Showing posts with label library blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library blogs. Show all posts

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Becky's Book Review Blog

   Becky's Book Review Blog is a site that offers many reviews of her favorite types of books.  She provides reviews of books from children to adults, mostly Ya to Adult. Becky loves to read and her mission is to promote reading/ Her focus on reviews will help Ya's , parents, teachers, and librarians to keep up with the best books.

   She gets books from publishers, the library, and the bookstore. She updates her blog at least 5 times a week.  She writes a review for every book she completes. She does not however complete every book she starts.  Her claim is promote the  love of reading and to connect books with readers. And yes, she has a library degree.  There is an extensive book review policy. She also offers tips on "operation Actually Read Bible" which encourages all to read the bible verses and keep track of it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

21st Century Library Blog

   The 21st Century Library blog offers a forum whereby librarians can form a community of discussions about problems, issues, and specific topics.  This blog presents broad perspectives on issues affecting the library profession.

  Librarians can collaborate by responding to polls, and surveys and adding their input.  There are links also to articles  relating to library issues that concern us today. If you continue you will find links to all blog posts, listed in order from oldest to newest.

 One of the things I like bet are the additional links to other library blogs and websites.  All in all this a great spot to visit and get the latest ideas and innovations.  You can see the issues and how other  librarians respond to them and what they think are the best  solutions.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

In the Library With Lead Pipe

  The " In the Library With Lead Pipe"site is an open access journal run bu a team of librarians.  There are articles and editorials written  by the team and also includes authors, educators, support staff and community members.

 The goals of Lead Pipe  is to explore new  ideas and start conversations and to help develop solutions to problems and issues  The  requirements for articles is founded in showcasing original research strategies in librarianship, and practical examples. So you will find highly engaging and substantial information  issues and topics.

 Right off the bat, I found several articles that were informative and extensive  - enough to help me correct the issue I was facing.  I will be visiting there again . It will keep the creative juices  interested in developing more intense  discussion with my staff and colleagues.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Virtual Reference- The New Library

   In the 21st century , we  need to develop our library website so that patrons can use it to research information is needed.  We want to provide websites that will entice users to come into the library and use it services.

   Mobile services( blogs, wikis, podcasts, catalogs,  databases)  draw patrons in , announce services, and programs,  and help patrons find answers needed.  Many of our users already are in tune with mobile and online activities  that provide information and reading pleasure.  ( Readers are becoming more and more popular!!)  They no longer rely on the big publishers and print resources for their information needs.  So as librarians , we need to step up and continue to develop our online presence.

  Our mission will remain the same: It necessitates  the fact that our website will be kept up to date and  alive.  The links available will be chosen to attract and keep the patrons happy and interested,

  And then do not forget we can support these developments with program and classes for those patrons who  need to know more about the newest technology!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blogging For libraries- Part 3

   Use your blog to inform patrons about library news, library events and programs, and exciting new books, magazines, and ebooks.

  The reason to use a blog  is that blogs are different because patrons can respond to  your posts and add their insights and opinions.  They can tell you what they think about what they are reading, what they like to read, what they would like to see at the library, and how they use their personal technology to read and obtain information.

  The key to getting responses to your posts is to have engaging , inviting, and inspiring posts that lead to patrons comments and responses. 

  Blogs can be a very good way for both libraries, librarians, and patrons to connect.  A blog can  lead to a great community feeling and more conversations about books, reading, and events.  Libraries can spread the news about everything that goes on. With a blog , there can be great ability to bridge the conversation gap, get to know the [patrons, and showcase all that happens at your library.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blogging for Libraries- Factors

   When you are beginning a library blog, there are a few factors to consider before starting .  Doing this first planning session will make your blogging easier. Your blog will be tighter and more interesting.

   First of all , determine the purpose of your blog.  What is your focus or main reason for writing and promotion   your blog.

  Secondly, decide who will write the posts, and who will monitor and proof read the entries,  It is a great idea to have several staffers who will contribute to the information and post. That way there is not just one person responsible and  burn out will be greatly reduced.

    Determine which blogging platform you will use. Using a free platform will virtually  eliminate the cost of  to the library.

  Also consider the amount of time that the  staffers will need to write their posts. You might want them to have a specific time to work, or possible just use downtime during the slow parts of the workday.  Determine how many posts per week will be published.  It is a great  idea to have posts waiting ('in the wings') and just have someone go in and publish  on the determined day. ( This is what I like to do- have  a bunch all written and I just publish them on a regular day)

   Finally , begin with a list of specific topics, themes, or article ideas. Any of the staff can recommend  ideas to throw in the "post " pile of ideas.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Using a Blog to promote your Library

      A library blog ( which can be attached to your website or as a stand alone) , is a great way to continuously promote your libraries ( school, public, academic) resources , services, and event.Blogs can be used on its own or in addition to an electronic or print newsletter.

   There are many advantages of writing a library blog, First of  all the work may be shared , there can be more than one author.  The content of blogs can be archived and search able.

  The best advantage is that patrons and readers can comment and post about the content. There can be posts on book review, events, displays, and musings. There can be pictures of the library and events, and the staff.   A blog forms a community of interested persons.

    A blog posts the information immediately, so you can advertise something new and important. Blog software is easy to use and most of the time free.( Free is great for all libraries!)
The software  makes it easy to change design and layout to keep readers interested.

  So consider why you may want a library blog, who will help with it ( writing's, photos, pod casts) and how often your blog will have new posts.

   More to follow next week, on other factors to consider on having a library blog.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

New York Public Library- blog for librarians

    I n looking for blogs for public and school librarians , I happened across  The New York Pubic library's website, which has a link to quite a few blogs that are done by staff.  Why In have never been on their website is now a wonder to me!  There is so much there to see and explore. I am going to go back and explore some more because I think there is a lot  of information that I can use in my new position as library manager:  book lists,  reviews
   When you get to the site, look at the tabs on the top and click on Explore.  That will give you a drop down box and there you will find the link for the blogs.   You can select posts of channel or subject . Now these have a variety of topics, some will highlight up and coming programs. Many of these programs are past, but you will see what they  had and it may help give you some ideas for your library and your programs.
  The blogs  that are listed are very interesting and helpful, and provide a variety of topics that are educational for both librarians and patrons. The blogs cover a range of topics and are written by experts in their fields ,of which most are employed by the New York Public library.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Public Library Blog-

   Bobbi Newman at  is a public librarian  who has been blogging since 1999.   As an ALA Councilor-At Large, and also on several advisory boards she is a busy lady.  She has designed some interesting projects which you can read about on her blog. Two that I can't wait to delve into: This is what a librarian looks like, and Library Day In the life.

   On her site you will find a variety of posts on issues for public librarians. There are many categories: Best Practices, Books- Read this, Customer  Service, & digital literacy( just to name a few). They are interesting and provide a lot of food for thought and change for you and your library.

  I plan to really dive right in here and get a lot of insight for my new position as library branch manager. There are posts on training for managers and  a youtube segment that I think looks really helpful.

   Does any one have any favorite blogs- whether you are a school or public librarian?  I just think they are so helpful!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Thank you Stacy @ Library Gals for nominating me for the Liebster  Blog Award!!   Your information and questions are very interesting!!

My Eleven Facts
1.  I love being a librarian!
2.  I love reading both kids books , historical fiction, cookbooks, and biography!
3.  I have been a librarian for 32 years.( until my position was cut)
4.  Learning about the new technology is fun and challenging.
5.  My library blog keeps me current about library issues.
6.   I am always looking for new ways to stay organized and be more efficient.
7.  I  like updating lessons and finding new books to read and recommend to students and teachers.
8.   I like writing  , cooking, and sewing in my spare time!
9.   My Favorite  Picture Book is Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe/ Williams
10.  My Favorite Illustrator is Lindsay Barrett George
11.  My Favorite Ya author is Clara Gillow Clark! ( She is also a distant relative!)

Answers to the questions:
What is the best piece of advice given to you as a librarian?
 Learn how to ask for help!

What is a favorite lesson you have taught?
 I have a great lesson using Daniel Kirks,  The Library Mouse and having the students make a mini book after that story.

What is your favorite read aloud for primary and intermediate?
For primary grades it would be Book, Book, Book. by Deborah Bruss
For intermediate it would be  The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
These may not be the newest but I find that the students just love to listen to them!

What grade levels do you teach?
 In my last position I  taught classes to  grades 4-6 and pre-k.

What are 3 must have books for all libraries?
 The Chronicles of Narnia /Lewis
 Charlotte's Web/ White
The Little Engine that could/Piper
 Or  A good dictionary, an encyclopedia, and a book of quotes!

Have you ever been a classroom teacher?
 I taught in a Catholic school for two years and did a 4/5 and a 1/2.
What was your favorite book as a child?
  The Little  House by  Virginia Lee Burton

What is the one book you think everyone should read? 
  The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

What is your favorite thing about being a librarian?

 Three things: reading great books to kids, showing students how to find answers  to their questions, opening the boxes of new books and sharing them with the kids!

Have you ever had an author/ illustrator visit your school ? If yes, who?
Jan Cheripko, Clara Gillow Clark, Lindsay Barrett George, Vera Williams

How many computers do you have in your library?

My 11 questions.
 1. What advice would you give a new librarian?

2. Do you have a fixed or flex schedule?

3. What do you enjoy most about being a librarian?

4. What is your favorite lesson to teach?

5. Do you have a favorite author? If so how do you share that with students?

6. What are your greatest challenges about being a librarian?

7.  What is your favorite part of being a librarian?

8.  How do you add technology into your lessons?

9. Do you have any other technology ( besides computers) in your library?

10. What was your favorite book as a child?

11. What is your favorite genre?

My Nominees

1. A to Z Library

2. Kid tested , Librarian Approved

3.Library Media Specialist Help Desk

4. The Book Bug

5.The Busy Librarian

6.VanMeter Library Voice

7.The Mad River Librarian

8. The Librarians Quest

The rules for this award are as follows:

Thank the Liebster-winning blogger who nominated you and link back to
 their blog.
Post eleven facts about yourself.
Answer the eleven questions your nominator asked.
Create eleven questions for your nominees.
Nominate 5 to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserves to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
Display the Liebster Award logo.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More On Blogging

   There are more reasons for using blogs in your library or classroom.  A blog provides more communication between students , teachers, and even the  community.

    Blogging is a tool for online storage and students can compare notes on a certain topic, or book.     Comments can be made , annotations of books read, and insights on group projects can be given. Pod casts can be put in blogs, photos, and videos can add student interest.  All this adds up to students wanting to be included in the blogs work.

     One of the first things to do  before starting a class blog or student blogs is to get permission form the school board, administration and parents.  This is especially true if you want students to have their own blogs.
     .The benefits of blogging can be seen as students progress in their posts on the blogs.  Peer editing is a great tool to help students improve many writing skills. Posting comments, and writing posts , students are motivated to be writers and readers.  They begin top care about spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

    A library blog is a great way to introduce the students and staff of your school to the world of blogging.  Think about the advantages and how it will help you library and  your readers.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Why Should you Blog?

     As a school librarian and educator , you should seriously consider blogging. Why? By blogging, you stay connected to both educators and students. A blog specific to your library is a great way to advocate and promote the power of the library and its services and programs.
     By blogging, posting, photos (  365 Project- see May 1, 2013) , videos, and slide shows you can show library life, student work and projects, and what activities / programs that are going on at your library.

     Hopefully, students and staff will be reading the blog and writing/responding to different posts. Invite students and staff to do guest post on research, project's, web tool,  or books they have read. By hosting the students works , more and more students, staff, parents, and the community will be seeing what is happening at your library.
    Blogging builds a connected community of readers and learners. Bogs are used  by many as a literacy and learning tool: read posts, write comments, and access useful information. In the contents of theses activities, many skill can be learned and reinforced.

    Blogs open us the world to students allowing them to share and motivating their  writing to new levels and letting them voice their opinions.
 So start your blogs and get your students and staff involved!