Our library system, ( we have 3 branches) has a great tool for staff education and communication which is our LibGuide. It is a password protected site that staff can use and was developed for us by our Library Director.
The lib Guide is our source for our staff to at so we all keep up to date on what is going on in all our branches, and also helps us keep up with policies, procedures, for both our internal and external needs.
We can check on the community calendar to see what programs are being offered at each our branches. We can read policies and procedures the moment they are updated. We can print out forms that are needed, ( community room use, volunteer applications) and we can print out monthly calendars, and flyers for programs.
Also on our lib guide is equipment and computer use policies and procedures, The Tab under Forms has many forms that are used on a monthly basis. This is a convenient place to have them, because they can be easily brought up and printed out if needed.
One of the best tabs is our system and regional tabs, Under our own system we have our staff calendar, ( this includes staff vacation days, & where our Director will be on a monthly basis ( meetings, branch visits, ect) , There are also staff meeting notes, manager meeting notes, job descriptions, payroll information , and an organization chart that shows where everyone is at each branch and days they are at work.
All in All, this libguide is very very helpful tool in all our branches!