Showing posts with label library managers desk organizing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library managers desk organizing. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Using post –it’ notes to organize

   When working on projects, I collect papers and printouts.  If it is a large project with multi pages ( like 7 or more) I will label a file folder  and place the papers inside the file to keep them all together.
 But if the project is small or has just a couple of papers, and it is one I will do relatively quickly 
( within day or two), then this is what I do. I will paper clip the items together and then mark them with a small post it note.  ( On large  post -it notes  I cut them in half- the right way so they will stick.) Then I mark what they papers refer to or what I need to do with them.

   This way I can put them in  my  work basket,  and  then complete them quickly the next several days. (See small and large projects in my book The Organized Librarian!)  
  The post its help me organize and remind me what to do, and this  keeps me going in the right direction of being organized and getting stuff done,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Using your Bulletin Board to Organize your time

      Use your bulletin board to help you become more organized in the New Year.( And if you don't have one, have the space for one, get one, especially if you are a visual person!)

      But don't just put up notes and leave them there until the paper falls apart.  The bulletin board should be used for Visual reminders.  So for items you use frequently it is a good way to store and then grab when needed- zips codes, phone numbers,  questions that need to be asked of your director or administrator.)

      Also the bulletin board is a good place for current projects. List the date, when the project is due, a description , and  steps to take- this depends on how organized you like to  be.

     If you have dead lines / due dates every month, the bulletin board can also serve as a tickler file to remind you of what needs to be and when it needs to be handed in.
     Using a bulletin board  will help , but only  if  you USE it! That means looking at it at least daily, and maybe even once in the Am and then once in the PM.
    As always , at least once a month,  clear off unwanted and finished items.

     How do you use a bulletin board by your desk? Any more ideas?   Give me an idea  in the comment section below!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Better Desk Habits

  What should you do if your desk is an absolute mess? What should you do if there are piles and piles of papers, folders, magazines, and clippings all over?

  The easiest thing to do is to take everything and put it in a large box or container.  Then  take 15 to 20 minutes ( set a timer- see Using a kitchen timer  ) Take a pile from the top  and go through each piece. Refile each paper where it should go.   Have some a file folders and markers.

  If there is a current project you are working non , label a folder and put all related items into that folder.Anything you do not need , throw away or put in the recycling bin.

 Also have some files that can be marked : To do, To read, To file.

 Anything you need to save , label a folder and put the paper in it. Then file in your file cabinet.  Make sure you put them in alphabetical order. If you have files you are done  with , refile in the proper spot

  Do a 15 - 20 minute  session  until your bin is empty.
  Now devised a system, Establish a  place marked  TO FILE.  Never let your piles  get out of hand again. Each day  spend  some time refiling  so your desk is clean!

Desk Organization- Part 2

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Desk organization - Part 2

     Organize your desk and supplies according to your needs and usage.  Items that are used frequently are best put  in a convenient location. For example. I use my stapler, tape, sticky notes and paper clips often  so they  sit on my desk  between the phone and the computer .

  The rest of my desk  is clear. I pull  out folders from my desk drawer or side cabinet according  to what I am working on.  At  the end of the day ( or after lunch) I put tiems back in their correct locations so they can be found easily the next time I need to work on them.

( See more on files and filing in future blog posts and also in  the book "The Organized Librarian"  on sale above - Click  on the tab at top of the page.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Desk Organization

   Organizing your desk is a task that will help you be more efficient  at work or at home.  Planning your desk space - do you have enough room?  Do you have too many stacks? Do you have the items you need on a regular basis?

   Most of the time our desks are used for paper work or computer work,  We need to have files or supplies that are accessible when needed.  If we are lucky you will have drawer space and file storage built into our desk.

   Planning for your desk  usage, first determine exactly what is needed on a day to day basis . For example: pens, pencils, paper, scrap paper, paper clips, file folders, calculator , stapler , scissors and tape.
Now if you need all these supplies on a regular basis , figure out where to put them  , so you can get them if you need them.

  The next step is to figure out  what tasks you actually do at your desk( reports, budget work, computer tasks , letter writing, computations, etc,)  This will help you to prepare the space so that you can complete these tasks) Do you need more room at your desk? Then figure out what items can be eliminated or tucked away  in a convenient spot for quick access.

  Check out my The Organized Library  on the tab above for more information on organizing  your workspace and day.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Establishing Routines- Part 2- Desk Time

  At my new position of library manager, I am still trying to figure out routines and schedules.  I still struggle with using my time wisely.  As a school librarian, I had one large room and multiple classes, and the regular library duties.

  As library manager, I have  regular library duties , and then I also am the manager of a three story building.  So this is a learning curve for me, and I am slowly figuring out the routines and changing them.

  So I am dividing my time into two parts : library duties and building duties.   The library duties are also  a little different in that I actually have a book budget in which I can purchase books each month and I can get the latest best sellers that patrons want.

  So in establishing my routines I am deciding  between ' desk time" and 'floor time'.  During my desk time, I  do the following activities at designated times: First thing in the Am ( before opening) check emails,  track wireless, check answering machine .

  Also I have Desk time  during coverage of lunches: Again I check emails, work on purchasing lists, reading reviews,  printing out calendars, flyer's,  making phone calls.

  At the end of the day, I also do a little desk time: again check emails, make phone calls,  file papers,  clean up my desk,  make plans for the rest of the day, and check my calendar and planning books.
I might also during  any of these times, write down questions I may need to ask my Director or Assistant Director.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Office Organizing at my Desk

   I am still organizing in my new office . I think I have gotten it how I would like it.  Now I am making sure that I can find what I need to at the drop of a hat.   This is my side  cabinet and I have used the top to serve as a host for my most used items. 
  On the top I have my 'famous' notebooks which I put out to grab , one is my daily use organizer notebook, a notebook for my budget items, and one for policies and procedures.   I also have an  in box and a to file box.  Next to that are items filed vertically which I use on a daily basis. Two I have marked with items for the director , and items to take care of. I also have my folder with book suggestions.  I have plain file folders and a place for interlibrary envleopes to  send items needed along the way.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Organizing work spaces in your library

     In my new position as library branch manager , I have many  places to organize, update, and streamline.  My desk was on of my priorities and yesterday  I think I have it the way I want it.( For now anyway)
   My husband brought in a side lamp  to improve the lighting. The main light is in the a very high ceiling(  the library is in a 1915 brick bank. I needed a bit more light especially since it is getting dark much earlier.

    We moved the file sorter with files( More on that later) to a side cabinet which also has some of my organizing notebooks ( see organizing your office- part 5, 4/26/13 )  ).  Since we did that I turned my hard drive on its side and moved the monitor and keyboard to the middle.( it was on one side )
   So when I am not using the computer, I have a wider spread of desk, and I can spread out to work if need be.  Previously I was going out to one of the library tables which was okay, But when y6ou are trying to get a project done , if you are in your office with doors closed there is much less interruptions.

   For more information  on organizing the main tasks of the library, order my eBook The Organized Librarian.,   See the tab on top of thge page "Books To Order"