Showing posts with label library resource. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library resource. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

FREE Library Lesson!

This lesson will be here FREE for a short time only and then will be for sale on TeacherPayTeachers. Join here at the Organized librarian to be up to date for the next free lesson! Each one I will place for free before I put on TeacherPayTeachers.  

      Library Lessons With The Midnight Librarian

     The Midnight Librarian by Kazuno Kohara (Roaring Book Press, 2014) is a great read aloud for introducing students in Kindergarten and First Grade to the library.   Use it  at the beginning of the year or any time  to review.  

 Read the story  aloud to the students.   Discussion questions can be asked  at the end 0f the story or at occasions where students can use text and illustration cues to answer the questions.

  1. What do the animals do in the library? ( p3-4)
  2. What was the correct behavior in the reading room? (P5-6)
  3. Was there a hole in the roof?
  4. Was it raining in the library?
  5. Why was the wolf crying?
  6. What jobs did the librarian do in the library?
  7. What jobs did the owl assistants do in the library?
  8. How did the little librarian help the tortoise?
  9. How is the library in the book different from our library?
  10. What do you think are some good library manners ?

Answer key:
  1. read books
  1. Correct behavior- being quiet
  2. NO there was not a hole in the roof.
  3. NO it was not raining
  4. The wolf was crying because the book was sad.
  5. help animals pick a perfect book, put away books
  6. she made him a card so he could borrow books.
  7. answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary: be quiet, put books away,

Word Puzzle - The Midnight Librarian

Word Bank:  Librarian, Instruments, Yawn, Rain, Assistant, Read, borrow

1. Person who helps find the perfect book   L _ _ r_ _  _ _ _

2.what the squirrels played                            I _ _ t _ _ m_ _ _ _

3.Tortoise was allow to  take book                b _  _ _ o _

4.What  the animals did  in the library           r _ _ d

5.One who helped the librarian                     a _ _ i _ _ _ _

6.when the wolf cried                                      r _ _ _

7, owls did after story & fell asleep               y _ _ n

Answer Key

  1. Librarian
  2. Instruments
  3. Borrow
  4. Read
  5. Assistant
  6. Rain
  7. Yawn

Matching ( terms and definitions) The Midnight Librarian

Copy  this page  ( Make several copies)  and  cut apart. Glue onto cards Have two  or three students work together to match terms.  This can be also done during  time when there are students who are finished with book check out or are not checking out books. Make a easy check by  placing on the back  books!  on the cards that go together.

          Place where all  the  books are

           reads you good books
                Library assistants

            lets you borrow books
                Library behavior

            being quiet and respectful

                Library cards

  take a book home and then bring it back.

      Helps put books away
Answer key on back of
place where all the books are - Library               B
library assistant- helps put books away               o  (1)
library behavior- being quiet and respectful      o ( 2)
Librarian- reads  you good books                            k
library cards- lets you borrow books                       s
borrow -take a book home & bring it back            !

The Midnight Librarian

Sequence  Game  : Students can work in pairs to put the following cards or strips of paper in the right order after listening to the story.  After everyone is done,  you can review as a class or have another pair at the table check work.

Animals  come at night to the library to read
The Tortoise can finish his book.

The Little Librarian reads to the owls as they fall asleep.

Little Librarian & her three owl  assistants help find the perfect book.

The Little librarian asks “Please be quiet in the reading room”

The Little Librarian takes the squirrels to the activity room.

The Little Librarian makes the tortoise a  library card.

It starts to rain inside the library.

The little librarians and her assistants read to the wolf.

Bands of squirrels play music looking for a good song.

Other Books Written and Illustrated  by Kazuno Kohara

Here Comes Jack Frost /Roaring Book Press, 2009

Ghosts in the House/ Roaring Book Press,2012

Little Wizard/Pan Macmillan,, 2011

The Haunted House/ Macmillan Children's Books, 2008

Susan Pierce Couture is a career librarian ,  with experience in both public and school libraries.  Currently , she is a branch manager in a public library system.  You can  connect with her at her blog  : TheOrganizedLibrarian.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Organizing your work! Organizing your office space!

I am a big fan of using three ring binders for organizing papers and materials needed on a day to day basis.  Every years I devised a plan book that goes along with y schedule for the year.. It is put in my main notebook which I use every day/ In this same notebook I keep a variety of papers and other items that I refer to on a daily basis.

    Another note book has records for ILL ( Inter library loans) and magazine/periodical records.  A large note book - which will soon be divided into two notebooks- is the common core standards.  In another note book I have my library curriculum for the different grade levels that I teach. A project I would like to do is put all lessons and worksheets for each grade level into a three ring binder, probably by grade level

    A current  large project is the yearly budget and the work  that goes with it.  This is in another labeled  binder. I keep handy the last years binder  to refer to.

     All my binders are labeled on the spine and of course on the front. I use tab dividers when I need too to keep all papers in the proper subject/ topic area. My binders are next to my work/circulation desk.  They can be pulled out and items found at a moments notice.  This binder system keeps me organized and my desk neat!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Another List! Accomplishment List!

    Here is another trick I use that gives me a great sense of accomplishment during the day and week.
I keep an "Accomplishment List"  This helps me keep track of what I have actually done each day, even if it was not on my to do list.
   At the end of each day ( or during the day) I reflect on what I did get done and what I actually did.  Did I make important phone calls, did I assist a patron? Did I work on a project that was not on my list?   Did I complete a job necessary to the management of the library?

   I write this down in my planning book what I actually did- especially if it was not on my list to cross off.

   At the end of the month, I would look back on the list and the major activities. Then if the library board, or the Director needs to know what I've been doing or what I have accomplished, I can look back and give the needed information.

  This also shows me what tasks and jobs I dedicated my time  and energy to. I can also determine, if I need to focus on specific areas and activities. I can also use this list when I am evaluated  so I can discuss what projects and tasks.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Public Libraries and Customer Service

     School librarians are on a quest to educate students how to use all of the resources in the library, including the newest technology and the latest  materials. While a public library has the same goal, public librarians must also think about customer service. Many patrons do not have the desire or time  for education, they need the information to help them in whatever they are looking for. So we must focus on Customer Service to draw them in and keep them returning.

   How can we help our patrons?   By providing services and showing them the value of our services to them and to the community.
   In the spirit of customer service I am thinking of ways to improve service to my patrons.So this is what I came up with.

   1. What is more important- a perfect library or helping people? - you know the answer to that.

   2.  Should I point a finger to a book or hand a paper with a call number?

   3. Can I walk to the stacks to help find an item?

   4. Can I look up online for a request?

   5. Do I greet each patron with a smile, eye contact or small chit chat?-- Remember we are a part of the community !

  6. Do I return phone calls and answer the phone  courteously and in a timely manor?

  7. Is the activity urgent or important and more important that helping patrons.

  8.  Can I help patrons with copies, computers, book suggestions,  or scanning?

  9. Is the library inviting and does the signage  show where the different sections of the library are located?

  10. Are my volunteers friendly, helpful and love to be at the library?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

New School Year-- keeping organized- Your Desk

  The new school year is upon us. Are you ready??   The desk is the one great place to start whether you are starting a new year or just want to refocus on organizing  and being efficient.  What is on your  desk? 

   There is always the question also  whether your desk is the main circulation desk and your work desk or perhaps you are lucky enough to have an office  and a desk also in there.

    But key in on the place ( desk ) where you spend the most time and do the most work . Do you have the tools that you need there to complete the most pressing tasks.  If you do not , then take the time to consider what you need  and then Get the Supplies You Need  to complete the tasks. Then you will not to jump up , and get the items you need.

  Some ideas on what you might need at your desk to complete your  tasks:

  pencils / pens
  lined paper
  manila folders/ file holder
  zip drive ( for techies)\Is your computer on your desk at all times?)
  daily period schedule ( for school librarians)
  in/out basket ( for mail , announcements, routing)
  post it notes / small paper  
  plan book ( school librarians)]
  daily planner ( public)

   Set up your items on a cleared off space. You will determine which of these items you will use . If you try something and you find you do not need it then eliminate it. The best way to work a systems is to use tools that help you get the job done!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Teachers and Librarains: Using Digital Tools / Media

     Both teachers and librarians should become comfortable using the new technology tools/ Why?? 
Students are more engaged and involved when using technology tools.

     How do you start?  Well I hope you are moving along in your goal for learning at least two tech tools this summer. ( Remember I said -don't stop at just two- when you have mastered two do two more!)

   Hopefully you will have the ability to display screen shots from your computer to a smart or white board in your classroom.  Start each new unit by displaying a variety of internet resources, databases and tools relative to that topic. Show the students how to determine if the information is accurate and reliable.

   Compare search and information from different search engines , websites, and library resources. Discuss differences information and layout and ease of use.

    By doing this you will show students up to date , accurate information . Having engaging tools, and instructing then using the tools will help them acquire the information and  inspire them to become lifelong learners.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wired Wednesday

    Microsoft Photo Story is an free site that lets you create  photo presentations  to save as a video file.  It is easy to use with a step by step tutorial to help you  make your stories/ presentations.
   It is as easy as dragging  the photos/ illustrations that you want in the order that you want them.
There are easy editing tools that allow you to change the size, fix the colors and other ways to fix your photos. 
  You can check the slide show and also put in as many photos as you want.
   You can also make a sound track- have not figured that out yet! But I am guessing it will not be difficult.   The story is saved in WVM format  .
    I can see this being using by teachers to teach many subject areas. I can also see students using this to create their own stories , using either photos or their own illustrations. It will be a great tool to encourage students to write , edit, and produce their own stories!

Microsoft Photo Story 3

Monday, March 11, 2013

Organization in the library

       Libraries are naturally organized- mainly the books and resources. The key to  successful  and seamless library programs / tasks is  the organization of everything else.  If you are organized them you will have more time and get more done.  So lets get started!

      You  may have paper, catalog, files , and you may be  overloaded with these types of items floating around your library and office . Do you have stacks of folders? The best way to attack them is to set aside time each day to go through and decided what to do with all of those files, papers, catalogs,  and items lying around.

     Start with three folders or baskets or bins. Mark each one with : TO DO NOW, TO DO LATER,
TO FILE .  Take some file folders.. Also take a trash/ recycling bin.

     Bring  with you a pen, and sticky notes.  As you look at each item/ paper/ file  decide where it should go. Make an immediate decision. Scan though it .  At this time, you can place a sticky note  for the item to be placed in a specific file,

     If you glance at a catalog and see something you might purchase at a later date, mark it with a sticky note  and file it in a folder marked : Possible Purchase.    I also keep a catalog file( noted in The Organized Librarian  ) of catalogs that I refer to on a yearly basis.

    Put each item in the bin/basket/file  if you intend to keep the item .  If it is not needed put in the trash or recycling bin.  If you take 15 -20 minutes each day, in no time you will have your papers /files in order and your library  more organized and efficient.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Just say No

      When you are asked to do a task / job/ activity from your board or Administration , take a second before saying yes.  Will  accepting that  t task or job, take away time and effort from your mission and goals?  Or does it go along with your objectives?   Will it help further you mission as a librarian Media Specialist?  Does this new activity help you complete your focus of tasks and activities? ( Example- hosting a book fair in the library will help increase your visibility and get students and teachers into the library.)
     If the task is not going to further your goals,  saying no  may be appropriate. One good way  to give yourself time to think about the task and your missions / goals is to say, “Let me think about it” or “I’ll have to get back to you.” .

   Saying No with grace and then decide explanations is  a skill learned  by doing. Try to imagine someone asking you to do an activity that does not advance your goals.( Example: You are asked to direct the school play) Rehearse what you would say-first thing comes to my mine- "I'll have to think about it and get back to you."

   We do not want to offend or discourage, but we want to make known the work we do and why we do it.  Perhaps you can agree to a supporting role (helping without being the person in charge) ," "I will have end of year inventory at that time and will not be really able to give full attention to the play- perhaps I could help with props or scenery ?"

   At any rate, stop and think about your goals . Just say no when it is appropriate  .You do not have to compromise your library for the sake of an activity that takes too much time away from what you really need and want to do,