Showing posts with label digital-librarians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital-librarians. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Librarians- 5 things to do in December

These are a few things I think are good to do during the month of December.
1) Thank/ show appreciation for your staff/ volunteers/ student helpers. You have made this far in then year with a little help from your "friends".  So give a small gift or card. When I had lots  of volunteers ( and a little paid staff) I held a volunteer "tea"  with cold drinks and homemade fruit breads. Do a little speech about how much you appreciate their help and then socialize!

2) Touch base with your administration, especially if  you do not get chances to update them on what is going on in the Library Media Center. I always did a monthly report ( more on that in The Organized Librarian) but I found that most of the time , the report was just filed and not really read.So catch up with them and maker them aware of all you are doing.

3) Check your supplies to see if something is needed.Do this especially if your budget funds must be spent before the end of the year. Order what you need or are low on,

4)  Many times ,this is a slow time of year, when students and staff are winding down for holidays and vacations, Send out some PR  and remind then of how you can help them with resources, activities and lessons.

5) Planning time- if your patrons/ students/ teachers  have few demands, use your time to prepare for January and the rest of the year, Check journals, online resources, and blogs for some new ideas that will draw interest in useing the library and all its resrouces.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Blogging for School Students- First Steps

  Before your class (or group) starts blogging, it would be a good idea to send a letter hoe to parents and guardians  discussing how the group will work.

   Include in this also a permission letter with terms and condition that both student and parent will sign and return.  This will lay out students behavior  on the blog,  and what is expected of the student. This can also include consequences for students who do not follow the guidelines. 

  We want students  to become users of blogs by sharing ideas, analyzing the work/ book given  and participating/ collaborating with their classmagtes. This may lead to more global interaction thru the internet.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Library Lib Guide

   Our library system, ( we have 3 branches)  has a great tool for  staff education  and communication which is our LibGuide. It is a password protected site that staff can use  and was developed for us by our Library Director.

  The lib Guide is our source for our staff to at so we all keep up to date on what is going on in all  our branches, and also helps us keep up with policies, procedures,  for both our internal and external needs.

  We can check on the community calendar to see what programs are being offered at each our branches. We can read policies and procedures  the moment they are updated. We can print out forms that are needed, ( community room use, volunteer applications) and we can print out monthly calendars, and flyers for programs.

  Also on our lib guide is equipment and computer use policies and procedures, The Tab under  Forms has many forms that  are used on a monthly basis. This is a convenient place to have them, because they can be easily  brought up and printed out if needed.

  One of the best tabs is our system and regional tabs,  Under our own system we have our staff calendar, ( this includes staff vacation days, & where our Director will be on a monthly basis ( meetings, branch visits, ect) , There are also staff meeting notes, manager meeting notes,  job descriptions,  payroll information , and an organization chart  that shows where everyone is at each branch and days they are at work.

  All in All, this libguide is very very helpful  tool in all our branches!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Librarians under pressure to connect

   Libraries are under pressure to connect with patrons.  Technology may just be the key  we need to help up do that.

  When staff and funding are tight, then  is the time to start doing things differently.  Because of technology , libraries can use the latest tools to connect with patrons.  After all we are in the 21 st century.  Why not pull out all the stops  we can to get patrons using our resources and programs.

   But wait- why do we have to connect?  We want to match patrons to the books and information they want and need .  We want to free up routine tasks that staff spend time on so they can interact with patrons  and help them achieve their goals.

  As library staff we need to determine how we can use our website, face book page , or a twitter to excite and draw interest  with our comments, questions, and interests. So let's get thinking,  What other social media  can we use? Instragram, Pinterest? Q Codes?  What can we do with them?
  I would love to hear what your library does to help connect and pull in patrons  Comment below and share how you use social media to create  patron interest and participation,

Tuesday, July 15, 2014  is another powerful and personal search engine. One of their advantages is that they do not collect or share your personal information.   Their search results claim is that  they have more comprehensive and more accurate search results than the other major  search engines. This also includes an advanced search  tool.  There is also an international phone directory and for fun a video search.

  When you use Ixquick, you are using  many popular search engines combined. These cover more of the internet than any one search engine combined.    On a search you will see stars *- If you see 5 stars that indicates that 5 search engines agreed on the results of the search.  You can be assured of the most accurate information and results.

  Ixqucikc sends your search topic only to search engines that can handle that specific search,
You can search Izquick in 18 languages. The seraph can include local and international results. You can include local and international results.   You can also find national and international business. n There is also a reverse look for phone numbers. Another plus using Ixquick, that on the tool bar you can us the magnify button to enlarge or reduce any web page.

 So check it out and see if you like using Ixquick!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Virtual Reference- The New Library

   In the 21st century , we  need to develop our library website so that patrons can use it to research information is needed.  We want to provide websites that will entice users to come into the library and use it services.

   Mobile services( blogs, wikis, podcasts, catalogs,  databases)  draw patrons in , announce services, and programs,  and help patrons find answers needed.  Many of our users already are in tune with mobile and online activities  that provide information and reading pleasure.  ( Readers are becoming more and more popular!!)  They no longer rely on the big publishers and print resources for their information needs.  So as librarians , we need to step up and continue to develop our online presence.

  Our mission will remain the same: It necessitates  the fact that our website will be kept up to date and  alive.  The links available will be chosen to attract and keep the patrons happy and interested,

  And then do not forget we can support these developments with program and classes for those patrons who  need to know more about the newest technology!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Library 2.0

  The library of today is all about library users.  We want to keep the patrons we have  that use our service. But an important goal is to actually seek out those who do not use libraries and it services and attract to show all we can do.

  So we , as librarians, and staff, need to embrace new ideas and technologies that will help us deliver services and involve more users.  What are these new technology's? Many we have discussed here in this blog in the past. They are also found on other blogs and websites.

  Just a few we have yet to explore here : tagging, library catalog 2.0, My space, virtual worlds , and library 2.0.

As I do more research, I will try to  give a review/  summary and let you in on what I am learning. similarly  if you find something great , post a comment here to share!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

  I just discovered  this site and it looks like it will be a great source for all public libraries What exactly is .ibiblio  ?  Home to one of the largest free information databases online, has something for everyone.
   users can browse through the catalog of many unique collections. There are free databases  that provide information to almost any question.
  On ibiblio there have  freely software and information, for topics such as music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies.  it is a resource used frequently by audiences of all interests and backgrounds
   The free software is way beyond me  but many more techie would probably be amazed.  What I like is the search on the categories.  The most things that I have used gives a description and a direct link to the information,  Use it to search history and you can be lead to some fascinating sites with  great detailed information. 

   I will have to continue to search on this tool to really see all it has- Check it out , It looks like it will be helpful!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

More sites for student surfing

   Finding sites for students to use is one that teachers and librarians are always on a look out for .  Two that are very realizable are listed. These sites have been around awhile and have been used my many librarians and educators.   Perhaps you already know about them.  The rcls one  is the most impressive for use by students. This regional library council is in our local school district area and supports the public libraries .   Check them out and let me know what you think.

   This is a collection of children's search tools that help kids find facts on topics. There are age appropriate websites and databases of information specifically for students of all ages.  Basic information , dictionary's and teacher sites are used to help students find their facts fast.

  This site gives you lists and pages of librarians choices of the best of the web. It is my go to choice when trying to find sites that students and teachers can use to find the information that they need.