Showing posts with label librarians as teachers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label librarians as teachers. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Monthly Report- Part 4

  What else can  you include in your Monthly report? Here are some additional suggestions you might want to consider.
  Do you do a newsletter for your teachers- I  did a monthly one- sometimes in print- some online. Attach a hard copy into your monthly report package.
  How about bulletin boards or book displays? Take a quick clear shot and put that into your monthly report. Insert captions with each one.
   How do you announce new books? I send a "New Book list" .  Then I would Print out and attach to  the  monthly report package/
  All of these showcase some of the things you do for the staff and students at your  school.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Monthly Report- Part 3

  So  you are doing a monthly report to submit to your administration- you have circulation records and book stats. So what else should you include?

  Here are a few ideas.

  If on a flex schedule ,you could include : the classes that came to the library for books, the classes that came for a lesson on research skills, the classes that came to use the resources for a project , the classes that came to use the computers.
  I would list the teachers name,  name of lesson I taught  , or type of research they were doing. ( and how many classes for each since middle school teachers had 5 or 6 classes each day.) I would also include if I went into a classroom for a lesson or with the laptop cart, or I assisted a class in the computer lab with research or writing projects.

  One of the other items I always included is  a listing of teachers whom I provided with books for their classrooms or if I curated a list of websites for them to use with students.

 This information  showed that I was working closely with the staff and students to support the learning goals of the school.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Monthly Report- What should I include?

    What are the basics you should include in your Monthly Report?  First and Foremost  , your circulation shows what books and another items( eBooks, audio books, other items you circulate and are in charge of)  went out during the month.
   Another stat to show would be how many students came in during the month to check out books, or even in your classes. This shows how much student contact you have during the month. If you have a sign in ( sheet or log in)  to account for student use.
   Just these two items will show how many students you see each day. In a basic report like this , you could also indicate the number of new books that are received and processed each month.  You could also report funds spent on books and materials.
 See Part 1 of Why should I do a monthly report in my last post.

 If you do a monthly report, what do to include? Leave a comment below - join the conversation! When you follow me or leave a comment you will be entered to receive a copy of "The Organized Librarian"- Drawing to be held at the end of the month.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

AASL Standards- Using them

 How can the new standards be used and implemented?  Yes , I am still excited about the AASL  new standards.  They are not a curriculum, but they will help as you redo or develop lessons to meet your students information needs.
   As you work on your lessons, you can use the standards to guide your ideas about activities that will help students develop the competencies they  need. Also you can use these as part of your own professional  learning. These will also help you as you determine the success of your lessons and programs.
   I can also see using the 4 domains for students to use as a guide as they progress through research projects, For each learning domain m there are 3 o 4 competencies that go along with the completeion of each one.
   The book has so much to offer and I have only reached the first couple of chapters , so I will continue reading and learning, and sharing  items of interest,

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Teaching with Primary Sources

     Primary sources offer direct insight to show case history as it was happening. Original photographs, newspaper articles, journals, diaries, speeches and artifacts give details to the time and place of the event.,
      Lesson: 1. Selecta primary source to share with the class (check out The Library of congress American Memory.
  2. Make copies of the document and also a graphic organizer and distribute them to students
 3.  Provide the historical context of the primary source document. Help student fill in the Organizer. Students can work on their own or in groups of 2 to 3 to do this.
4. Students study the document to help them describe what they observe. They can record observations on their organizer. Have students ask questions about elements of the source that seem important. See if students can determine the purpose f the document.
Other questions to ask: 1) how dependable do you think this source is?
2) Would you recommend this source for others to use.

5. Have students rank the document from 1 to 10. 10 being the most dependable. Have them support reasons for their ranking.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Take the lead Librarians!

   Warren Drake (recipient of the 2017 AASL Distinguished School Administrator Award) wrote a very insightful and encouraging article recognizing the need for librarians and updated library spaces.
    He believes that in the future, students education will need then to be constructing and owning (taking responsibility) of their learning. Students will impart their knowledge, which will be gathered from library sources to create projects and include PBL( Project based learning)  Students connect to the world with resources provided by school libraries.
  According to Mr. Drake (Superintendent of East Baton Rouge Parish ( LA) schools ) , the library is the schools largest classroom. Librarians have a unique position because they interact with each student. He sees librarians as instructional partners with teachers and staff, helping them transform and strengthen education and instruction.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Summer Institute for Librarians

 Wow- what we packed in for a day and half was amazing!  The most fun of course was the 'Maker Spaces Petting Zoo" and  the  Auctions!  
  The Petting Zoo was so cool!  The Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES  was so cool. We got to see in action and try out some really amazing maker space items: 3d printing,  green screens, Ozobots,  little bits, and dash and dot to name a few.  Would really love to do something like this in our library- even though I am really short on space.
 The Scholarship  Auction was fun!  There were great items donated by some major companies( Perma Bound, Kapco, and even some of the Maker Space companies. Then the regular auction  - there were baskets with some wonderful items that groups put together - those brought in the  big bucks. We had fun bidding- tons of laughS as librarians tried to outbid each other. The most popular were the wine baskets, and the Mo Williams baskets.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Summer Institute for school Librarians

   I am so excited to be getting ready for our NYLA /SSL educational leadership institute! It is this week at Cornell University .( Ithaca, NY) The theme this year is Future Ready Librarians: You Lead the Way! 
   The presenters are Shannon McClintock Miller( The library Voice blog@ )who is a library mover and shaker. I am sure she will be very inspirational and a motivator   with some new ideas.
   The other presenter is Jim Belair from Monroe.2-Orleans BOCES and an adjunct professor at University of Buffalo.  I am expecting to get some fantastic ideas from this institute. I will share some of the stuff next week in a follow up post.So check back here and see a post or two ob Future REady Librarians, and some ideas on new programs and issues.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Middle School Lessons- Online Card Catalog

 Lesson for Online Card Catalog- Follett Destiny

 "Searching for a Book"

1) Review of Destiny- finding  library page, and where to find card catalog.
2) Discussion of ways to locate / or search the materials in the library.

Vocabulary: online catalog,author, title, subject, series, call numbers,  genres, keywords

 Resources needed:
   ( Students)Computers with internet access . Destiny worksheet
   ( LMS) whiteboard with internet access

Where the lesson takes place: in the library or computer lab

Student completes worksheet.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Middle School Lessons- Library Orientation

 This is a brief outline of what I will do  when school resumes in September for my library orientation so that students will be familiar with the library.

  Orientation & Map
1) Introduction to library, personnel, policies( circulation)
2) "Tour " of Library- Like Vana  since it is so small
3)  Review of Destiny ( Online Card Catalog- shown on whiteboard)
4) Explain  how to do map, and library and card catalog activity

Vocabulary: overdues, circulation, fiction, non-fiction, biography, reference, dewey decimal system, fiction arrangement, genres.

  REsources :Worksheet- 2part- general  & card catalog activity

  Where do the lessons take place?
 Orientation- Library
Completion of map and general sheet- in library
Completion of Card Catalog activity: library or computer lab

Can you share what you do for your orientation? This will work for  grades 5-8.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Teaching Databases

    When is the best time to teach students how to use databases? Last year I had fixed classes and I taught the databases  in isolation.( when there is not a specific purpose the use)  This year I am teaching the databases in an as needed basis. When the students have a research project or something they need to find out for their content teacher, I work with the class  and determine when to introduce/ review the ease of use of the databases that we have available.

    For example, at the beginning of the year I worked with the FACS teacher ( Home Ec in my day) to  develop  a major unit on researching a possible career. I placed the career resources on the library web page, There was a career survey , and specific sites that she wanted them to use. These were not actually databases but government sites  that we wanted them to use. 

   The language teachers did  research projects . So I showed the student  the Culture Gram database . This database madd their project extremely easy.

    I find that teaching students  databases when the are needed  for a project much more effective  for students  to actually leann about them and then USE them in their search for information.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New School Year Coming Up!

   I'm very excited about this new school year- I will actually be able to be a real librarian at the Middle school.  I will be collaborating with teachers to instruct  and assist students in their  need for informational resources. I want also to encourage  reading for pleasure and recreation.

    I am working on a newsletter to promote the library media centers services to both small and large groups. Also in the newsletter there will be a resource  link column  that will highlight an few interesting  and useful websites  for teachers to use for  subject resources and to use with students to  provide more engaging lessons.

  In the newsletter I will have a listing of some of the newest   titles added to the library's collection. The newsletters will hopefully be  issued monthly to advertises the library and my willingness to collaborate!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


  This site( coffee cups and lesson plans)  is written by a 6th grade teacher. She has tons of terrific ideas which I think could be adapted either up or down a grade or two. I am planning on sharing this site with  my middle school teachers  just because her ideas seem to make learning interesting and fun . If the students are more engaged then they will become more interested and also learn more!

  She has a page of dedicated  to reading and writing topics. This has lots of ideas fir writing  activities. She also suggests books to use for writing prompts. Many of the activities  are for low cost ( teachers pay teachers ) or  Free!  Free is always good.

  There is also a math page  which also has many ideas  for activities ad lessons that will help students learn and remember Math skills.

   There is a Freebies page that lists recent freebies. Also  there is a clip art page  that highlights quality clip-art( mostly free).
Al long the way ( int the reading and writing section there are a few science and social studies activities that give teachers ideas to help them create  and expand their lessons.

All around , check this out  to see the ideas  and activities  on this site. I think you will find something or an idea to use!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Classroom Management-ClassDojo

     I am trying a classroom behavior management program called ClassDojo.  It is an online tool for teachers to track behavior  and work habits.
   The  app can go on your iphone or android and you can  actually add "Points" to students as you teach lessons and they work on activities.  There is also the option to  take away points or give a (-) to those who need more work regarding staying on task, talking out, and  having unacceptable behavior,

     You plug in your students ( I was actually able to do it from School Tool- our  attendance & grading tool for our district.  I am hoping this will work out well- it is up to me to be consistent with it.  Check it out - I will let you know how it works for me.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

New Position!! New challenges!

   Well I am 3 weeks into my new position of Middle School librarian!  It is more focused than the Library Branch Manger and really more of what I am used to be doing- being in school and working with students.  I have 7th grade fixed classes- 5 a day!! Luckily my predecessor left me with a lot of stuff- she went up to the High school so she is my mentor!  The  women  who was at the high school left her with NOthing! ( that is just plain rude I think)
 So that is why I have not posted recently  but now I am finally getting more settled- am learning how to use School Tools which is a biggie.  I am searching for  7th grade lessons and ideas- so please please if you have any please leave comments  below!    I have started off with reviews of the major items. We are calling the class  Information Literacy so I will plug in a lot of tech stuff also. Please if you have ideas or sites to look at let me know!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

FREE Library Lesson!

This lesson will be here FREE for a short time only and then will be for sale on TeacherPayTeachers. Join here at the Organized librarian to be up to date for the next free lesson! Each one I will place for free before I put on TeacherPayTeachers.  

      Library Lessons With The Midnight Librarian

     The Midnight Librarian by Kazuno Kohara (Roaring Book Press, 2014) is a great read aloud for introducing students in Kindergarten and First Grade to the library.   Use it  at the beginning of the year or any time  to review.  

 Read the story  aloud to the students.   Discussion questions can be asked  at the end 0f the story or at occasions where students can use text and illustration cues to answer the questions.

  1. What do the animals do in the library? ( p3-4)
  2. What was the correct behavior in the reading room? (P5-6)
  3. Was there a hole in the roof?
  4. Was it raining in the library?
  5. Why was the wolf crying?
  6. What jobs did the librarian do in the library?
  7. What jobs did the owl assistants do in the library?
  8. How did the little librarian help the tortoise?
  9. How is the library in the book different from our library?
  10. What do you think are some good library manners ?

Answer key:
  1. read books
  1. Correct behavior- being quiet
  2. NO there was not a hole in the roof.
  3. NO it was not raining
  4. The wolf was crying because the book was sad.
  5. help animals pick a perfect book, put away books
  6. she made him a card so he could borrow books.
  7. answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary: be quiet, put books away,

Word Puzzle - The Midnight Librarian

Word Bank:  Librarian, Instruments, Yawn, Rain, Assistant, Read, borrow

1. Person who helps find the perfect book   L _ _ r_ _  _ _ _

2.what the squirrels played                            I _ _ t _ _ m_ _ _ _

3.Tortoise was allow to  take book                b _  _ _ o _

4.What  the animals did  in the library           r _ _ d

5.One who helped the librarian                     a _ _ i _ _ _ _

6.when the wolf cried                                      r _ _ _

7, owls did after story & fell asleep               y _ _ n

Answer Key

  1. Librarian
  2. Instruments
  3. Borrow
  4. Read
  5. Assistant
  6. Rain
  7. Yawn

Matching ( terms and definitions) The Midnight Librarian

Copy  this page  ( Make several copies)  and  cut apart. Glue onto cards Have two  or three students work together to match terms.  This can be also done during  time when there are students who are finished with book check out or are not checking out books. Make a easy check by  placing on the back  books!  on the cards that go together.

          Place where all  the  books are

           reads you good books
                Library assistants

            lets you borrow books
                Library behavior

            being quiet and respectful

                Library cards

  take a book home and then bring it back.

      Helps put books away
Answer key on back of
place where all the books are - Library               B
library assistant- helps put books away               o  (1)
library behavior- being quiet and respectful      o ( 2)
Librarian- reads  you good books                            k
library cards- lets you borrow books                       s
borrow -take a book home & bring it back            !

The Midnight Librarian

Sequence  Game  : Students can work in pairs to put the following cards or strips of paper in the right order after listening to the story.  After everyone is done,  you can review as a class or have another pair at the table check work.

Animals  come at night to the library to read
The Tortoise can finish his book.

The Little Librarian reads to the owls as they fall asleep.

Little Librarian & her three owl  assistants help find the perfect book.

The Little librarian asks “Please be quiet in the reading room”

The Little Librarian takes the squirrels to the activity room.

The Little Librarian makes the tortoise a  library card.

It starts to rain inside the library.

The little librarians and her assistants read to the wolf.

Bands of squirrels play music looking for a good song.

Other Books Written and Illustrated  by Kazuno Kohara

Here Comes Jack Frost /Roaring Book Press, 2009

Ghosts in the House/ Roaring Book Press,2012

Little Wizard/Pan Macmillan,, 2011

The Haunted House/ Macmillan Children's Books, 2008

Susan Pierce Couture is a career librarian ,  with experience in both public and school libraries.  Currently , she is a branch manager in a public library system.  You can  connect with her at her blog  : TheOrganizedLibrarian.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Choosing the Right Resources - Part 2

     The librarian in a school is key to developing instructional units that expose students to all media in different context areas. The goal is to provide students with a variety and wide range of information and types of media,

   So lets not forget that there are exceptional print resources  that many times are overlooked in our digital society.  Students still to  think of Atlases, newspapers, periodicals, textbooks and nonfiction books in their quest for needed information.

  As the librarian , you can introduce theses to students. Provide opportunities for students to uses theses to help o then complete teacher required tasks.  Remember to highlight complex features of these print resources  as their skills in use of these resources increase,( table of contents, index, headings/ subheadings, summaries and abstract's).

  Remind students that print resources provide facts and figures, are easy to use and portable.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Collaboration - Cooperation ( Level 2)

   You  may be past the first level of collaboration  or you may have begun to press on to the next level.  The cooperation level is an extension of the coordination level because of its not having teachers and librarians truly work and plan together.
  On this level , there are informal and short term tasks , activities, and lessons that librarians and teachers work on at the same time. There is no yet an established mission or defined structure.
    In this level of collaboration, librarians and teachers share information about the current project. Each one has his/her own part of the project that they are working on , but they work is done individually. The out come is a cooperative  event and the learning of skills is given by each partner.  Students will see the benefit if this type of learning. They will learn skills that are needed for the project at hand.

  Here is what a level 2 cooperation collaboration might look like:
    A teacher requests that the librarian teach the students certain research skills because    he/she wants the student to do a research project on a certain subject/ topic.  The librarian leads the class to the steps of the research and they do research on their topic along the way of doing the research.
    Then the teacher has them continue their work on the project, possibly bringing the students to the library or computer lab to help them complete  the assignment. The teacher does the final  grading/ assessment of the assignment. The librarian might keep a shelf of resources reserved for the students to use as they complete the project.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wired Wednesday - Techology Tools

       Paige Jaeger is the School Library Coordinator for WSWHE BOCES , NY.. which covers many counties.  This is a huge area!  She  is the author of  which is a great place to learn about the most current issues of school librarians.
      You will find this site that she has hosted to have a wealth of information  and ideas on advocacy for school librarians. 
  Currently  there is an inforgraph that would be helpful for showing all the different tasks and activities that school librarians do on a daily basis.  There are posts on Common Core and Information Literacy. Other posts discuss readability, reading levels, and complexity of text. There are charts and graphs on measuring reading.
      There are blog posts that discuss the need for research as it helps students build and share new knowledge. Also you will find links to Paige's books and articles. Some are direct links to the  actual articles that she has had published in library journals.  
   Check her link to Scoop it- they are very interesting!!   So check out this blog to keep up to date and learn something new!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Beginning Collaboration

   The first steps of collaboration has a few different names, but the names are not as important as the process.  As a school librarian, how do you begin the first steps towards   teachers seeing  the value of working with you?

   First things first: begin wherever you are!  Here are a few easy ideas to help you get more involved with and working with your staff.

   1.  Attend grade level meetings to see what lessons/units are being done. Take notes!

    2. Offer to pull books and materials for teachers on what they need to supplement their lessons and activities.

   3. Help teachers incorporate various websites and technology that would go along with their units and curriculum.

    4. Volunteer to help the classroom teacher. Give some ideas on how you could help them

    5. Give some ideas on using the library resources that would enhance and extend the curriculum and lessons.

    6.Read the curriculum standards and the state standards or the Common Core  adopted by your state. This way you will know what the teacher is covering. 

    7. Order materials that go along with your schools curriculum.

    8. Use face to face meetings and email to keep in touch with  your teachers.

These are just a few ideas to get you noticed by your teachers. Use these to begin working with your staff.