Showing posts with label public library services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public library services. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More Information needs of the Community

Communities libraries also provide local business with needed information: statistic, addresses, legal information, and computer assistance classes.

   Individuals also can be provided with career counseling, resume update, and interview skills,.  Students also have their "work" and need help with assignments,research, and computer tasks. They also may require data bases, and guidance in locating  homework sites, information,, and  other required  tasks.

  Finally , Readers Advisory (direct & indirect)  : Patrons may just want a good Book to read!! Librarians and clerks who are readers can provide assistance and recommendation in this area.

 So Public libraries are very much an important part of the community. We must keep up with community wants and needs. We must seek to provide what the community and our patrons want and need . In doing  so we become a vital and important part of the community and will be seen as a community hub.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Community Information needs- Public library resources & programs

    Libraries provide information for people who live and work in the community.  So we need a variety of resources , and an understanding of the kinds of questions and resources that our patrons may need. A lot of people expect to find their answers at the library or the library 's website!
   Patrons may be seeking many different facets of information.  For example , product information, : before making a major purchase, many want to find out the quality and features of a product. This can be done at the library through journals or different website searches.,

   Health information is also a big need by  many.  Patrons want information on how to stay healthy, diet and exercise books and magazines, information on medical conditions and lifestyle choices,

 Patrons also need to learn about their communities, and their county's government and their representatives. They may need to contact then for help or to become part of the decision making process.

  How to do it- Patrons like to attain knowledge to do it themselves.  They can learn car repair, baking and cooking, fixing household items and building use items.   How to books and sources are one of the most attractive items to patrons using the library.

  Patrons also use the library for personal enrichment.  They want to read for pleasure , play online games, check favorite websites, enjoy special library programs and gather with like minded  groups of people.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reader's Advisory's - How do they work?

     Reader's Advisories work  in many different ways and views.  Most of the time there a conversation focusing on the readers likes and dislikes.  There may be a discussion on reading level, genre, style of writing, and perhaps characters, storylines and setting.

   Hopefully after the discussion, the advisor, can help the patron by suggesting books to be read.  "Readalikes: which focuses on a similar genre or author's style is one great way to proceed when helping patrons.

   The goal is to suggest titles, or authors, based on the patrons individual interests and tastes.  While we may suggest our favorites, we have to keep in mind to hone in on the patrons interests, otherwise we are not being at all helpful.

   You may ask the patron to describe a book they have read and enjoyed. Have them focus on not just the plot so much, but the elements of the book that they found appleaing and interesting.  The advisor draws on on personal knowledge of their collections or by checking the  online catalog. The librarian advisor may also suggest titles that point readers in a new venue or genre.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Readers Advisory at the Public Library

     Readers Advisory  services can be a great way to get to know patrons and their reading preferences,  Readers Advisory helps us connect to individuals and groups as readers.
    Asking for book suggestions and giving book suggestions is a core task of a librarians daily activities. Many patrons  however do not know they can ask for suggestions for something 'good to read.'
     There are patrons who ask 'What's a good book to read?" .When they do they may get a variety of answers depending whom they ask.
     It is helpful to find  out what kinds of books the patron likes and then lead them to some comparable and  similar authors and series.  This can be done informally by conversation. Some libraries also provide simple surveys to see what patrons like and then work with the survey and patrons to complete the  process.
    Other ways to provide Readers Advisory is though books displays, discussion groups, read alike lists, and posters.   Now we can also include blogs, or pod casts( as part of the library website) and social networking sites. ( twitter, Facebook)
     Readers Advisory is how the library connects to patrons. So if you plan on doing Readers Advisory formally , think about how you will go about it and what kind of form you will use.    I will have other blogs in the weeks to come as I learn more about it and try to figure  out how I will go a bout doing it  ..Will I form a formal program or just informal.  All of these questions I will think about and decide on as I continue learning more about it.