Showing posts with label public library blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public library blogs. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blogging For libraries- Part 3

   Use your blog to inform patrons about library news, library events and programs, and exciting new books, magazines, and ebooks.

  The reason to use a blog  is that blogs are different because patrons can respond to  your posts and add their insights and opinions.  They can tell you what they think about what they are reading, what they like to read, what they would like to see at the library, and how they use their personal technology to read and obtain information.

  The key to getting responses to your posts is to have engaging , inviting, and inspiring posts that lead to patrons comments and responses. 

  Blogs can be a very good way for both libraries, librarians, and patrons to connect.  A blog can  lead to a great community feeling and more conversations about books, reading, and events.  Libraries can spread the news about everything that goes on. With a blog , there can be great ability to bridge the conversation gap, get to know the [patrons, and showcase all that happens at your library.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blogging for Libraries- Factors

   When you are beginning a library blog, there are a few factors to consider before starting .  Doing this first planning session will make your blogging easier. Your blog will be tighter and more interesting.

   First of all , determine the purpose of your blog.  What is your focus or main reason for writing and promotion   your blog.

  Secondly, decide who will write the posts, and who will monitor and proof read the entries,  It is a great idea to have several staffers who will contribute to the information and post. That way there is not just one person responsible and  burn out will be greatly reduced.

    Determine which blogging platform you will use. Using a free platform will virtually  eliminate the cost of  to the library.

  Also consider the amount of time that the  staffers will need to write their posts. You might want them to have a specific time to work, or possible just use downtime during the slow parts of the workday.  Determine how many posts per week will be published.  It is a great  idea to have posts waiting ('in the wings') and just have someone go in and publish  on the determined day. ( This is what I like to do- have  a bunch all written and I just publish them on a regular day)

   Finally , begin with a list of specific topics, themes, or article ideas. Any of the staff can recommend  ideas to throw in the "post " pile of ideas.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Using a Blog to promote your Library

      A library blog ( which can be attached to your website or as a stand alone) , is a great way to continuously promote your libraries ( school, public, academic) resources , services, and event.Blogs can be used on its own or in addition to an electronic or print newsletter.

   There are many advantages of writing a library blog, First of  all the work may be shared , there can be more than one author.  The content of blogs can be archived and search able.

  The best advantage is that patrons and readers can comment and post about the content. There can be posts on book review, events, displays, and musings. There can be pictures of the library and events, and the staff.   A blog forms a community of interested persons.

    A blog posts the information immediately, so you can advertise something new and important. Blog software is easy to use and most of the time free.( Free is great for all libraries!)
The software  makes it easy to change design and layout to keep readers interested.

  So consider why you may want a library blog, who will help with it ( writing's, photos, pod casts) and how often your blog will have new posts.

   More to follow next week, on other factors to consider on having a library blog.