Showing posts with label The orgainzed librarian book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The orgainzed librarian book. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Planning your day

 Planning - how much do you do?  Do you plan what you will do each day or do you just go into work and then wing it?    For many years ( more than I like to admit)  I just  did lesson planning ( when I was at School) and the rest of the time I just sort of "winged" it.   That worked out fine for a long time because I had great support library assistants and when a big job came around we got it done.
     When I  lost my full time assistant was when I really took the time to plan out what I needed to do and how in the world was I going to get it all done.  To add fuel to that idea was the fact that I did have people coming into to help but  they would be with me for  a period or at most maybe two periods .
   Its similar in the public library, especially when staff are different each day or vacation time rolls around like now when everyone is getting their time in .
     So I really took stock to determine what I would have them do when they arrive at the door.  Now, some of those  aides really jumped in and did what ever they thought  was the best for the library. But some of the aides had never been in the library before so I had to  train them  in various jobs. Which was not always easy because most of the time I had many many classes, or programs  and projects going on.
      Anyway my point is that whether you have help or not. Or whether you have a full time or part time person, you will accomplish more and feel better if you at least plan out part of your day.  If you know you have a certain task to complete , and it is a big one , break it down into segments and begin to work on it when you have a block of time during your day.
     Look at your schedule - with classes and special programs and decide  what you will do to further you jobs completed.
    Check out   my ebook- The Organized Librarian. This details how my days went from  'winging it'  to more organized and efficient.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Beginning Chapter- The Organized Librarian

  Begin to Organize


 As   Librarians we have great jobs, working with patrons (adults or students) to help them find books to read for pleasure ,or information.  With today’s technology, we also need to be able to help patrons with current electronic resources to complete work projects or finish assignments.

Librarians  have a lot to do to maintain their libraries and the resources in them. We want patrons to get the books that they want or the information they need.  Getting everything done seems almost impossible.  Organizing each day and week will help librarians accomplish what needs to be done to sustain the library programs and resources

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Organized Librarian- lesson planning

I am in the final stages The Organized Librarian and am going through the editing process. It is amazing to see how much work a librarian is supposed to accomplish, but we do it . We need to focus our work on student reading and learning. This year in my district we are also focusing on student writing so I am trying to incorporate more writing and thinking into my lessons.
This month I am developing a unit on biography for 4th grade and going to try a game so I am thinking about how I can engage students into being more active. I think I will be handing out a series of lists of biography books and then have students develop call numbers for these ( as a table group or groups of two) and then have them work as a table group to put them into Alphabetical order. That's for next week- this week is Atlases- I did one lesson yesterday and then decided to change it just a bit for the next 3 fourth grades. That's what I do- develop and then refine the lessons until I feel they are great for a learning experience with the students.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

File Cabinets

I finally got to my file cabinets and organized just one! It had NOT been in alphabetical order, so it was very difficult to find things quickly. I also went through and got rid of many files and papers that I did not need.
What a difference! Now I can actually find quickly what I need. I will get to the second one tomorrow or the next day. This is a different school from when I wrote the book The Organized Librarian but I am leaving the filing section like it was. I need to get another file cabinet at my present library because my historical and general files are upstairs in the k-3 library and are not easy accessible to me should I need them. Those cabinets also need to be organized but that is for another day,