Friday, January 6, 2012

The Organized Librarian- lesson planning

I am in the final stages The Organized Librarian and am going through the editing process. It is amazing to see how much work a librarian is supposed to accomplish, but we do it . We need to focus our work on student reading and learning. This year in my district we are also focusing on student writing so I am trying to incorporate more writing and thinking into my lessons.
This month I am developing a unit on biography for 4th grade and going to try a game so I am thinking about how I can engage students into being more active. I think I will be handing out a series of lists of biography books and then have students develop call numbers for these ( as a table group or groups of two) and then have them work as a table group to put them into Alphabetical order. That's for next week- this week is Atlases- I did one lesson yesterday and then decided to change it just a bit for the next 3 fourth grades. That's what I do- develop and then refine the lessons until I feel they are great for a learning experience with the students.


  1. Can't wait to read your book when it is published!

    One thing that I've done to get kids more active is make a game out of the call numbers. Once we've talked about how they are organized, I give each person at a table a set of call numbers and they have to put themselves in order before any other table. I've also sometimes used a stopwatch and timed each group and had those with the two fastest times compete against each other.


  2. Stacy-Great idea! I have done a similar activity but not as a team challenge or with the timer! I may just do that - sounds like the students would enjoy an ativity like that!
