Why should a school or public library create a newsletter? Newsletters at both the school and public library serve multiple purposes.
Mainly they help advertise library services and programs. For public libraries, newsletters can also post hours of operation and holidays dates whey they are closed. A newsletter is a way to promote library activities, new arrivals, and special programs and exhibits.
Newsletters are a highly visible , low risk, low cost , way to communicate with patrons who use the library. It is also a great way to grab the attention of the marginal user.
The discussion about starting a newsletter are few. Will it be paper or online ? How frequently do you want your newsletter out? Should it be monthly, weekly, bi weekly? That depends largely on who is writing the newsletter, and the amount of time that the person or group of persons have.
Once the determination is made on frequency, then the discussion is to figure out format. What will you include?
Promoting the libraries resources is just one thing to include. These can be lists of new titles, or titles in a certain genre( think special sections like mystery, biography, cook book, science fiction, ect) Provide full title , author, and call number so the patrons can use the newsletter to come to the library to get the desired item.
Also newsletters can promote new devices ( nooks, kindles, ebooks) which can be borrowed by the patrons. Articles of new features to the library is a great way to introduce them to patrons ( Wireless, online card catalog, online databases)
Discussion of library issues is also common in Newsletters, Promoting library programs, and events is a great idea- advertise workshops, speakers, and exhibits to bring patrons into the library.
All in all, the newsletter helps the community and beyond learn about the many opportunities and information available at the library!