Showing posts with label the busy librarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the busy librarian. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Planning your day

 Planning - how much do you do?  Do you plan what you will do each day or do you just go into work and then wing it?    For many years ( more than I like to admit)  I just  did lesson planning ( when I was at School) and the rest of the time I just sort of "winged" it.   That worked out fine for a long time because I had great support library assistants and when a big job came around we got it done.
     When I  lost my full time assistant was when I really took the time to plan out what I needed to do and how in the world was I going to get it all done.  To add fuel to that idea was the fact that I did have people coming into to help but  they would be with me for  a period or at most maybe two periods .
   Its similar in the public library, especially when staff are different each day or vacation time rolls around like now when everyone is getting their time in .
     So I really took stock to determine what I would have them do when they arrive at the door.  Now, some of those  aides really jumped in and did what ever they thought  was the best for the library. But some of the aides had never been in the library before so I had to  train them  in various jobs. Which was not always easy because most of the time I had many many classes, or programs  and projects going on.
      Anyway my point is that whether you have help or not. Or whether you have a full time or part time person, you will accomplish more and feel better if you at least plan out part of your day.  If you know you have a certain task to complete , and it is a big one , break it down into segments and begin to work on it when you have a block of time during your day.
     Look at your schedule - with classes and special programs and decide  what you will do to further you jobs completed.
    Check out   my ebook- The Organized Librarian. This details how my days went from  'winging it'  to more organized and efficient.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Thank you Stacy @ Library Gals for nominating me for the Liebster  Blog Award!!   Your information and questions are very interesting!!

My Eleven Facts
1.  I love being a librarian!
2.  I love reading both kids books , historical fiction, cookbooks, and biography!
3.  I have been a librarian for 32 years.( until my position was cut)
4.  Learning about the new technology is fun and challenging.
5.  My library blog keeps me current about library issues.
6.   I am always looking for new ways to stay organized and be more efficient.
7.  I  like updating lessons and finding new books to read and recommend to students and teachers.
8.   I like writing  , cooking, and sewing in my spare time!
9.   My Favorite  Picture Book is Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe/ Williams
10.  My Favorite Illustrator is Lindsay Barrett George
11.  My Favorite Ya author is Clara Gillow Clark! ( She is also a distant relative!)

Answers to the questions:
What is the best piece of advice given to you as a librarian?
 Learn how to ask for help!

What is a favorite lesson you have taught?
 I have a great lesson using Daniel Kirks,  The Library Mouse and having the students make a mini book after that story.

What is your favorite read aloud for primary and intermediate?
For primary grades it would be Book, Book, Book. by Deborah Bruss
For intermediate it would be  The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
These may not be the newest but I find that the students just love to listen to them!

What grade levels do you teach?
 In my last position I  taught classes to  grades 4-6 and pre-k.

What are 3 must have books for all libraries?
 The Chronicles of Narnia /Lewis
 Charlotte's Web/ White
The Little Engine that could/Piper
 Or  A good dictionary, an encyclopedia, and a book of quotes!

Have you ever been a classroom teacher?
 I taught in a Catholic school for two years and did a 4/5 and a 1/2.
What was your favorite book as a child?
  The Little  House by  Virginia Lee Burton

What is the one book you think everyone should read? 
  The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

What is your favorite thing about being a librarian?

 Three things: reading great books to kids, showing students how to find answers  to their questions, opening the boxes of new books and sharing them with the kids!

Have you ever had an author/ illustrator visit your school ? If yes, who?
Jan Cheripko, Clara Gillow Clark, Lindsay Barrett George, Vera Williams

How many computers do you have in your library?

My 11 questions.
 1. What advice would you give a new librarian?

2. Do you have a fixed or flex schedule?

3. What do you enjoy most about being a librarian?

4. What is your favorite lesson to teach?

5. Do you have a favorite author? If so how do you share that with students?

6. What are your greatest challenges about being a librarian?

7.  What is your favorite part of being a librarian?

8.  How do you add technology into your lessons?

9. Do you have any other technology ( besides computers) in your library?

10. What was your favorite book as a child?

11. What is your favorite genre?

My Nominees

1. A to Z Library

2. Kid tested , Librarian Approved

3.Library Media Specialist Help Desk

4. The Book Bug

5.The Busy Librarian

6.VanMeter Library Voice

7.The Mad River Librarian

8. The Librarians Quest

The rules for this award are as follows:

Thank the Liebster-winning blogger who nominated you and link back to
 their blog.
Post eleven facts about yourself.
Answer the eleven questions your nominator asked.
Create eleven questions for your nominees.
Nominate 5 to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserves to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
Display the Liebster Award logo.