Showing posts with label internet evaluation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet evaluation. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Middle School Lessons- Online Card Catalog

 Lesson for Online Card Catalog- Follett Destiny

 "Searching for a Book"

1) Review of Destiny- finding  library page, and where to find card catalog.
2) Discussion of ways to locate / or search the materials in the library.

Vocabulary: online catalog,author, title, subject, series, call numbers,  genres, keywords

 Resources needed:
   ( Students)Computers with internet access . Destiny worksheet
   ( LMS) whiteboard with internet access

Where the lesson takes place: in the library or computer lab

Student completes worksheet.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Middle School Lessons- Library Orientation

 This is a brief outline of what I will do  when school resumes in September for my library orientation so that students will be familiar with the library.

  Orientation & Map
1) Introduction to library, personnel, policies( circulation)
2) "Tour " of Library- Like Vana  since it is so small
3)  Review of Destiny ( Online Card Catalog- shown on whiteboard)
4) Explain  how to do map, and library and card catalog activity

Vocabulary: overdues, circulation, fiction, non-fiction, biography, reference, dewey decimal system, fiction arrangement, genres.

  REsources :Worksheet- 2part- general  & card catalog activity

  Where do the lessons take place?
 Orientation- Library
Completion of map and general sheet- in library
Completion of Card Catalog activity: library or computer lab

Can you share what you do for your orientation? This will work for  grades 5-8.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Middle school Lessons

 I am trying to devise a online curriculum for my 7th and 8th grade students. So I am searching what others have available as lessons and online tutorials.  So Far, I have found a few that look good and will als match up with my student needs.

  What is needed first is an overview of elementary lessons because when the students get to middle school, they forget what they have learned or they do not remember learning the basics ( like online card cat, arrangement, genres, dewey decimal system, ect.)

  Also I want to focus on internet safety, digital citizenship, and evaluation of websites, and also databases.
The reference process is I will do in collaboration with classroom teachers  when they are doing research/ inquiry. This will also include Easy Bib directions .

  As I search I will look for additions and adapt them to my students, This will go on my google classroom  for student use.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sites for Student Surfing!

Sites for Student Surfing!


By helping students to be more critical in their web searchers try to introduce sites that have great content and are reliable.  Put links to them on your library website ( See    ) This will help students to find facts and information quickly and without a lot of needless surfing,  Explain to them that having these sites will save them a lot of time and error.


Cable in the Classroom: Digital Ethics


This teaches safe, courteous and ethical web behavior. There are also lots of tips and ideas for educators.  See Safety and Security, digital literacy, ethics and community!


Kathy Schrock’s Guide For Educators


 This will keep both you and your teachers busy for a while. There are tabs with links to articles on internet,  and internet search engines. There is a lot to find here   have so fun !

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Choosing the Right Resources Part 4

     The last section I am commenting on is choosing the right internet resources.  Internet resources offer global information containing fact, opinion, reason, and nonsense. The resources on the internet always need to be analyze as to whether the source is reliable and if the information is credible and accurate.  This is a valuable skill for students to learn: verifying of websites, blogs and other web tools.

    Students need early instruction of evaluating internet resources. Simple group discussion of sites are a good beginning . Later  discussion can lead to  more in depth analyzing.  As a student progresses, they will learn more critical analysis of authors, qualifications, and accuracy of data.

    Discussion of use is important .  Information published should be check before use.  Access to a huge volume of data is the benefit to all who need quick information . Internet sites may not be the only  answer  or the right  answer . Students need to be able to recognize this fact.
  Many times students just assume that the facts are accurate. We need to help them see  that the need to be  critical is one skill that will help them to figure out if the site has useful information .