on the goal of finishing your task. You could use an app on your phone to track your time  if you are a big techie . ( these you start a timer when you begin and it tells you how long the task took).
    I don't use theses- I just try to stay focused and keep working .When I start a task, I try to keep working until I get to the stopping point.( either the end of the project or the end of my allotted time for the task.
   I also plan on doing something totally different or taking a bathroom break or grabbing a coffee or tea when I complete the task. I also can just take a few moments to stretch my legs, move around , or just do something to signal I am done.
  Since I am at school , most times I work on a bell to bell schedule. I try to beat the bell . Sometines I batch my tasks and get many small tasks done in one time period. ( See The Organized Librarian- very soon it will be out in print edition- watch for the announcement)  That's how I stay on target and get things done!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Save time on your email

    Reading and replying to email messages can waste tons of time each day.  There are several tips that I have found work well for me.  I have specific times each day that I check  and respond to emails ( even on Slummer Vacation!!) 

    Once I have looked at an email I figure our first-should I read it? If is is important enough to be read  then  I figure out  the next 6 items.

1) Do- I reply if I can do so in 3 minutes or less.

2) Delay- move to a folder on my email to follow up later.

3) Delegate- I forward it to someone who can  act on it or who really needs to see it.( I do this for staff when I find info that staff might use)

4)Place in folder- this is for items that I need to keep to refer to- something from the District Office , or administration , or my Dept Chair.

5&6) My favorite s: delete it right away, or unsubscribe from the email . This gets rid of the stuff you do not want or need.

  As I have slowly adopted these  strategies, I am not a slave to my emails and not overwhelmed by having to many in my mailbox.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Getting More Done

   There are several rules of organizing your day to get more accomplished. I read everything I can on organizing in hopes of reducing the stress of having much to do in a short amount of time. Organizing my time seems to help the most. Through my reading, I have found some things that work for me and may also work for you.

   Step 1:   Keep a running record/ master list of items you need to do. Put anything you can think of that needs doing on your master list. That way it is written down and you don’t have to worry about forgetting something.  I am sure there is an app or an online way to this but I still like to use pencil and paper. If you find a good way to do this online, go for it, if that works for you.

  Step 2: Build your daily to do list. Take items from the master list and put them on your daily list. But only write those tasks that you can realistically do in one day. So don’t overload yourself. Give yourself some leeway if you have scheduled items, or if you find that some tasks might take longer than expected.

    Then at the end of each day (or at the very beginning) take 15 minutes to map out your priorities to see what your daily schedule will look like.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

How The Organized Librarian originated

   How did I begin thinking of and writing about The Organized Librarian?  I started as I briefly outlined ib my book (The Organized Librarian) When I was several years into my job as an elementary librarian at the elementary level. AT the time I was” dancing as fast as I could” and very frustrating. I had 700 students, a large library, and a huge collection. My help (library assistants) was came and went for each change of period. Sometimes I had no help, and the library schedule was just overwhelming!

  So I took a deep breath and began to organize my work spaces.  I started with my back room because that was the worst!  Then I did my circulation area. Finally I worked on organizing my curriculum / lessons.  And I began writing every down, and keeping track of what I was doing, and what I needed to do. When that was finished, I wrote the book and compiled all that I had done. After that I started my blog.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Daily Routine at the Library

    Take a few minutes each day ( or right before you go home) to help you be more organized and get more accomplished each day. Look at your master list of to do's  and your daily planner or plan book. 
    Write in /Schedule the tasks  you plan to accomplish. Tackle the harder / most unpleasant/ most pressing items first on your schedule.  This is when  your brain is most likely the sharpest and your have a strong desire to get tasks done.
     Schedule less pressing items or routines items throughout the day.  Another good time to get items accomplished is right after lunch. After you have a break, eaten your lunch away from your desk, you are Likely to be able to refocus to complete what is in your plan book. 

   Check your planner / to do list throughout the day. Cross or check off items as they are completed . It will be encouraging to cross off items and see at the end of the day what has been done to further your goals at work.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How to use your Weekly/ Daily Master List

  Do you keep a weekly  or daily master list of to do items / jobs for you library work life? Do you prioritize your tasks? This is the first step in being organized ad getting items accomplished.   Once your list is in place ( I do a daily - either in the morning or right before I leave school)  

  Then I prioritize  each item. Elimination of items that are not worth the time are  the ones I struggle with . I use a D to delegate the tasks I can give to my assistant - depending on the task - some times I can get some students to help.

  My most important items I mark with an A- ( must do as soon as possible)  and B ( ( should do but no serious consequences if ti doesn't get done right away.) 

 If you do this on a regular basis , you can begin to gt ta flow of tasks competed in the most efficient manner, Determine what is most important   and do the items  that are on your list first

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Esstablishing Routines- Floor time Part 4

There are many other activities that I do during floor time: Yes I want to be available to assist patrons and help them find answers to questions.  However , since I am never sure when that may occur I have some routines that I do while I am waiting for patrons to need help.

 One of the  first things I do on a daily basis is check the bathrooms for needed items and I keep my eyes open for anything I think may need attention.  I will also straighten shelves, put in book supports,post flyer's, and rearrange brochures in the stands.

 Another item I do at least once a day is straighten up the newspaper stand, and check on the magazines.  I have an old magazine rack which always needs straightening.

 During "floor time" I will also keep my eye out for  bulbs that need replacing, plants that need watering, and  anything out of place that needs to be put back right.

 Also during floor time, I can fill the copiers with paper,  work on book displays,  and  go over items with my staff that need to be addressed.

So "floor time" is a busy time but I can be on deck to help patrons and also get a lot accomplished!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Establishing Routines- Part 3 - Floor Time

 "Floor Time" is when I am Not in my office( that is Desk Time- see Establishing Routines- Desk Time).  Each day I try to spend as much time as possible  on 'Floor  Time". Why?  because I want to be viable to the patrons and the staff and I want to be available for help  when needed.

  This is a time when I am really 'being' a librarian by assisting patrons with reference and reading questions. During this time, I can help patrons locate books,  provide computer help, and discuss reading   suggestions and preferences.

   There are many other tasks and activities that I also do during floor time which helps me keep tabs on the physical site of the library building. This is a challenge  because we are in a 100 year old bank building so something is almost always is needing attention.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Book Processing

 You still may be processing  your new books. And you may be getting tired of doing it and wish it were done.  Especially in a public library when you may get a shipment every month.  How can you get it done and still do something / anything else to have your library in good shape ?    In "The Organized Librarian" I give some ideas  on getting everything done or at least not feeling so very overwhelmed at all there is to do.

        But I still get the feeling that the books will Never  get all done and then a new shipment comes in with more books. Now I love love new books but I want them to be all ready for the staff and patrons, and not have them staring me in the face.   So what I do is this , depending on the number of other things I need to do , I set a daily goal of the number of books  to do each day.  

         The rest I 'hide"- no I really do not hide them , I just place them on a cart facing toward the wall or in a closet  so I do not see them 24/7.  Then I get the book goal done as soon as I can - coming in early, staying late, making sure that the other activities I need to have completed  are finished. If I am having a good day- I sneak out the next days goal and do them. 

        If there is a great day of only a few classes or a meeting that I do not have to attend then I sometimes do a marathon day of stamping, date due slips,  and  putting on genre stickers.  Then I really feel great about getting all the books ready.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Establishing Routines- Part 2- Desk Time

  At my new position of library manager, I am still trying to figure out routines and schedules.  I still struggle with using my time wisely.  As a school librarian, I had one large room and multiple classes, and the regular library duties.

  As library manager, I have  regular library duties , and then I also am the manager of a three story building.  So this is a learning curve for me, and I am slowly figuring out the routines and changing them.

  So I am dividing my time into two parts : library duties and building duties.   The library duties are also  a little different in that I actually have a book budget in which I can purchase books each month and I can get the latest best sellers that patrons want.

  So in establishing my routines I am deciding  between ' desk time" and 'floor time'.  During my desk time, I  do the following activities at designated times: First thing in the Am ( before opening) check emails,  track wireless, check answering machine .

  Also I have Desk time  during coverage of lunches: Again I check emails, work on purchasing lists, reading reviews,  printing out calendars, flyer's,  making phone calls.

  At the end of the day, I also do a little desk time: again check emails, make phone calls,  file papers,  clean up my desk,  make plans for the rest of the day, and check my calendar and planning books.
I might also during  any of these times, write down questions I may need to ask my Director or Assistant Director.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Establishing Routines

   Where ever you are in your  life's work , trying routine of regular  tasks is worth thinking about and establishing .  Determine   what routine tasks you normally do .

   One idea is to take 3 by 5 cards and write down some of your regular tasks.  I would do a daily card and list the items that I do on a daily basis. ( Circ stats,  checking emails,  ect)

   Then I would do a weekly one - figuring out what needs to be done on a weekly basis. ( magazine check in / straighten, 

    Lastly I would do a monthly list ( on a card if it was big enough)  and list the tasks / jobs needed to be done.  ( reports,  calendars,

    When looking at all the cards , I can then figure out which items should be done when I am fresh and  ready. Morning  happens to be my best time for important tasks, typing, reports. and financials. .

.   This I placed up on my board with a card file  I can glance at that and see what tasks I need to complete.    I can figure out when to do certain tasks, at times that are convenient.It seems to work for me. Try it you might like it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Too cold out today! Get ready for a new week. I hope you are satisfied with the circulation desk area. Have you been clearing and organizing? If you have all of your items ready then you will be ready for anything.
When I go in to work this morning, I have everything ready for my mornings work. I do this at the end of each day- I stamp cards, and check my plan book. Then I pile up the materials I need for each class. I have my objectives written on my flip chart. This afternoon I will write out the three more objectives that I need for tomorrow. Then they are done for the week.