Showing posts with label orgainzing your library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orgainzing your library. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013

Managing magazines in libraries- part One

         How do you manage your magazines?? Do you let them circulate? Do you hold them for reading in the  library?
      There are many questions and differences of attack in the circulation and storing of magazines.  Also now that the computer age is here, many have done away with many of the issues of magazines .
        But Patrons and students like the magazines , and they do get read.  Many students come in and just want to read the papers and look at the magazines.  More and more families do not receive magazines and newspapers at home .
        One way to go is to  not let them circulate and have them be read in the library during open hours. This may be the easiest to do. Check in the magazines when they arrive , put on a couple of  prpperty stamps., arrange them on the shelves, and straighten them at the end of the day.
         If you chose this route- you many find that some just happen to"walk" out the door.  Yes, the most popular ones will be not in good shape.  But that will be the case in either option of holding or circulating.
        Another plan for magazines is one that many schools and public libraries do with their magazines. They hold the current monthly issue and let the back issues  go out. This seems to work well for the most part.
         If you  decide to circulate your back issues the next problem is how to go about it?  There are several different ideas here. One is to simply write down on a card the title of the magazine, issue/month and year, and place the borrowers name on  the card. File by date due. When the item is returned - cross out or erase the name of the borrower.
        Save the Card for use if some on else wants the same issue-  These cards could be made up ahead of time so they would be  at the ready when a patron wants to borrow a magazine
         What do you do with your magazines?  What are your issues with magazines?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Beginning Chapter- The Organized Librarian

  Begin to Organize


 As   Librarians we have great jobs, working with patrons (adults or students) to help them find books to read for pleasure ,or information.  With today’s technology, we also need to be able to help patrons with current electronic resources to complete work projects or finish assignments.

Librarians  have a lot to do to maintain their libraries and the resources in them. We want patrons to get the books that they want or the information they need.  Getting everything done seems almost impossible.  Organizing each day and week will help librarians accomplish what needs to be done to sustain the library programs and resources

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

File Cabinets

I finally got to my file cabinets and organized just one! It had NOT been in alphabetical order, so it was very difficult to find things quickly. I also went through and got rid of many files and papers that I did not need.
What a difference! Now I can actually find quickly what I need. I will get to the second one tomorrow or the next day. This is a different school from when I wrote the book The Organized Librarian but I am leaving the filing section like it was. I need to get another file cabinet at my present library because my historical and general files are upstairs in the k-3 library and are not easy accessible to me should I need them. Those cabinets also need to be organized but that is for another day,