Showing posts with label library work. organizing library work.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library work. organizing library work.. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Inventory Time at My school library.

     I am getting  the scanning for my inventory all done. There are just a couple of sections yet to do. MY non-fiction has not been done for at least 8 years! My Reference section probably even longer~! So we will see how that all comes out.
      The next  step is going back  to look for copies that were either missing or did not scan into the scanner, It is a new scanner so we do not have the ability to punch in the number if the barcode does not go in. Then we input the number into the report section if the item is  found. ( This is a step in the Destiny/ Follett system which is something new for me)
     The third step is to finalize. I am not sure if this is done though the reports , book by book, or we can d o it a section at a time.
      The inventory has gone pretty good  so far. But I also need to remember that my collection is very small and we did weed out books that were terrible shape. This collection has not been weeded in two years at least.
     But by doing the inventory I was able to learn more about my collection and what is exactly in it. This is will help me in future orders and also in helping  teachers and students when they are looking for something specific.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Using post –it’ notes to organize

   When working on projects, I collect papers and printouts.  If it is a large project with multi pages ( like 7 or more) I will label a file folder  and place the papers inside the file to keep them all together.
 But if the project is small or has just a couple of papers, and it is one I will do relatively quickly 
( within day or two), then this is what I do. I will paper clip the items together and then mark them with a small post it note.  ( On large  post -it notes  I cut them in half- the right way so they will stick.) Then I mark what they papers refer to or what I need to do with them.

   This way I can put them in  my  work basket,  and  then complete them quickly the next several days. (See small and large projects in my book The Organized Librarian!)  
  The post its help me organize and remind me what to do, and this  keeps me going in the right direction of being organized and getting stuff done,

Friday, March 3, 2017

Get ready for tomorrow @ your Library

   No matter if you are in a school or public library , here is an easy  way to prepare  for getting more done   the next work day. At the end of each day, I  stop what ever I am doing  before my quitting time.

   If I am working on a specific project, and it is not completed I put the materials needed in  a file marked with the project name.  I place this file in my to do basket or my file sorter although I am trying to figure out which is the best thing for that.  

  If I have more than one project , then I will have two folders. I really try  not to have more than two things going on at once. The exception is if I have a monthly /yearly project  which then I will already have a file going,

  The other thing that also helps me if cleaning/ organizing my desk and whatever tools I have used that day.So I will leave with a clean desk and my projects for tomorrow.  

  Finally I will  put in my plan book or my planner, the items  that I need to work on the following day. So when I come in the next day , I know just what to do. I usually ask myself- "What is the most  important thing I must accomplish tomorrow. ( For more information  on  making each day effective see  my ebook- The Organized Librarian- tab is at the top for details)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Master list - to help you stay organized

I find that Master lists ( of to do's ) and Daily lists help me greatly in getting  task and activities done on a daily and weekly basis.    I try to keep my lists in sight as I go about my daily routines , whether I am at work or at home.

      The reason I do this is because it really helps me stay organized and focused on what I need to do.  I also use my lists  and prioritize   the tasks on them.   I use a simple  way to tag the activities I must do.

      When  I put lists on paper ( or on the computer- but I feel paper is better for me , because then I can SEE the list) I will delegate a letter- A most important,  B  and C. That's where I stop( as far as letters go)

     Another idea that I like to do with my Master list is to make two columns : one for most important things I NEED to do, and a second column of things I WANT to do.   I also place due dates on items that have a complete by date so I know when I must be done.

    Also on my Master lists I will put do by dates if I have them. This way I can focus on what is most important.
     Check out my book The Organized Librarian- click on the link above for ordering instructions.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Book Processing

 You still may be processing  your new books. And you may be getting tired of doing it and wish it were done.  Especially in a public library when you may get a shipment every month.  How can you get it done and still do something / anything else to have your library in good shape ?    In "The Organized Librarian" I give some ideas  on getting everything done or at least not feeling so very overwhelmed at all there is to do.

        But I still get the feeling that the books will Never  get all done and then a new shipment comes in with more books. Now I love love new books but I want them to be all ready for the staff and patrons, and not have them staring me in the face.   So what I do is this , depending on the number of other things I need to do , I set a daily goal of the number of books  to do each day.  

         The rest I 'hide"- no I really do not hide them , I just place them on a cart facing toward the wall or in a closet  so I do not see them 24/7.  Then I get the book goal done as soon as I can - coming in early, staying late, making sure that the other activities I need to have completed  are finished. If I am having a good day- I sneak out the next days goal and do them. 

        If there is a great day of only a few classes or a meeting that I do not have to attend then I sometimes do a marathon day of stamping, date due slips,  and  putting on genre stickers.  Then I really feel great about getting all the books ready.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Organization in the library

       Libraries are naturally organized- mainly the books and resources. The key to  successful  and seamless library programs / tasks is  the organization of everything else.  If you are organized them you will have more time and get more done.  So lets get started!

      You  may have paper, catalog, files , and you may be  overloaded with these types of items floating around your library and office . Do you have stacks of folders? The best way to attack them is to set aside time each day to go through and decided what to do with all of those files, papers, catalogs,  and items lying around.

     Start with three folders or baskets or bins. Mark each one with : TO DO NOW, TO DO LATER,
TO FILE .  Take some file folders.. Also take a trash/ recycling bin.

     Bring  with you a pen, and sticky notes.  As you look at each item/ paper/ file  decide where it should go. Make an immediate decision. Scan though it .  At this time, you can place a sticky note  for the item to be placed in a specific file,

     If you glance at a catalog and see something you might purchase at a later date, mark it with a sticky note  and file it in a folder marked : Possible Purchase.    I also keep a catalog file( noted in The Organized Librarian  ) of catalogs that I refer to on a yearly basis.

    Put each item in the bin/basket/file  if you intend to keep the item .  If it is not needed put in the trash or recycling bin.  If you take 15 -20 minutes each day, in no time you will have your papers /files in order and your library  more organized and efficient.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Managing magazines in libraries- part two

      As mentioned in the previous blog, we are discussing how libraries manage magazines.   Many libraries both school and public  libraries circulate magazines . There are a couple ways to do this of course.
     One would be to simply have cards and write the title, month, and year at the top. When the borrower wants the magainie , he/she would just sign  the card. Then file it and when returned cross off the name.
      In our computer world there is also the tech way. If you do not have a large circulating magazine collection, one way would be to place a bar code on a card . When a patron wants a magazine , simply scan the card under the persons name and then add ( on the fly as many circ programs have the capability) the title and month/year of the magazine.   When returned , just scan in and keep the card for the next time a magazine is wanted.
      The other tech way which is more labor intensive but easier in the long run would be to place on each magazine a barcode and put the information into the computer when it arrives. In that way the  person at the circ desk can just scan it and the patron/ student is good to go.  Again on check in- just scan the magazine and return to the magazine shelf.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Great Website!

I just discovered this website/ wiki for librarians! It has many ideas for lessons that you can read, print out and use. I just found that I will do with K-2 graders for a book I always use at the beginning of school : A fine , Fine School by Sharon Creech.
I will comment on lessons that I use. Let me know if you use any lessons and how they went. I am excited to use more of the information on this site.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

File Cabinets

I finally got to my file cabinets and organized just one! It had NOT been in alphabetical order, so it was very difficult to find things quickly. I also went through and got rid of many files and papers that I did not need.
What a difference! Now I can actually find quickly what I need. I will get to the second one tomorrow or the next day. This is a different school from when I wrote the book The Organized Librarian but I am leaving the filing section like it was. I need to get another file cabinet at my present library because my historical and general files are upstairs in the k-3 library and are not easy accessible to me should I need them. Those cabinets also need to be organized but that is for another day,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October Give Away

On my very first giveaway I am giving away Library Lifesavers by the Bacon sisters ( Pamela and Tamora) This easy to read book gives many ideas and suggestions for librarians that are stressed out. Chapters in this great book offer tips on getting organized making a weekly action plan, a mail tacking form for voice, snail, and email. The funniest section is on how to avoid interruptions.
They also discuss energy drains, and what's working, what's not working chart. All in all a great source of ideas for school librarians to get their work lives back in order and to get more done without a feeling of being hit by a train wreck.
A great purchase for any librarian who needs to be more in control of his/her work life and after school life. (Amazon Review)

Okay- here's the deal for the Give Away. Leave a comment here about how you would like to be more organized or also just sign up to follow me on my blog and you will be entered into the October Giveaway.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Books- Checking in/ Processing New books

Yes, I am still unpacking books and supplies from my orders this summer. I check in each book and place the vendor and price in the inside cover. Books are stamped and a date due slip placed in back, and they are ready to go. I get most of my books from Follett, and Perma-Bound already processed.
Books from other vendors ( Junior Library guild) I catalog, make labels, stamp , date due slip, and then they are good to go.
Those are my three major jobbers for books and I pretty much just use those three except when I am ordering Reference sources. This simplifies my ordering and processing.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New school!- new organizing tasks!

We are in a new school year and I am at a"new" school. So I have been busy getting acclimated and checking out filing cabinets and seeing what files are there. I am making a list of what files I have, and then I will organize them accordingly.

Monday, June 7, 2010


It is that time of year and I am gearing up for inventory. How many others are doing the same?? Not sure. Wish I could hear from some of them.

Monday, November 30, 2009


I am still working on my file cabinets at school. I have one more to go and I will be finished on my main files at the circulation desk. This includes most all my files since I do not have an office. My other file cabinets are another thing - but I won't get to them this year.
What Have I done with my files? First thing that was done was , I had hanging file frames put in. Then I can do a section at a time and put folders into hanging files .