Showing posts with label library organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library organization. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2020

Library bulletin boards for December

    December is almost around the corner so it is time to start thinking of new bulletin boards. I like to plan ahead so I start now to figure out what I will put up.  I usually keep my bulletin boards from year to year, So many times I can just pull on out  and put it up. I do not put the same one up each year- I alternate.

  December Bulletin Boards Slogans

Seasons Readings - Put a wreath in the middle with students favorites all around. I use scanned covers.

LOL- Place large letters in the center, Place names or covers of books jokes and riddles.

 Mittens-  make large mittens out of construction paper, Have students write their favorite books on the mitten. Slogan: Keep Warm With Great Books

Battle of the Books: Place  photos of teams on the board with Team names and date of competition.

Books Are Gifts You Give Yourselves. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Six steps to Processing new books

  The new books are rolling in . What do you have to do to get them ready for the shelves?? In case you have them come processed, there are still a few things  you need to do before you put them on display or on the shelves.
  1. Property Stamp
  2. Gentrify- If your fiction are arranged this way-We use opaque colored labels to go over the spine label. We also change the spine label in Destiny so it signified where the book is located.
  3. Cover the books if needed.
  4. attach labels if not complete
  5. Load mar records intro your system if not completed,
  6. Adjust records in your system: price, vendor, funding
  Display them in a new book section!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Weeding- Reference section

  This year I weeded my Reference sections  because I was looking for Makerspace room for LittleBits, and some other  items our district purchased. 
    I left the Encyclopedias even tho no one uses them for two reason: I think all libraries should have at least one set for quick look up, and 2) I like to do an activity each year where groups of students work together  to see who can find answers the questions- the inherent or an Encyclopedia. ( More details on this in another post)
   I moved on to look at the general books. With 4 books of costumes/ uniforms/ dress, I  got ride of all but one.  The same with Science Encyclopedias- I saved one - the newest . ( All though not completely up to date) The other sets I offered to the Science teachers , That is pretty much what did in each subject areas.
   I looked at copyright date, condition and scope. Some of the items I knew would never be used I also eliminated.
  I really dislike weeding because I feel there is value in most items I did weed items that were completely out of date( Mostly Science)  Most of my teachers are happy to take the items  for their classroom libraries. I ended up with shelving for my Makerspace so I was pleased with the process.
Check out more tips on weeding in The Organized Librarian!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Supplies for Book Processing - part 2

  We don't have all of the necessary items yet for book processing. So in another larger box, we have several sizes of our most used book covers. We also have contact paper for our paper  backs- its not regular contact paper but one we get from the supply company especially for covering paper backs.( I can;t right at this moment think what it is called,)
  Both of these boxes are put on the bottom shelf of a flat shelved book cart that we keep specifically for this process. Then when  a shipment comes in , the books are checked in and put on the top shelf.
  This way we can wheel out the cart when we have time to work on the new books. It can be tucked away  when we are busy, This helps us be efficient and have supplies ready when we need them.
See The Organized Librarian for other tips on getting library jobs done.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Supplies for Book Processing- part one

    Get ready for processing your new books! Do  you have everything  you need?  Do you know where your processing supplies are ? Are they in on spot or do you have to go from cabinet to cabinet  to get them?  Or do they happen to be all in one location?
   A couple of years ago , I worked on getting  all of my processing supplies in the same location ( or at least close to each other) , so that processing  supplies would be together. Then my assistant or I would not have to hunt out the things we needed.
  We gathered up barcaroles, property stamp, label protectors  and genres colors into one large box- The barcodes are in a folder. Also in this box we included tape, scissors, fine line makers , a ruler and posts it, pens and pencils.  Later this week- part 2. Check out The Organized Librarian for more ways to be organized. For sale here or at Amazon!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Budget Work for the Library

   This year I had to really streamline the way I kept track of my allocated funds. In the past I had done an excel  or google spread sheet to keep track . By doing this I knew I was accurate in what  I had spent and what I had left.
   But this year I went back to just doing paper based budget because I did not have time or patience to do the spread sheet. So staring with my beginning totals, I would just list and subtract  orders (both supply and books ) as I went along.I had a total as I went along. I could keep a running track of how much I had spent and what was left.  This is important to do as they year goes along.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Book Review & Orders

    This year I used my system outlined  in my book "The Organized Librarian"( See info on book page for ordering).  This helps me keep track of reviews that I read, and what books I ordered. This is a simple sheet that I use as I read in my journals and check on Amazon / Junior Library Guild. ( Those are the two vendors I like to use)
   I list the reviews from the starred reviews and the reviews that have been read. This helps me keep track of what  I have read. When I got to place an order, I take a sheet and can quickly place an order . I then note what has been ordered. We check the shelves and the  catalog  before finalizing the order to avoid duplicates.
  This makes ordering  so much easier!!

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Button War- Book Review

 Set during WWI , in a Polish village,is where the boys Button War starts. Seven boys who hang out together agree that the guy with the best button will be the Button King.
  The competition is fierce. Jurek  decides He will be the king, just because he thinks he is the best. Patryk and the others don't want him to win. Most of the them don't like the idea , but they don't want Jurek  to be the king, he is a bit of a bully.
  So they steal buttons form the soldiers wash line, and then begin  cutting them off dead bodies of the soldiers as the fight between the Germans and the Russians escalates.
  Jurek will do anything to be the Button King. The game becomes more and more dangerous. Patryk keeps on with the challenge  because he doesn't want Jurek to win, the others agree. The war torn village loses families to death and those so scared they leave. And still Jurek will not give up.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Book Review- The Organized Librarian

  Kirkus just posted the review of my book on their site!  So excited to share this book with those who need a little extra help with their library work day!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Special sale on The Organized Librarian!

  The book is here !! Check  out the order page  for details!!  If you follow me on this blog , you will be in the drawing for one of my proof books! So  follow me on the one of my posts to be in.
  Check out the page for other ordering details!!  It came out very well I thought.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Getting More Done

   There are several rules of organizing your day to get more accomplished. I read everything I can on organizing in hopes of reducing the stress of having much to do in a short amount of time. Organizing my time seems to help the most. Through my reading, I have found some things that work for me and may also work for you.

   Step 1:   Keep a running record/ master list of items you need to do. Put anything you can think of that needs doing on your master list. That way it is written down and you don’t have to worry about forgetting something.  I am sure there is an app or an online way to this but I still like to use pencil and paper. If you find a good way to do this online, go for it, if that works for you.

  Step 2: Build your daily to do list. Take items from the master list and put them on your daily list. But only write those tasks that you can realistically do in one day. So don’t overload yourself. Give yourself some leeway if you have scheduled items, or if you find that some tasks might take longer than expected.

    Then at the end of each day (or at the very beginning) take 15 minutes to map out your priorities to see what your daily schedule will look like.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Larger Goals / projects to be completed

   When you are doing all the routine tasks and activities you may feel like you are treading water. When you have a big project, it might seem like you will never get it accomplished.
   Plan a time when you have some flexibility, and put in your planner that you will work on that project. What I do is to break larger projects down into manageable steps/ tasks. In other words, plan on working on a segment of the project at least once each week (more if you have open blocks of time).  Make yourself a deadline of when you need the project complete.  Look at the ways you can accomplish it through a series of steps or tasks.

  Check off each segment as you complete it each week. Work diligently until your project is complete.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Organize your day- Map out a schedule

    After you have your master list written for the week or day, and prioritized you jobs/ tasks. A good step would be to maps out when you will complete your items.
    All Commitments, / appointments. / Scheduled classes   should be put first into your plan book or daily planner at the time specified,
   Then you can incorporate from your master to do list. Look at the most important items (marked with an A) and then B items. Write these tasks / activities in available time slots. But do not pack in more to dos than you can realistically get finished.
    Also allow 30 minutes in your daily schedule every day so you have a little flexibility in case things don’t go as planned.

    Also leave yourself time at the end of the day to work on the next few days schedule.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How to use your Weekly/ Daily Master List

  Do you keep a weekly  or daily master list of to do items / jobs for you library work life? Do you prioritize your tasks? This is the first step in being organized ad getting items accomplished.   Once your list is in place ( I do a daily - either in the morning or right before I leave school)  

  Then I prioritize  each item. Elimination of items that are not worth the time are  the ones I struggle with . I use a D to delegate the tasks I can give to my assistant - depending on the task - some times I can get some students to help.

  My most important items I mark with an A- ( must do as soon as possible)  and B ( ( should do but no serious consequences if ti doesn't get done right away.) 

 If you do this on a regular basis , you can begin to gt ta flow of tasks competed in the most efficient manner, Determine what is most important   and do the items  that are on your list first

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fiction Arrangement by Genres

  I was trying to figure out if I had written about this before . I even did a search but did not come up with anything so I am not sure if I am repeating or not. Maybe someone will let me know if I did??

  In both our Middle and High school, the fiction books are arranged my genres and then in alphabetical order.  When I first got there , I said to myself  that It would never work and I would have to change it back to regular  arrangement.
  But now I am sort of glad that we did not. Each genre  has a different color label that goes over the call number , signifying the genre. (example purple for Historical fiction) What this does is that when a student knows he  or she prefers  science fiction, fantasy , or sports books, they can go right to that section to look for another book to read. They don't have to go the card catalog ( on line) to get books in the same genre, This also makes it easy for the library staff to recommend  other titles  in say the same genre or series
  What we did also was assign another prefix to the call letters. So for a Historical fiction book, the call letters look like this in the on line catalog   HF_Fic And.  So if students find it on the catalog , they know where to look.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


  The previous MS librarian( she is now in the HS, our Dept Chair) developed livebinders which are on our library webpage for several of the projects that the teachers needed resources for. Putting them on the webpage makes it really easy for students  when doing these projects.

  The livebinders  and the sites that are included on them  are determined by age level, topic and what the teachers want the students to find out or what information the students need
They can go to the livebinders and get the information they need for the task at hand.

  I have also developed  a few new livebinders  for newer projects  that teachers have asked  me for I will continue doing this as it helps students focus on information needed. It also helps them see what a reliable source looks like.

See my post on livebinders from  5/23/2013. Wired Wednesday- Tech Tools

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Series list for students!

   The students in my middle school love to read series books. We always are stopping to check what order the titles  should be read. So I am hoping this year to a make " Series" books which will be kept at the  circulation desk.

  In it  will  be Authors name, series name, title of books and the order in which they should be read.
In the future as we purchase new titles and series , we will put numbers on the spine and also try to shelves them in number order.

 Then student can check the  lists and the shelves easily to get the book in the series they want.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Master list - to help you stay organized

I find that Master lists ( of to do's ) and Daily lists help me greatly in getting  task and activities done on a daily and weekly basis.    I try to keep my lists in sight as I go about my daily routines , whether I am at work or at home.

      The reason I do this is because it really helps me stay organized and focused on what I need to do.  I also use my lists  and prioritize   the tasks on them.   I use a simple  way to tag the activities I must do.

      When  I put lists on paper ( or on the computer- but I feel paper is better for me , because then I can SEE the list) I will delegate a letter- A most important,  B  and C. That's where I stop( as far as letters go)

     Another idea that I like to do with my Master list is to make two columns : one for most important things I NEED to do, and a second column of things I WANT to do.   I also place due dates on items that have a complete by date so I know when I must be done.

    Also on my Master lists I will put do by dates if I have them. This way I can focus on what is most important.
     Check out my book The Organized Librarian- click on the link above for ordering instructions.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Better Desk Habits

  What should you do if your desk is an absolute mess? What should you do if there are piles and piles of papers, folders, magazines, and clippings all over?

  The easiest thing to do is to take everything and put it in a large box or container.  Then  take 15 to 20 minutes ( set a timer- see Using a kitchen timer  ) Take a pile from the top  and go through each piece. Refile each paper where it should go.   Have some a file folders and markers.

  If there is a current project you are working non , label a folder and put all related items into that folder.Anything you do not need , throw away or put in the recycling bin.

 Also have some files that can be marked : To do, To read, To file.

 Anything you need to save , label a folder and put the paper in it. Then file in your file cabinet.  Make sure you put them in alphabetical order. If you have files you are done  with , refile in the proper spot

  Do a 15 - 20 minute  session  until your bin is empty.
  Now devised a system, Establish a  place marked  TO FILE.  Never let your piles  get out of hand again. Each day  spend  some time refiling  so your desk is clean!

Desk Organization- Part 2

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Manage your time with a Kitchen Timer

     Using a kitchen timers can help you manage small blocks of time. It may sound silly, but it does work.  Once you turn it on, then you have two goals: Finish your project before it dings or try to get done before it dings.  Then when you are done, you can cross off the job that has been completed.

  Use your Timer

1. To remind yourself to make a phone call.

2. Promise yourself to work on something for say 10 minutes on something you do not want to do.

3. Use  your timer to go off when you need to be reminded to do a specific task.

4. Divide yo your time/ day . Spend say 30 minutes on one project and another 15 on another.

5. Play ' beat the clock" and set your timers and try to get all your tasks done in that time period.

6. Use your timer to control length of meetings or discussions.  Each person gets a certain amount of time to speak / present their points.

7. Use your timers to work out length of time for specific regular tasks. Then continue to use  the timer to make sure you stay on task and complete items in the time frame required.