Showing posts with label librarian resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label librarian resources. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Shannon McClintock Miller

   Shannon McClintock Miller  was an awesome presenter a our NYLA Institute. The theme was "Future Ready Librarians :You lead the way!"  She had so many fantastic new tech tools to use with students. I will try and highlight them as I go back over notes and play with them and see how they work.

  Shannon is ten"Future Ready Librarian  and Project Connect " Spokesperson. So her first part of her information was about the spokes on the wheel of a future ready schools  framework.( New York is a Future Ready school state)

   School Librarians lead, teach,  and support their school s and districts future in education of students.As librarians we an connect staff and students to the leading edge of digital learning,

 If you look at the list below, you can see the different spokes  . Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments  is the spoke that Shannon spent the most time discussing the newest digital  resources,
( I could not seem to copy the graphic!)


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Book Review- Where Can We have the Party?

   The animals ( Elephant, Giraffe, Monkey, and Snake) are trying to find the best place to a birthday party for their friend Chimpanzee. But each idea of a place they come up with won't work for the chimpanzee or the four friends.  

     They finally find the perfect place- Hungle Bungle Park. The friends decorate the park with balloons, ribbons, streamers , and a Happy Birthday banner.  The whimsical illustrations are soft and  make a soothing yet colorful  jumble of the zoo and its animals.

    The party was a surprise  so they all yelled surprize when Chimpanzee arrived.  The friends danced, and played games, and had lots of fun together.  When the party was over, Chimpanzee told them,"This was the best birthday party ever!"

   This is a fun birthday story for children from 2 to 7.  The jungle party with the animals is a great twist on the birthday theme. The illustrations are fun and age appropriate . All the animals are friendly  looking and happy. This would make a great gift for a child's
birthday, they will want to read this story over and over.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

   Every Library is the first national  & political actions committee for libraries   has a new online presence called Vote Libraries.  On this site  is an online gallery  free to use for all public libraries.  There is artwork  and tools for voter outreach ,new high quality Art and design   that is free for all pubic libraries across the country.   Check and see all that they have and how you can use this tool to help you spread the word  to tell the community what your library is all about.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ideas on Professional reading! -

  Do you keep track of your reading - both professional and for fun? When I read for fun ( I love historical fiction and biographies ) I don't. I just read for pure enjoyment.

  However when I do professional reading ( books, journals) I have my notebook with me.I like to jot down ideas that I gleam that I can use , ideas for lessons, quotes that inspire me, ideas for advocacy, or ideas to share with library colleagues or teachers. I can look back in this notebook and make sure I have the quote or idea correct.
  Also I can look back  and reread . It sometimes sparks an idea for displays, organizing, or staff development.  This is also a record of what I have read- Yes I do note titles and authors, So if some one asks for a recommendation , I can give it to them . This is especially true of really good professional books,

Thursday, September 4, 2014


  Bookish is a great site that gives readers expert book recommendations. The mission of
Bookish is to engage readers with more stories , books, and authors,\.

  Bookish features great content about both new and notable books  Through this site you can read reviews , check ratings  , and read a sample.  If you are registered you can 'add to  your bookshel' and purchase books in various formats.

  You can get recommendations  to great reads by typing in titles, and then Bookish leads  you to other titles that are similar  or by the same author.

  You can also search by subject( cooking, children's, biographies,mysteries, romance, and Ya just to name a few.

  Check out down at the very bottom of the page  to just browse.  There are further recommendations lists of best sellers , and prize winning books.  I think you may find Bookish  an extremely valuable resource for both librarians and  book lovers.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014  is another powerful and personal search engine. One of their advantages is that they do not collect or share your personal information.   Their search results claim is that  they have more comprehensive and more accurate search results than the other major  search engines. This also includes an advanced search  tool.  There is also an international phone directory and for fun a video search.

  When you use Ixquick, you are using  many popular search engines combined. These cover more of the internet than any one search engine combined.    On a search you will see stars *- If you see 5 stars that indicates that 5 search engines agreed on the results of the search.  You can be assured of the most accurate information and results.

  Ixqucikc sends your search topic only to search engines that can handle that specific search,
You can search Izquick in 18 languages. The seraph can include local and international results. You can include local and international results.   You can also find national and international business. n There is also a reverse look for phone numbers. Another plus using Ixquick, that on the tool bar you can us the magnify button to enlarge or reduce any web page.

 So check it out and see if you like using Ixquick!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Esstablishing Routines- Floor time Part 4

There are many other activities that I do during floor time: Yes I want to be available to assist patrons and help them find answers to questions.  However , since I am never sure when that may occur I have some routines that I do while I am waiting for patrons to need help.

 One of the  first things I do on a daily basis is check the bathrooms for needed items and I keep my eyes open for anything I think may need attention.  I will also straighten shelves, put in book supports,post flyer's, and rearrange brochures in the stands.

 Another item I do at least once a day is straighten up the newspaper stand, and check on the magazines.  I have an old magazine rack which always needs straightening.

 During "floor time" I will also keep my eye out for  bulbs that need replacing, plants that need watering, and  anything out of place that needs to be put back right.

 Also during floor time, I can fill the copiers with paper,  work on book displays,  and  go over items with my staff that need to be addressed.

So "floor time" is a busy time but I can be on deck to help patrons and also get a lot accomplished!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Establishing Routines- Part 3 - Floor Time

 "Floor Time" is when I am Not in my office( that is Desk Time- see Establishing Routines- Desk Time).  Each day I try to spend as much time as possible  on 'Floor  Time". Why?  because I want to be viable to the patrons and the staff and I want to be available for help  when needed.

  This is a time when I am really 'being' a librarian by assisting patrons with reference and reading questions. During this time, I can help patrons locate books,  provide computer help, and discuss reading   suggestions and preferences.

   There are many other tasks and activities that I also do during floor time which helps me keep tabs on the physical site of the library building. This is a challenge  because we are in a 100 year old bank building so something is almost always is needing attention.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Establishing Routines

   Where ever you are in your  life's work , trying routine of regular  tasks is worth thinking about and establishing .  Determine   what routine tasks you normally do .

   One idea is to take 3 by 5 cards and write down some of your regular tasks.  I would do a daily card and list the items that I do on a daily basis. ( Circ stats,  checking emails,  ect)

   Then I would do a weekly one - figuring out what needs to be done on a weekly basis. ( magazine check in / straighten, 

    Lastly I would do a monthly list ( on a card if it was big enough)  and list the tasks / jobs needed to be done.  ( reports,  calendars,

    When looking at all the cards , I can then figure out which items should be done when I am fresh and  ready. Morning  happens to be my best time for important tasks, typing, reports. and financials. .

.   This I placed up on my board with a card file  I can glance at that and see what tasks I need to complete.    I can figure out when to do certain tasks, at times that are convenient.It seems to work for me. Try it you might like it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Booklist online- advisory source and book reviews!

  Another great resource for both readers advisories and book reviews is Booklist online. Yes it is one and the same - from the journal Booklist!   And it is from the experts - ALA! So this site and the  journal itself is a great source for  both public and school librarians looking for  reputable reviews.

   BookListonline is a free website that offers a great selection of the Booklist content.  Plus there are many reviews of recommended reviews. Also included are some of the features written for Booklist online. If you are a subscriber to Booklist- you can obtain even more content.  But even if you are not a subscriber there are many features that are available for you to use. There are many columns, departments, and features available.

     Some things to check out on this site :  Review of the day, links to booklists from certain publishers with certain genres, links to Booklist latest articles( Latest- Editors Choices for 2013), links to blogs  from Booklsit staff and reviewers( Booklist Buzz, & Shelf Renewal ), links to current newsletters,  and links to sign up for Free Webinars!

   So check out  to find out some  great content and reviews!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Readers Advisory- Indirect

   In the last couple of posts, I have talked about Readers Advisory's.  But we can also indirectly advise and advance students and patrons reading .Some patrons and students might actually prefer this indirect way to direct conversations.

    Here are some simple indirect readers advisories;

1. Displays of certain genres- with a slogan "Looking for a Good Book?"

2. Reading Guides( If you liked_____(an author or genre) then try these!) the student or patron can pick it up on their own ad read it with out speaking or asking a librarian or reader's advisor.

3. Annotated Book lists- again the patron can read brief blurbs about books. Our library provides a monthly list of new titles this way.

4. Book Marks- This is another indirect way to show books in a specific genre,

5. Staff recommendations. Display or list what the library staff is currently reading .This makes it way for staff and patrons.

  Where should we have these displays or lists? How about near the entrance of the library , in high traffic areas, at the end of stacks , or other areas where people congregate or meet. This is where patrons and students will see the displays and are more likely to catch a quick book to read. These books on display usually circulate quickly.

 So if you are new to readers advisory, this may be the way to start!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reader's Advisory's - How do they work?

     Reader's Advisories work  in many different ways and views.  Most of the time there a conversation focusing on the readers likes and dislikes.  There may be a discussion on reading level, genre, style of writing, and perhaps characters, storylines and setting.

   Hopefully after the discussion, the advisor, can help the patron by suggesting books to be read.  "Readalikes: which focuses on a similar genre or author's style is one great way to proceed when helping patrons.

   The goal is to suggest titles, or authors, based on the patrons individual interests and tastes.  While we may suggest our favorites, we have to keep in mind to hone in on the patrons interests, otherwise we are not being at all helpful.

   You may ask the patron to describe a book they have read and enjoyed. Have them focus on not just the plot so much, but the elements of the book that they found appleaing and interesting.  The advisor draws on on personal knowledge of their collections or by checking the  online catalog. The librarian advisor may also suggest titles that point readers in a new venue or genre.