Showing posts with label library routines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library routines. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Organizing your day at the library- Your Desk

     One way to keep yourself organized and help maintain your focus at your desk is a wire step file. Label several folders  like this: Do, Announcements, staff list, read , file , hold, and monthly report.These are what I have and am planning for the new school year. These are folders I refer to on a daily basis.  Customize what you put on your folders depending on your needs throughout the year.
    Other files are kept in one of my other filing areas ( more on that later) . These are items I do not need on a daily/ weekly basis. At the end of the day, each piece of paper ( or printed email if I deem necessary) are placed in one of these folders if I think it is necessary. Otherwise , I 'file' anything I don't need in the wastebasket.

    Each day I take my Do File to work on items  that need action. I usually only have two tasks in there at a time,with notes to myself as needed. Any other pending tasks next on list I put in "hold" file.

    This helps keep me organized  and focused. It keeps my desk neat and I can accomplish what I need to without clutter.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Making things Easier- Technology logging off

  When I am working on a project that requires a lot of computer time , I take frequent log off breaks. If I am working on a large project ( whether  I am  on the computer or using a computer print out) , I work in several eye and exercise breaks.
  When I am doing reports , inventory, searching for websites and activities for teachers ( Just to name a few) I plan on several breaks.   This is important especially if I am about to have long stretches of time on one project.
  I log off ( or just close down)  and gt up out of my seat. Then I do something to rest my eyes and stretch my lets. I grab a drink, do some easy stretches or walks around the library to shelve or straighten some books.
  I do a 5 or 10 minute break. This gives me some time to re energize and be more  focused for accomplishing  the task at hand.
  See "The Organize Librarian" for some more  tips on organizing your day. Follow me for details on  when the print book comes out.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Stay on target- make your day easier!

Stay on Target- 
    When you are working on an activity or task, stay focused and keep your mind on the goal of finishing your task. You could use an app on your phone to track your time  if you are a big techie . ( these you start a timer when you begin and it tells you how long the task took).
    I don't use theses- I just try to stay focused and keep working .When I start a task, I try to keep working until I get to the stopping point.( either the end of the project or the end of my allotted time for the task.
   I also plan on doing something totally different or taking a bathroom break or grabbing a coffee or tea when I complete the task. I also can just take a few moments to stretch my legs, move around , or just do something to signal I am done.
  Since I am at school , most times I work on a bell to bell schedule. I try to beat the bell . Sometines I batch my tasks and get many small tasks done in one time period. ( See The Organized Librarian- very soon it will be out in print edition- watch for the announcement)  That's how I stay on target and get things done!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Weekly Memo's For Staff

  About every other week, I will send out a weekly memo. The reason I do this is so I can keep the staff informed of various events, activities, policies, and  other items that I  need to tell them.

  The weekly memo helps me because  I can write it once and then know that I have told everyone what I needed to tell them and I don't have to ask- "Did I tell you.....?"  

   My next step will be to post the weekly memos on our library Libguide  ( More on that in another post), so that  the staff can refer back to the weekly memos easily and not have to search through their emails  to find the email I sent.

  Some items I might include:  updates to policies and procedures,  new programs coming up, food drive/pet drive month,  opening & closing procedures,  items to be done when at the circ desk,  birthdays and graduations,  monthly tasks, and other housekeeping items.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Establishing Routines

   Where ever you are in your  life's work , trying routine of regular  tasks is worth thinking about and establishing .  Determine   what routine tasks you normally do .

   One idea is to take 3 by 5 cards and write down some of your regular tasks.  I would do a daily card and list the items that I do on a daily basis. ( Circ stats,  checking emails,  ect)

   Then I would do a weekly one - figuring out what needs to be done on a weekly basis. ( magazine check in / straighten, 

    Lastly I would do a monthly list ( on a card if it was big enough)  and list the tasks / jobs needed to be done.  ( reports,  calendars,

    When looking at all the cards , I can then figure out which items should be done when I am fresh and  ready. Morning  happens to be my best time for important tasks, typing, reports. and financials. .

.   This I placed up on my board with a card file  I can glance at that and see what tasks I need to complete.    I can figure out when to do certain tasks, at times that are convenient.It seems to work for me. Try it you might like it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Routines at the Public Library!

  In my new position as library branch manager, I have  three floors of an old bank building that is my library.  The top floor has been redone ( it used to be used by Masons). It is beautiful ! They restored almost most everything to the original  condition. It is still a work in progress.
  Any way I am developing ( with the help of Library Director) library routines that help us  begin each morning and close each night. With three floors there is a lot to cover!
   One of the most important items  heat and light. I am establishing a check list with the staff so that all items will completed at the beginning and closing of each day.   I think I will do a three column page with items that can be checked off  or noted when done. Does any one else have opening and closing procedures? Would you share?   
  I am sure there are many public library's that are bigger than mine , so please share what you do!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Circulation Desk - Organization & Supplies

     How is your circulation desk? Does it look like its been hit by a tornado?  Do you have trouble finding things? 

     If so take a few moments each day  to becoming more organized at the circulation desk.  As librarians we probably spend a lot of time at the circ desk so  it makes sense to have it orderly and organized, It will be helpful to know where everything is . Also  it is nice is having all the circ supplies at that location instead of having to run to a storage room to get something you need to use immediately. If you have a drawer that you can use, place your normal supplies in there so you do not have to go some place when you run out,
     The first step of action is to  determine what you actually need at the circulation desk.   You will need the most obvious desk items: paper, pencils, and pencils. Do you need data due slips?  What kinds of records do you need to keep?  What reports are necessary each day?

    Keeping items organized is a great way to keep your desk in order. So grab some file organizers if you have to keep papers at the circ desk.  Have a can for pens, and pencils. If you use lots of paper clips or rubber bands get a container for each type.

     At your desk supply list: pens, pencils, paper, scrap paper, report forms, manila folders, paper clips, rubber bands, post it notes.  Include anything else you need on a daily basis!

   Check out the top tab- The Organized Librarian-  for more organizing at your library!