Showing posts with label budget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label budget. Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Supplies for Book Processing - part 2

  We don't have all of the necessary items yet for book processing. So in another larger box, we have several sizes of our most used book covers. We also have contact paper for our paper  backs- its not regular contact paper but one we get from the supply company especially for covering paper backs.( I can;t right at this moment think what it is called,)
  Both of these boxes are put on the bottom shelf of a flat shelved book cart that we keep specifically for this process. Then when  a shipment comes in , the books are checked in and put on the top shelf.
  This way we can wheel out the cart when we have time to work on the new books. It can be tucked away  when we are busy, This helps us be efficient and have supplies ready when we need them.
See The Organized Librarian for other tips on getting library jobs done.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Supplies for Book Processing- part one

    Get ready for processing your new books! Do  you have everything  you need?  Do you know where your processing supplies are ? Are they in on spot or do you have to go from cabinet to cabinet  to get them?  Or do they happen to be all in one location?
   A couple of years ago , I worked on getting  all of my processing supplies in the same location ( or at least close to each other) , so that processing  supplies would be together. Then my assistant or I would not have to hunt out the things we needed.
  We gathered up barcaroles, property stamp, label protectors  and genres colors into one large box- The barcodes are in a folder. Also in this box we included tape, scissors, fine line makers , a ruler and posts it, pens and pencils.  Later this week- part 2. Check out The Organized Librarian for more ways to be organized. For sale here or at Amazon!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Book Review-The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

    The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek  by Kim Michele Richardson.   It's 1936 in Kentucky, one of the book woman is Cussy Mary, takes her books to patrons by mule. There are many miles ad obstacles to over come on her route: animals, weather, underbrush, and folks who want to harass her because she has blue skin.
  Cussy Mary and her kin have blue skin , so they are treated as "colored". Cussy is a wonderful book woman to her patrons, some of whom are cautious because of color of her skin, and some who treat her no differently at all. She reads to some of her patrons and tries to help them as much as  she is able( bringing food and medicine, and company) Her library supervisor  gives  her a hard time because of her color. Her patrons become part of her life. This is a book based on the people who delivered the books in Kentucky I did't want it to end! You've got to read this !

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Book Review- The Orphan's Song

 I have been reading quite regularly since school is out. I just finished The Orphans Song by Lauren Kate. She is a YA  author - I will check at school to see what / if we have any of hers. My Public library did not - which was surprising since the book jacket said they were excellent.  This is a historical fiction  which was right up my alley,
  Violetta  and  Mino meet on the roof of the Orphanage ( run by nuns) . Their musical talent draws them together and they spend hours with Violetta singing and Mino playing his violin. Each week they grow closer. and closer,
 When Mino is ready for his apprenticeship  , he declares his love for Violetta. But Violetta does not think she can leave her church singing when she is close to being asked to join the special choir of talented singers
Mino, in search  of his mother, goes out into Venice , distraught over losing his mother and Violetta,   Eventually he finds a wife who bears him a child. He begins to develop his Violin repair business, Violetta continues to sing . But she begins  secret nightlife of singing out side the church, which is forbidden.
 Neither Violetta or Mino really finds what they looking for,  An odd  relationship  that develops for Violetta which  finally brings about a interesting and satisfying conclusion,
  I couldn't stop reading this- excellent book. I want to look for more of Lauren Kate's work.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Budget Work for the Library

   This year I had to really streamline the way I kept track of my allocated funds. In the past I had done an excel  or google spread sheet to keep track . By doing this I knew I was accurate in what  I had spent and what I had left.
   But this year I went back to just doing paper based budget because I did not have time or patience to do the spread sheet. So staring with my beginning totals, I would just list and subtract  orders (both supply and books ) as I went along.I had a total as I went along. I could keep a running track of how much I had spent and what was left.  This is important to do as they year goes along.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Book Review & Orders

    This year I used my system outlined  in my book "The Organized Librarian"( See info on book page for ordering).  This helps me keep track of reviews that I read, and what books I ordered. This is a simple sheet that I use as I read in my journals and check on Amazon / Junior Library Guild. ( Those are the two vendors I like to use)
   I list the reviews from the starred reviews and the reviews that have been read. This helps me keep track of what  I have read. When I got to place an order, I take a sheet and can quickly place an order . I then note what has been ordered. We check the shelves and the  catalog  before finalizing the order to avoid duplicates.
  This makes ordering  so much easier!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Budget Book- a good way to organize

      A few years back I was on my "notebook ". I organized all my important papers into three ring binders to keep everything straight and items together.   I decided last week  ( I 'm at the middle school now) that the note book organizing was the way to go  to keep like items together.  It worked at the public library  when I had a tiny tiny office,  now here my office is bigger but has even less space  and places to organize important papers.

     The first thing I did was to organize  and figure out how to build my binder. Previously I had items in two hanging file folders that were located on my desk placed in one of my file holders. Every tune I took one out to work on something ( which was weekly) the papers would either fall out or get in the wrong spot.

      So in the binder  I put  four divider tabs.  The first was labeled pending, so all the purchase orders still  out / not received were hole punched and place behind this section. I also made a section marked general in which I placed information about the  budget in general- amounts for  materials and supplies, amounts for chapter 53 ( funds for books state assigned).  So depending on the PO , I placed them in whatever tab they belonged.  These were the completed  Po with items we had received,

     Now when I have budget papers  they are finalized, I hole punch them and put them in the proper section. When I pull out the book, the items stay where they belong.  It makes it easier to grab what I need and also is much easier to keep in order.  MMMMM What else can I put in those binders??

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I guess I was wrong on the summer part- rainy rainy cool! Still slowly reading reading reading. Also I am working on my budget- who says they cant' wait til the end of school? I have so much to do. So I am focusing on what is most important and working each day on what needs to be done. And I am not spending time on worrying will it get done because some how If I work and focus it always gets done, even If I don't have help. So focus and work and figure out what you want to accomplish . Work towards those goals.